ndarray.go 11.8 KB
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 * \brief gotvm package source for TVMArray aka DLTensor
 * \file ndarray.go

package gotvm

//#include "gotvm.h"
import "C"

import (

// Array type in golang hold pointer for the TVMArray object from dlpack.
// Array initialization happen through Empty api
type Array uintptr

// nativeCPtr returns type freed uintptr for the Array.
func (parray Array) nativeCPtr() (retVal uintptr) {
    retVal = (uintptr)(parray)

func (parray Array) nativeCopyFrom(data unsafe.Pointer, datalen int) (err error) {
    ret := C.TVMArrayCopyFromBytes((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray.nativeCPtr())),
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
    if ret != 0 {
        err = errors.New(getTVMLastError())

// CopyFrom copies given golang data slice into Array.
// `val` is interface homding a slice of Array data type.
// returns err is any.
// TOD: Use reflections for better handling
func (parray Array) CopyFrom(val interface{}) (err error) {
    var data unsafe.Pointer
    var datalen int
    dtype := ((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray))).dtype
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    switch val.(type) {
        case []int8:
            sliceVal := val.([]int8)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
        case []int16:
            sliceVal := val.([]int16)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
        case []int32:
            sliceVal := val.([]int32)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
        case []int64:
            sliceVal := val.([]int64)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
        case []uint8:
            sliceVal := val.([]uint8)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
         case []uint16:
            sliceVal := val.([]uint16)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
        case []uint32:
            sliceVal := val.([]uint32)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
        case []uint64:
            sliceVal := val.([]uint64)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
        case []float32:
            sliceVal := val.([]float32)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
        case []float64:
            sliceVal := val.([]float64)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            return parray.nativeCopyFrom(data, datalen)
Siva committed
            err = fmt.Errorf("Given type not supported : %v", reflect.TypeOf(val))
123 124 125 126 127 128

func (parray Array) nativeCopyTo (data unsafe.Pointer, datalen int) (err error){
    ret := C.TVMArrayCopyToBytes((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray.nativeCPtr())),
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151

    if ret != 0 {
        err = errors.New(getTVMLastError())

// AsSlice returns the unitptr of for the data inside Array.
// returns the slice of array inside Array and err of any.
// TOD: Use reflections for better handling
func (parray Array) AsSlice() (retVal interface{}, err error) {
    shape := parray.GetShape()
    size := int64(1)
    var data unsafe.Pointer
    var datalen int

    for ii := range shape {
        size *= shape[ii]
    dtype := ((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray))).dtype
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215

    switch parray.GetDType() {
        case "int8":
            sliceVal := make([]int8, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "int16":
            sliceVal := make([]int16, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "int32":
            sliceVal := make([]int32, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "int64":
            sliceVal := make([]int64, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "uint8":
            sliceVal := make([]uint8, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "uint16":
            sliceVal := make([]uint16, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "uint32":
            sliceVal := make([]uint32, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "uint64":
            sliceVal := make([]uint64, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "float32":
            sliceVal := make([]float32, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
        case "float64":
            sliceVal := make([]float64, size)
            data = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceVal[0])
            datalen = len(sliceVal) * int(dtype.bits / 8)
            err = parray.nativeCopyTo(data, datalen)
            retVal = sliceVal
Siva committed
            err = fmt.Errorf("Given type not supported : %v", parray.GetDType())
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// GetNdim returns the number of dimentions in Array
func (parray Array) GetNdim() (retVal int32) {
    retVal = int32(((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray))).ndim)
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// GetShape returns the number of dimentions in Array
func (parray Array) GetShape() (retVal []int64) {
    shapePtr := (*C.int64_t)(((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray))).shape)
231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
    ndim := parray.GetNdim()

    shapeSlice := (*[1<<31] int64)(unsafe.Pointer(shapePtr))[:ndim:ndim]
    retVal = make([]int64, ndim)
    copy(retVal, shapeSlice)

// GetDType returns the number of dimentions in Array
func (parray Array) GetDType() (retVal string) {
    ret := ((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray))).dtype
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    retVal, _ = dtypeFromTVMType(*(*pTVMType)(unsafe.Pointer(&ret)))

// GetCtx returns the number of dimentions in Array
func (parray Array) GetCtx() (retVal Context) {
    ret := ((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray))).ctx
249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268
    retVal = *(*Context)(unsafe.Pointer(&ret))

// nativeTVMArrayAlloc is used to allocate TVMArray from given attributes.
// `shape` is int64 slice holding shape of the Array to be created.
// `ndim` is the rank of the Array to be created.
// `dtypeCode`, `dtypeBits` and `dtypeLanes` describe the data type in Array.
// `deviceType` indicates the device on whose memory the Array to allocated.
// `deviceID` indicates device index if multiple devices of same type present.
// return argument holding native pointer to newly created Array and error is any.
func nativeTVMArrayAlloc(shape []int64, ndim int32,
                   dtypeCode int32, dtypeBits int32, dtypeLanes int32,
                   deviceType int32, deviceID int32) (retVal uintptr, err error) {
    ret := (int32)(C.TVMArrayAlloc((*C.long)(&(shape[0])),
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    if ret != 0 {
        err = errors.New(getTVMLastError())

// Empty is used to allocate TVM empty array of given epecification.
// `shape` is int64 slice holding shape of the Array
// `args` is variadic args for
//        `args[0]` is string for data type. Default value is 'float32'
//        `args[1]` is Context. Default value is '{KDLCPU, 0}'
// returns pointer to Array on successful execution and error if any.
func Empty(shape []int64, args ...interface{}) (parray *Array, err error) {
    typeName := "float32"
    ctx := Context{KDLCPU, 0}

    if len(shape) < 1 {
Siva committed
        err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid shape for Array creation: %v", len(shape))
301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310

    for i, val := range args {
        switch val.(type) {
            case string:
                typeName = args[i].(string)
            case Context:
                ctx = args[i].(Context)
Siva committed
                err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid Optional Argument Type: %T", val)
312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344

    tvmType, err := dtypeToTVMType(typeName)
    if err != nil {
    ndim := int32(len(shape))
    newArray, err := nativeTVMArrayAlloc(shape, ndim, int32(tvmType.code),
                                    int32(tvmType.bits), int32(tvmType.lanes),
                                    ctx.DeviceType, ctx.DeviceID)
    if err != nil {
    handle := new(Array)
    *handle = Array(newArray)

    finalizer := func (ahandle *Array) {
        ahandle = nil
    runtime.SetFinalizer(handle, finalizer)
    parray = handle

// nativeTVMArrayFree is used to release the Array.
// `parray` is the Array handle.
// `ret` indicates the status of this api execution.
func nativeTVMArrayFree(parray Array) (retVal int32) {
    retVal = (int32)(C.TVMArrayFree((*C.DLTensor)(unsafe.Pointer(parray.nativeCPtr()))))
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