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"""MXNet model zoo for testing purposes."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from . import mlp, vgg, resnet, dqn, inception_v3, squeezenet, dcgan
import tvm.relay.testing

# mlp
def mx_mlp():
    num_class = 10
    return mlp.get_symbol(num_class)

def relay_mlp():
    num_class = 10
    return tvm.relay.testing.mlp.get_workload(1, num_class)[0]

# vgg
def mx_vgg(num_layers):
    num_class = 1000
    return vgg.get_symbol(num_class, num_layers)

def relay_vgg(num_layers):
    num_class = 1000
    return tvm.relay.testing.vgg.get_workload(
        1, num_class, num_layers=num_layers)[0]

# resnet
def mx_resnet(num_layers):
    num_class = 1000
    return resnet.get_symbol(num_class, num_layers, '3,224,224')

def relay_resnet(num_layers):
    num_class = 1000
    return tvm.relay.testing.resnet.get_workload(
        1, num_class, num_layers=num_layers)[0]

# dqn
mx_dqn = dqn.get_symbol

def relay_dqn():
    return tvm.relay.testing.dqn.get_workload(1)[0]

# squeezenet
def mx_squeezenet(version):
    return squeezenet.get_symbol(version=version)

def relay_squeezenet(version):
    return tvm.relay.testing.squeezenet.get_workload(1, version=version)[0]

# inception
mx_inception_v3 = inception_v3.get_symbol

def relay_inception_v3():
    return tvm.relay.testing.inception_v3.get_workload(1)[0]

# dcgan generator
mx_dcgan = dcgan.get_symbol

def relay_dcgan(batch_size):
    return tvm.relay.testing.dcgan.get_workload(batch_size=batch_size)[0]