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#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import csv
import logging
from os import path as osp
import sys

import numpy as np

import mxnet as mx
from import get_model
from mxnet.gluon.utils import download

import tvm
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime, cc
import nnvm

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Resnet build example')
aa = parser.add_argument
aa('--batch-size', type=int, default=1, help='input image batch size')
aa('--opt-level', type=int, default=3,
   help='level of optimization. 0 is unoptimized and 3 is the highest level')
aa('--target', type=str, default='llvm', help='target context for compilation')
aa('--image-shape', type=str, default='3,224,224', help='input image dimensions')
aa('--image-name', type=str, default='cat.png', help='name of input image to download')
args = parser.parse_args()

target_dir = osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)))
batch_size = args.batch_size
opt_level = args.opt_level
target =
image_shape = tuple(map(int, args.image_shape.split(",")))
data_shape = (batch_size,) + image_shape

def build(target_dir):
    """ Compiles resnet18 with TVM"""
    deploy_lib = osp.join(target_dir, 'deploy_lib.o')
    if osp.exists(deploy_lib):
    # download the pretrained resnet18 trained on imagenet1k dataset for
    # image classification task
    block = get_model('resnet18_v1', pretrained=True)

    sym, params = nnvm.frontend.from_mxnet(block)
    # add the softmax layer for prediction
    net = nnvm.sym.softmax(sym)
    # compile the model
    with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=opt_level):
        graph, lib, params =
            net, target, shape={"data": data_shape}, params=params)
    # save the model artifacts
    cc.create_shared(osp.join(target_dir, ""),
                    [osp.join(target_dir, "deploy_lib.o")])

    with open(osp.join(target_dir, "deploy_graph.json"), "w") as fo:

    with open(osp.join(target_dir,"deploy_param.params"), "wb") as fo:

def download_img_labels():
    """ Download an image and imagenet1k class labels for test"""
    img_name = 'cat.png'
    synset_url = ''.join(['',
    synset_name = 'synset.txt'
    download('', img_name)
    download(synset_url, synset_name)

    with open(synset_name) as fin:
        synset = eval(

    with open("synset.csv", "w") as fout:
        w = csv.writer(fout)

def test_build(target_dir):
    """ Sanity check with random input"""
    graph = open(osp.join(target_dir, "deploy_graph.json")).read()
    lib = tvm.module.load(osp.join(target_dir, ""))
    params = bytearray(open(osp.join(target_dir,"deploy_param.params"), "rb").read())
    input_data = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=data_shape).astype("float32"))
    ctx = tvm.cpu()
    module = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
    out = module.get_output(0).asnumpy()

if __name__ == '__main__':"building the model")
    build(target_dir)"build was successful")"test the build artifacts")
    test_build(target_dir)"test was successful")
    download_img_labels()"image and synset downloads are successful")