hash.cc 9.08 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
 * \file src/tvm/relay/ir/hash.cc
 * \brief Hash functions for Relay types and expressions.
#include <tvm/ir_pass.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/ndarray.h>
#include <tvm/relay/pass.h>
#include <tvm/attrs.h>
#include "type_functor.h"
#include "../../lang/attr_functor.h"

namespace tvm {
namespace relay {

// Hash handler for Relay.
class RelayHashHandler:
      public AttrsHashHandler,
      public TypeFunctor<size_t(const Type&)>,
      public ExprFunctor<size_t(const Expr&)> {
  explicit RelayHashHandler() {}

   * Compute hash of a node.
   * \param ref The node to hash.
   * \return the hash value.
  size_t Hash(const NodeRef& ref) {
    if (!ref.defined()) return ref.hash();

    if (ref->derived_from<TypeNode>()) {
      return TypeHash(Downcast<Type>(ref));
    if (ref->derived_from<ExprNode>()) {
      return ExprHash(Downcast<Expr>(ref));
    return AttrHash(ref);

   * Compute hash of the attributes.
   * \param ref The attributes.
   * \return the hash value
  size_t AttrHash(const NodeRef& ref) {
    if (!ref.defined()) { return ref.hash(); }
    return AttrsHashHandler::Hash(ref);
   * Compute hash of a Relay type.
   * \param ref The type to hash.
   * \param rhs The right hand operand.
   * \return the hash value.
  size_t TypeHash(const Type& type) {
    if (!type.defined()) { return type.hash(); }
    auto found = hash_map_.find(type);
    if (found != hash_map_.end()) {
      return found->second;
    } else {
      auto hash = this->VisitType(type);
      hash_map_.insert({type, hash});
      return hash;
   * Compute the hash of an expression.
   * \note We run graph structural equality checking when comparing two Exprs.
   *   This means that AlphaEqualHandler can only be used once for each pair.
   *   The equality checker checks data-flow equvalence of the Expr DAG.
   *   This function also runs faster as it memomizes equal_map.
   * \param expr The expression to hash.
   * \return the hash value.
  size_t ExprHash(const Expr& expr) {
    if (!expr.defined()) return expr.hash();
    auto found = hash_map_.find(expr);
    if (found != hash_map_.end()) {
      return found->second;
    } else {
      auto hash = this->VisitExpr(expr);
      hash_map_.insert({expr, hash});
      return hash;

   * \brief Hash a DataType.
   * \param dtype The dtype to hash.
   * \return the hash value.
  size_t DataTypeHash(const DataType& dtype) {
    return ::tvm::AttrsHash()(dtype);

  using AttrsHashHandler::VisitAttr_;
  size_t VisitAttr_(const Variable* var) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(Variable::_type_key);
104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
    auto it = hash_map_.find(GetRef<VarExpr>(var));
    if (it != hash_map_.end()) {
      return it->second;
    return Combine(hash, std::hash<std::string>()(var->name_hint));

  // Type hashing
  size_t VisitType_(const TensorTypeNode* tensor_type) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(TensorTypeNode::_type_key);
114 115 116 117 118 119
    hash = Combine(hash, DataTypeHash(tensor_type->dtype));
    hash = Combine(hash, Hash(tensor_type->shape));
    return hash;

  size_t VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode* incomplete) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(IncompleteTypeNode::_type_key);
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
    return Combine(hash, std::hash<int>()(incomplete->kind));

  size_t VisitType_(const TypeVarNode* tyvar) final {
      TypeVar/Var/Variable have two locations where they are hashed:

        The declaration site of a function, let, or function type.
        The first occurence in the term.

      We will only reach this code if the TypeVar itself is unbound, we assign
      a free variable index to it, meaning this hashing function implements
      structural equality for both open (i.e graph equality) and closed terms
      (i.e alpha_equality).
    return BindVar(GetRef<TypeVar>(tyvar));

  size_t VisitType_(const FuncTypeNode* func_type) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(FuncTypeNode::_type_key);
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

    for (auto type_param : func_type->type_params) {
      hash = Combine(hash, BindVar(type_param));

    for (auto arg : func_type->arg_types) {
      hash = Combine(hash, TypeHash(arg));

    hash = Combine(hash, TypeHash(func_type->ret_type));
    for (auto cs : func_type->type_constraints) {
      hash = Combine(hash, TypeHash(cs));

    return hash;

  size_t VisitType_(const TypeRelationNode* type_rel) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(TypeRelationNode::_type_key);
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
    hash = Combine(hash, std::hash<std::string>()(type_rel->func->name));
    hash = Combine(hash, AttrHash(type_rel->attrs));

    for (auto arg : type_rel->args) {
      hash = Combine(hash, TypeHash(arg));

    return hash;

  size_t VisitType_(const TupleTypeNode* tuple_type) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(TupleTypeNode::_type_key);
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple_type->fields.size(); i++) {
      hash = Combine(hash, TypeHash(tuple_type->fields[i]));
    return hash;

  // Expr hashing.
  size_t NDArrayHash(const runtime::NDArray& array) {
    size_t hash = std::hash<uint8_t>()(array->dtype.code);
    hash = Combine(hash, std::hash<uint8_t>()(array->dtype.bits));
    hash = Combine(hash, std::hash<uint16_t>()(array->dtype.lanes));
    CHECK_EQ(array->ctx.device_type, kDLCPU) << "can only compare CPU tensor";
    size_t data_size = runtime::GetDataSize(*array.operator->());
    uint8_t * data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(array->data);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
      hash = Combine(hash, std::hash<uint8_t>()(data[i]));
    return hash;

  size_t BindVar(const NodeRef& var) {
    size_t hash = std::hash<int>()(var_counter++);
    CHECK_EQ(hash_map_.count(var), 0);
    hash_map_[var] = hash;

    const auto* ty_param = var.as<TypeVarNode>();
    if (ty_param && ty_param->kind == TypeVarNode::Kind::kShapeVar) {
      hash_map_[ty_param->var] = hash;
    return hash;

  size_t VisitExpr_(const VarNode* var) final {
205 206
    // hash free variable
    size_t name_hash = std::hash<const Node*>()(var->vid.get());
207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
    return Combine(name_hash, TypeHash(var->type_annotation));

  size_t VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* global) final {
    return std::hash<std::string>()(global->name_hint);

  size_t VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* tuple) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(TupleNode::_type_key);
216 217 218 219 220 221 222
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple->fields.size(); i++) {
      hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(tuple->fields[i]));
    return hash;

  size_t VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* func) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(FunctionNode::_type_key);
224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
    for (auto type_param : func->type_params) {
      hash = Combine(hash, BindVar(type_param));

    for (auto param : func->params) {
      hash = Combine(hash, BindVar(param));

    hash = Combine(hash, TypeHash(func->ret_type));
    hash =  Combine(hash, ExprHash(func->body));

    return hash;

  size_t VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(CallNode::_type_key);
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251
    hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(call->op));

    for (auto arg : call->args) {
      hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(arg));

    hash = Combine(hash, AttrHash(call->attrs));

    return hash;

  size_t VisitExpr_(const LetNode* let) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(LetNode::_type_key);
253 254 255 256 257 258 259
    hash = Combine(hash, BindVar(let->var));
    hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(let->value));
    hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(let->body));
    return hash;

  size_t VisitExpr_(const IfNode* ite) final {
260 261
    size_t key = std::hash<std::string>()(IfNode::_type_key);
    size_t hash = key;
262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276
    hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(ite->cond));
    hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(ite->true_branch));
    hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(ite->false_branch));
    return hash;

  size_t VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op) final {
    return GetRef<Op>(op).hash();

  size_t VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* rconst) final {
    return NDArrayHash(rconst->data);

  size_t VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* get_item) final {
    size_t hash = std::hash<std::string>()(TupleGetItemNode::_type_key);
278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
    hash = Combine(hash, ExprHash(get_item->tuple));
    hash = Combine(hash, std::hash<int>()(get_item->index));
    return hash;

  // renaming of NodeRef to indicate two nodes equals to each other
  std::unordered_map<NodeRef, size_t, NodeHash, NodeEqual> hash_map_;
  int var_counter = 0;

size_t StructuralHash::operator()(const Type& type) const {
290 291 292
  return RelayHashHandler().TypeHash(type);

size_t StructuralHash::operator()(const Expr& expr) const {
294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308
  return RelayHashHandler().ExprHash(expr);

.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) {
    *ret = static_cast<int64_t>(RelayHashHandler().Hash(args[0]));

.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) {
    *ret = static_cast<int64_t>(RelayHashHandler().TypeHash(args[0]));

}  // namespace relay
}  // namespace tvm