Commit 119c5c9c by Tianqi Chen Committed by ziheng

[MEMORY] Fix gcc 4.8 compact (#4461)

parent 8a61313e
......@@ -149,7 +149,11 @@ class SimpleObjAllocator :
template<typename ArrayType, typename ElemType>
class ArrayHandler {
using StorageType = typename std::aligned_union<sizeof(ArrayType), ArrayType, ElemType>::type;
using StorageType = typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(ArrayType), alignof(ArrayType)>::type;
// for now only support elements that aligns with array header.
static_assert(alignof(ArrayType) % alignof(ElemType) == 0 &&
sizeof(ArrayType) % alignof(ElemType) == 0,
"element alignment constraint");
template<typename... Args>
static ArrayType* New(SimpleObjAllocator*, size_t num_elems, Args&&... args) {
......@@ -160,15 +164,15 @@ class SimpleObjAllocator :
// In the case of an object pool, an allocator needs to create
// a special chunk memory that hides reference to the allocator
// and call allocator's release function in the deleter.
// NOTE2: Use inplace new to allocate
// This is used to get rid of warning when deleting a virtual
// class with non-virtual destructor.
// We are fine here as we captured the right deleter during construction.
// This is also the right way to get storage type for an object pool.
size_t factor = sizeof(ArrayType) / sizeof(ElemType);
num_elems = (num_elems + factor - 1) / factor;
StorageType* data = new StorageType[num_elems+1];
size_t unit = sizeof(StorageType);
size_t requested_size = num_elems * sizeof(ElemType) + sizeof(ArrayType);
size_t num_storage_slots = (requested_size + unit - 1) / unit;
StorageType* data = new StorageType[num_storage_slots];
new (data) ArrayType(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return reinterpret_cast<ArrayType*>(data);
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