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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package accel

import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import vta.dpi._
25 26 27
import vta.core._
import vta.util.config._

class TestConfig extends Config(new CoreConfig ++ new PynqConfig)
30 31 32 33 34
/** Compute
  * Bit Slice GEMM:
  * 1. Wait for launch to be asserted
  * 2. Issue 1 read request for 8-bit value at inp1_baddr address (read matrix)
36 37
  * 3. Wait for the value
  * 4. Increment read-address for next value
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
  * 5. Repeat until all inp1 data have been read

  * 6. Issue 1 read request for 8-bit value at inp2_baddr address (read vector)
  * 7. Wait for the value
  * 8. Increment read-address for next value
  * 9. Repeat until all inp2 data have been read

  * 10. Wait for output to be calculated
  * 11. Issue a write request for 8-byte value at out_baddr address
  * 12. Increment write-address for next value to write
  * 13. Check if counter (cntout) is equal to length to asser finish,
       otherwise go to step 11
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
class Compute(implicit config: AccelConfig) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val launch = Input(Bool())
    val finish = Output(Bool())
    val ecnt = Vec(config.nECnt, ValidIO(UInt(config.regBits.W)))
    val vals = Input(Vec(config.nVals, UInt(config.regBits.W)))
    val ptrs = Input(Vec(config.nPtrs, UInt(config.ptrBits.W)))
    val mem = new VTAMemDPIMaster
60 61
  implicit val p: Parameters = new TestConfig
  val sIdle :: sReadAReq :: sReadAData :: sReadADone ::sReadBReq :: sReadBData :: sReadBDone :: sInpDone ::sWait:: sWriteReq :: sWriteData :: sWriteDone :: Nil = Enum(12)
62 63 64 65 66 67
  val state = RegInit(sIdle)
  val shift = io.vals(0)
  val length = io.vals(1)
  val rstAccum = io.vals(2)
  val startDot = io.vals(3)
  val cycles = RegInit(0.U(config.regBits.W))
68 69 70 71 72 73
  val mvc = Module(new MatrixVectorMultiplication)
  val reg1 = Reg(chiselTypeOf(
  val reg2 = Reg(chiselTypeOf(
  val cntwgt = Reg(UInt(config.regBits.W))
  val cntinp = Reg(UInt(config.regBits.W))
  val cntout = Reg(UInt(config.regBits.W))
74 75 76
  val raddr1 = Reg(UInt(config.ptrBits.W))
  val raddr2 = Reg(UInt(config.ptrBits.W))
  val waddr = Reg(UInt(config.ptrBits.W))
  val accum = Module(new Accmulator(size = p(CoreKey).blockOut, accBits = p(CoreKey).accBits))
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

  switch (state) {
    is (sIdle) {
      when (io.launch) {
        state := sReadAReq
    // Read
    is (sReadAReq) {
      state := sReadAData
    is (sReadAData) {
      when (io.mem.rd.valid) {
91 92 93 94 95
        state := sReadADone
    is (sReadADone) {
      when (cntwgt === (length * length) - 1.U) {
        state := sReadBReq
97 98
      } .otherwise {
        state := sReadAReq
99 100 101 102 103 104 105
    is (sReadBReq) {
      state := sReadBData
    is (sReadBData) {
      when (io.mem.rd.valid) {
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
        state := sReadBDone
    is (sReadBDone) {
      when (cntinp === length-1.U) {
        state := sInpDone
      } .otherwise {
        state := sReadBReq
    // Both input is processed
    is (sInpDone) {
      state := sWait
    // Wait for computation
    is (sWait) {
      when ( {
123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
        state := sWriteReq
    // Write
    is (sWriteReq) {
      state := sWriteData
    is (sWriteData) {
131 132 133 134
        state := sWriteDone
    is (sWriteDone) {
      when (cntout === (length - 1.U)) {
135 136
        state := sIdle
      } .otherwise {
        state := sWriteReq
138 139 140 141

  val last = state === sWriteDone && cntout === (length - 1.U)
143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

  // cycle counter
  when (state === sIdle) {
    cycles := 0.U
  } .otherwise {
    cycles := cycles + 1.U

  io.ecnt(0).valid := last
  io.ecnt(0).bits := cycles

  // calculate next address
  when (state === sIdle) {
    raddr1 := io.ptrs(0)
    raddr2 := io.ptrs(1)
    waddr := io.ptrs(2)
  } .elsewhen (state === sReadADone) { // increment input array by 1-byte
    raddr1 := raddr1 + 1.U
  } .elsewhen (state === sReadBDone) { // increment input array by 1-byte
    raddr2 := raddr2 + 1.U
163 164
  } .elsewhen (state === sWriteDone) {
    waddr := waddr + 4.U // writing 4 bytes
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174

  // create request
  io.mem.req.valid := state === sReadAReq | state === sReadBReq | state === sWriteReq
  io.mem.req.opcode := state === sWriteReq
  io.mem.req.len := 0.U // one-word-per-request
  io.mem.req.addr := Mux(state === sReadAReq | state === sReadBReq, Mux(state === sReadAReq, raddr1, raddr2), waddr)

  // read
  when (state === sReadAData && io.mem.rd.valid) {
    reg1(cntwgt/length)(cntwgt%length) := io.mem.rd.bits(7, 0)
176 177 178

  when (state === sReadBData && io.mem.rd.valid) {
    reg2(0)(cntinp) := io.mem.rd.bits(7, 0)
180 181 182

  io.mem.rd.ready := state === sReadAData | state === sReadBData
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 := state === sInpDone // 2 inputs have been processed := state === sInpDone // 2 inputs have been processed <> reg1 <> reg2
  // Modify when shift operation is supported := false.B := true.B
  for (i <- 0 until p(CoreKey).blockOut) { := 0.U

195 196 197 198 := := shift := rstAccum :=
199 200

  // write
201 202
  io.mem.wr.valid := state === sWriteData 
  io.mem.wr.bits :=
203 204 205

  // count read/write
  when (state === sIdle) {
206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
    cntwgt := 0.U
    cntinp := 0.U
    cntout := 0.U
  } .elsewhen (state === sReadADone) {
    cntwgt := cntwgt + 1.U
  } .elsewhen (state === sReadBDone) {
    cntinp := cntinp + 1.U
  } .elsewhen (state === sWriteDone) {
    cntout := cntout + 1.U
215 216

  io.finish := last // data has been added
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// Shift operation until supported in MVM
class Accmulator(size: Int = 16, accBits: Int = 32) extends Module {
221 222 223 224
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val clear = Input(Bool())
    val valid = Input(Bool())
    val ready = Output(Bool())
225 226 227
    val in = Input(Vec(1, Vec(size, (UInt(accBits.W)))))
    val shift = Input(UInt(8.W))
    val sum = Output(Vec(size, (UInt(accBits.W))))
    val reg = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(size)(0.U(accBits.W))))

231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
    for (i <- 0 until size) {
      when (io.clear) {
        reg(i) := 0.U
      } .elsewhen(io.valid) {
        reg(i) := reg(i) + ( << io.shift)
    io.ready := RegNext(io.valid)
    io.sum := reg
240 241