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Deploy the Pretrained Model on Raspberry Pi
**Author**: `Ziheng Jiang <>`_

This is an example of using NNVM to compile a ResNet model and deploy
it on raspberry pi.

To begin with, we import nnvm(for compilation) and TVM(for deployment).
import tvm
import nnvm.compiler
import nnvm.testing
from tvm.contrib import util, rpc
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime as runtime

# Build TVM Runtime on Device
# ---------------------------
# There're some prerequisites: we need build tvm runtime and set up
# a RPC server on remote device.
# To get started, clone tvm repo from github. It is important to clone
# the submodules along, with --recursive option (Assuming you are in
# your home directory):
#   .. code-block:: bash
#     git clone --recursive
# .. note::
#   Usually device has limited resources and we only need to build
#   runtime. The idea is we will use TVM compiler on the local server
#   to compile and upload the compiled program to the device and run
#   the device function remotely.
#   .. code-block:: bash
#     make runtime
# After success of buildind runtime, we need set environment varibles
# in :code:`~/.bashrc` file of yourself account or :code:`/etc/profile`
# of system enviroment variables. Assuming your TVM directory is in
# :code:`~/tvm` and set environment variables below your account.
#   .. code-block:: bash
#    vi ~/.bashrc
# We need edit :code:`~/.bashrc` using :code:`vi ~/.bashrc` and add
# lines below (Assuming your TVM directory is in :code:`~/tvm`):
#   .. code-block:: bash
#    export TVM_HOME=~/tvm
#    export PATH=$PATH:$TVM_HOME/lib
# To enable updated :code:`~/.bashrc`, execute :code:`source ~/.bashrc`.

# Set Up RPC Server on Device
# ---------------------------
# To set up a TVM RPC server on the Raspberry Pi (our remote device),
# we have prepared a one-line script so you only need to run this
# command after following the installation guide to install TVM on
# your device:
#   .. code-block:: bash
#     python -m tvm.exec.rpc_server --host --port=9090
# After executing command above, if you see these lines below, it's
# successful to start RPC server on your device.
#    .. code-block:: bash
#      Loading runtime library /home/YOURNAME/code/tvm/lib/ exec only
#      INFO:root:RPCServer: bind to
83 84

85 86 87 88
# For demonstration, we simply start an RPC server on the same machine,
# if :code:`use_rasp` is False. If you have set up the remote
# environment, please change the three lines below: change the
89 90
# :code:`use_rasp` to True, also change the :code:`host` and :code:`port`
# with your device's host address and port number.
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

use_rasp = False
host = 'rasp0'
port = 9090

if not use_rasp:
    # run server locally
    host = 'localhost'
    port = 9091
    server = rpc.Server(host=host, port=port, use_popen=True)
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# Prepare the Pretrained Model
# ----------------------------
# Back to the host machine, firstly, we need to download a MXNet Gluon
# ResNet model from model zoo, which is pretrained on ImageNet. You
# can found more details about this part at `Compile MXNet Models`

from import get_model
from mxnet.gluon.utils import download
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

# only one line to get the model
block = get_model('resnet18_v1', pretrained=True)

# In order to test our model, here we download an image of cat and
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# transform its format.
img_name = 'cat.jpg'
download('', img_name)
image =, 224))

def transform_image(image):
    image = np.array(image) - np.array([123., 117., 104.])
    image /= np.array([58.395, 57.12, 57.375])
    image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    image = image[np.newaxis, :]
    return image

x = transform_image(image)

# synset is used to transform the label from number of ImageNet class to
# the word human can understand.
synset_url = ''.join(['',
synset_name = 'synset.txt'
download(synset_url, synset_name)
with open(synset_name) as f:
    synset = eval(

# Now we would like to port the Gluon model to a portable computational graph.
# It's as easy as several lines.

# We support MXNet static graph(symbol) and HybridBlock in mxnet.gluon
net, params = nnvm.frontend.from_mxnet(block)
# we want a probability so add a softmax operator
net = nnvm.sym.softmax(net)

# Here are some basic data workload configurations.
batch_size = 1
num_classes = 1000
image_shape = (3, 224, 224)
data_shape = (batch_size,) + image_shape
out_shape = (batch_size, num_classes)

# Compile The Graph
# -----------------
# To compile the graph, we call the :any:`` function
# with the graph configuration and parameters. However, You cannot to
# deploy a x86 program on a device with ARM instruction set. It means
# NNVM also needs to know the compilation option of target device,
# apart from arguments :code:`net` and :code:`params` to specify the
# deep learning workload. Actually, the option matters, different option
# will lead to very different performance.

# If we run the example locally for demonstration, we can simply set
# it as :code:`llvm`. If to run it on the Raspberry Pi, you need to
# specify its instruction set. Here is the option I use for my Raspberry
# Pi, which has been proved as a good compilation configuration.

if use_rasp:
    target =
    target ='llvm')

185 186
graph, lib, params =
    net, target, shape={"data": data_shape}, params=params)
187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232

# After ``, you will get three return values: graph,
# library and the new parameter, since we do some optimization that will
# change the parameters but keep the result of model as the same.

# Save the library at local temporary directory.
tmp = util.tempdir()
lib_fname = tmp.relpath('net.o')

# Deploy the Model Remotely by RPC
# --------------------------------
# With RPC, you can deploy the model remotely from your host machine
# to the remote device.

# connect the server
remote = rpc.connect(host, port)

# upload the library to remote device and load it
rlib = remote.load_module('net.o')

ctx = remote.cpu(0)
# upload the parameter
rparams = {k: tvm.nd.array(v, ctx) for k, v in params.items()}

# create the remote runtime module
module = runtime.create(graph, rlib, ctx)
# set parameter
# set input data
module.set_input('data', tvm.nd.array(x.astype('float32')))
# run
# get output
out = module.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(out_shape, ctx=ctx))
# get top1 result
top1 = np.argmax(out.asnumpy())
print('TVM prediction top-1: {}'.format(synset[top1]))

if not use_rasp:
    # terminate the local server