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Cost model optimizer based on simulated annealing

import heapq
import logging
import time

import numpy as np

from ..util import sample_ints
from .model_based_tuner import ModelOptimizer, knob2point, point2knob

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logger = logging.getLogger('autotvm')

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class SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer(ModelOptimizer):
    """parallel simulated annealing optimization algorithm

    task: Task
        The tuning task
    n_iter: int
        The number of iterations of simulated annealing
    temp: float or Array of float
        If is a single float, then use a constant temperature.
        If is an Array, then perform linear cooling from temp[0] to temp[1]
    early_stop: int, optional
        Stop iteration if the optimal set do not change in `early_stop` rounds
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    log_interval: int, optional
        Print log every `log_interval` iterations
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    def __init__(self, task, n_iter=500, temp=(1, 0), persistent=True, parallel_size=128,
                 early_stop=50, log_interval=50):
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
        super(SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer, self).__init__()

        self.task = task
        self.dims = [len(x) for x in self.task.config_space.space_map.values()]

        self.n_iter = n_iter
        self.temp = temp
        self.persistent = persistent
60 61
        self.parallel_size = min(parallel_size, len(self.task.config_space))
        self.early_stop = early_stop or 1e9
        self.log_interval = log_interval
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        self.points = None

    def find_maximums(self, model, num, exclusive):
        tic = time.time()
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        temp, n_iter, early_stop, log_interval = \
                self.temp, self.n_iter, self.early_stop, self.log_interval
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

        if self.persistent and self.points is not None:
            points = self.points
            points = np.array(sample_ints(0, len(self.task.config_space), self.parallel_size))

        scores = model.predict(points)

        # build heap and insert initial points
        heap_items = [(float('-inf'), - 1 - i) for i in range(num)]
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        in_heap = set(exclusive)
        in_heap.update([x[1] for x in heap_items])
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

        for s, p in zip(scores, points):
            if s > heap_items[0][0] and p not in in_heap:
                pop = heapq.heapreplace(heap_items, (s, p))

        k = 0
        k_last_modify = 0

        if isinstance(temp, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
            t = temp[0]
            cool = 1.0 * (temp[0] - temp[1]) / (n_iter + 1)
            t = temp
            cool = 0

        while k < n_iter and k < k_last_modify + early_stop:
            new_points = np.empty_like(points)
            for i, p in enumerate(points):
                new_points[i] = random_walk(p, self.dims)

            new_scores = model.predict(new_points)

            ac_prob = np.exp(np.minimum((new_scores - scores) / (t + 1e-5), 1))
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            ac_index = np.random.random(len(ac_prob)) < ac_prob

            points[ac_index] = new_points[ac_index]
            scores[ac_index] = new_scores[ac_index]

            for s, p in zip(new_scores, new_points):
                if s > heap_items[0][0] and p not in in_heap:
                    pop = heapq.heapreplace(heap_items, (s, p))
                    k_last_modify = k

            k += 1
            t -= cool

            if log_interval and k % log_interval == 0:
                t_str = "%.2f" % t
124 125 126 127 128
                logger.debug("SA iter: %d\tlast_update: %d\tmax-0: %.2f\tmax-1: %.2f\ttemp: %s\t"
                             "elapsed: %.2f",
                             k, k_last_modify, heap_items[0][0],
                             np.max([v for v, _ in heap_items]), t_str,
                             time.time() - tic)
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        heap_items.sort(key=lambda item: -item[0])
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        heap_items = [x for x in heap_items if x[0] >= 0]
        logger.debug("SA iter: %d\tlast_update: %d\telapsed: %.2f",
                     k, k_last_modify, time.time() - tic)
        logger.debug("SA Maximums: %s", heap_items)
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        if self.persistent:
            self.points = points

        return [x[1] for x in heap_items]

def random_walk(p, dims):
    """random walk as local transition

    p: int
        index of the ConfigEntity
    dims: Array of int
        sizes of each dimension

    new_p: int
        new neighborhood index
    # transform to knob form
    old = point2knob(p, dims)
    new = list(old)

    # mutate
    while new == old:
        from_i = np.random.randint(len(old))
        to_v = np.random.randint(dims[from_i])
        new[from_i] = to_v

    # transform to index form
    return knob2point(new, dims)