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# pylint: disable=unused-argument
Net of the generator of DCGAN

Adopted from:

Radford, Alec, Luke Metz, and Soumith Chintala.
"Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks."
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06434 (2015).
from tvm import relay
from . import layers
from .init import create_workload

def deconv2d(data, ishape, oshape, kshape, name, stride=(2, 2)):
    """a deconv layer that enlarges the feature map"""
    target_shape = (oshape[-2], oshape[-1])

    pad_y = (kshape[0] - 1) // 2
    pad_x = (kshape[1] - 1) // 2
    adj_y = (target_shape[0] + 2 * pad_y - kshape[0]) % stride[0]
    adj_x = (target_shape[1] + 2 * pad_x - kshape[1]) % stride[1]

    net = layers.conv2d_transpose(data,
                                  padding=(pad_y, pad_x),
                                  output_padding=(adj_y, adj_x),
    return net

def deconv2d_bn_relu(data, prefix, **kwargs):
    """a block of deconv + batch norm + relu"""
    eps = 1e-5 + 1e-12
    net = deconv2d(data, name="%s_deconv" % prefix, **kwargs)
    net = layers.batch_norm_infer(net, epsilon=eps, name="%s_batch_norm" % prefix)
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    net = relay.nn.relu(net)
    return net

def get_net(batch_size, random_len=100, oshape=(3, 64, 64), ngf=128, code=None, dtype="float32"):
    """get net of dcgan generator"""
    assert oshape[-1] == 64, "Only support 64x64 image"
    assert oshape[-2] == 64, "Only support 64x64 image"

    code = relay.var("data", dtype=dtype, shape=(batch_size, random_len)) if code is None else code
    dense_weight = relay.var("dense_weight")
    dense = relay.nn.dense(code, weight=dense_weight, units=4*4*ngf*8)
    relu = relay.nn.relu(dense)
    # 4 x 4
    reshape = relay.reshape(relu, newshape=(-1, ngf * 8, 4, 4))
    # 8 x 8
    dc8 = deconv2d_bn_relu(
        reshape, ishape=(ngf * 8, 4, 4), oshape=(ngf * 4, 8, 8), kshape=(4, 4), prefix="g2")
    # 16x16
    dc16 = deconv2d_bn_relu(
        dc8, ishape=(ngf * 4, 8, 8), oshape=(ngf * 2, 16, 16), kshape=(4, 4), prefix="g3")
    # 32x32
    dc32 = deconv2d_bn_relu(
        dc16, ishape=(ngf * 2, 16, 16), oshape=(ngf, 32, 32), kshape=(4, 4), prefix="g4")
    # 64x64
    dc64 = deconv2d(
        dc32, ishape=(ngf, 32, 32), oshape=oshape[-3:], kshape=(4, 4), name="g5_deconv")
    tanh = relay.tanh(dc64)

    args = relay.ir_pass.free_vars(tanh)
    return relay.Function(args, tanh)

def get_workload(batch_size, oshape=(3, 64, 64), ngf=128, random_len=100, dtype="float32"):
    """Get benchmark workload for a DCGAN generator

    batch_size : int
        The batch size used in the model
    oshape : tuple, optional
        The shape of output image, layout="CHW"
    ngf: int, optional
        The number of final feature maps in the generator
    random_len : int, optional
        The length of random input
    dtype : str, optional
        The data type

    net : nnvm.symbol
        The computational graph
    params : dict of str to NDArray
        The parameters.
    net = get_net(batch_size, random_len, oshape=oshape, ngf=ngf, dtype=dtype)
    return create_workload(net)