gemm_common.h 6.36 KB
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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
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12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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20 21 22 23
 * \file tvm/contrib/gemm.h
 * \brief Shared implementation of gemm
24 25 26
#pragma once

#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/data_type.h>
28 29 30 31 32 33
#include <algorithm>

namespace tvm {
namespace contrib {

using namespace runtime;
inline int ColumnStride(DLTensor *tensor) {
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
  // If the tensor itself is transposed then it will have strides
  // backward from what we expect.  Regardless, the max of the strides
  // (the other stride is 1) is the column stride.
  if (tensor->strides) {
    return std::max(tensor->strides[0], tensor->strides[1]);
  } else {
    return tensor->shape[1];

inline int ElementStride(DLTensor *tensor) {
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
  if (tensor->strides) {
    return std::min(tensor->strides[0], tensor->strides[1]);
  } else {
    return 1;

// Reversed strides indicates an in-place transpose operation.
inline bool IsInPlaceTransposed(DLTensor *tensor) {
55 56 57
  return tensor->strides && (tensor->strides[1] > tensor->strides[0]);

inline int RowCount(DLTensor *tensor, bool trans) {
59 60 61
  return tensor->shape[trans ? 1 : 0];

inline int ColumnCount(DLTensor *tensor, bool trans) {
63 64 65 66 67
  return tensor->shape[trans ? 0 : 1];

// Call a column major blas.  Note that data is stored in tvm as row
// major, so this we switch the arguments.
template <typename TGemmOp>
inline void CallGemm(TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret, TGemmOp op) {
70 71 72
  DLTensor *A = args[0];
  DLTensor *B = args[1];
  DLTensor *C = args[2];
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
  bool transa = args[3];
  bool transb = args[4];
  int bit_depth = sizeof(typename TGemmOp::TDatatype) * 8;
  CHECK_EQ(A->ndim, 2);
  CHECK_EQ(B->ndim, 2);
  CHECK_EQ(C->ndim, 2);

  CHECK_EQ(ElementStride(A), 1);
  CHECK_EQ(ElementStride(B), 1);
  CHECK_EQ(ElementStride(C), 1);

  // C can never be transposed.

  // Reversed strides indicates an in-place transpose operation.
  transa = IsInPlaceTransposed(A) ? !transa : transa;
  transb = IsInPlaceTransposed(B) ? !transb : transb;

  CHECK(TypeMatch(B->dtype, kDLFloat, bit_depth));
  CHECK(TypeMatch(C->dtype, kDLFloat, bit_depth));
  double alpha = args.size() > 5 ? args[5] : 1.0;
  double beta = args.size() > 6 ? args[6] : 0.0;
  op(transb, transa, ColumnCount(B, transb), RowCount(A, transa),
     ColumnCount(A, transa), static_cast<typename TGemmOp::TDatatype>(alpha),
97 98
     reinterpret_cast<typename TGemmOp::TDatatype *>(
         static_cast<char *>(B->data) + B->byte_offset),
100 101
     reinterpret_cast<typename TGemmOp::TDatatype *>(
         static_cast<char *>(A->data) + A->byte_offset),
     ColumnStride(A), static_cast<typename TGemmOp::TDatatype>(beta),
103 104
     reinterpret_cast<typename TGemmOp::TDatatype *>(
         static_cast<char *>(C->data) + C->byte_offset),
105 106 107

108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
inline int ColumnStride3D(DLTensor *tensor) {
  // If the tensor itself is transposed then it will have strides
  // backward from what we expect.  Regardless, the max of the strides
  // (the other stride is 1) is the column stride.
  if (tensor->strides) {
    return std::max(tensor->strides[1], tensor->strides[2]);
  } else {
    return tensor->shape[2];
inline int ElementStride3D(DLTensor *tensor) {
  if (tensor->strides) {
    return std::min(tensor->strides[1], tensor->strides[2]);
  } else {
    return 1;
// Reversed strides indicates an in-place transpose operation.
inline bool IsInPlaceTransposed3D(DLTensor *tensor) {
  return tensor->strides && (tensor->strides[2] > tensor->strides[1]);
inline int BatchCount3D(DLTensor *tensor) { return tensor->shape[0]; }
inline int RowCount3D(DLTensor *tensor, bool trans) {
  return tensor->shape[trans ? 2 : 1];
inline int ColumnCount3D(DLTensor *tensor, bool trans) {
  return tensor->shape[trans ? 1 : 2];
template <typename TBatchGemmOp>
inline void CallBatchGemm(TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret, TBatchGemmOp op) {
  using DType = typename TBatchGemmOp::TDatatype;
  DLTensor *A = args[0];
  DLTensor *B = args[1];
  DLTensor *C = args[2];
  bool transa = args[3];
  bool transb = args[4];
  int bit_depth = sizeof(DType) * 8;
  CHECK_EQ(A->ndim, 3);
  CHECK_EQ(B->ndim, 3);
  CHECK_EQ(C->ndim, 3);
  int batch_size = BatchCount3D(A);
  CHECK_EQ(BatchCount3D(B), batch_size);
  CHECK_EQ(BatchCount3D(C), batch_size);
  CHECK_EQ(ElementStride(A), 1);
  CHECK_EQ(ElementStride(B), 1);
  CHECK_EQ(ElementStride(C), 1);
  // C can never be transposed.
  // Reversed strides indicates an in-place transpose operation.
  transa = IsInPlaceTransposed3D(A) ? !transa : transa;
  transb = IsInPlaceTransposed3D(B) ? !transb : transb;
  CHECK(TypeMatch(B->dtype, kDLFloat, bit_depth));
  CHECK(TypeMatch(C->dtype, kDLFloat, bit_depth));
  double alpha = args.size() > 5 ? args[5] : 1.0;
  double beta = args.size() > 6 ? args[6] : 0.0;
  const int A_size = A->shape[1] * A->shape[2];
  const int B_size = B->shape[1] * B->shape[2];
  const int C_size = C->shape[1] * C->shape[2];
  DType *A_data = reinterpret_cast<typename TBatchGemmOp::TDatatype *>(
      static_cast<char *>(A->data) + A->byte_offset);
  DType *B_data = reinterpret_cast<typename TBatchGemmOp::TDatatype *>(
      static_cast<char *>(B->data) + B->byte_offset);
  DType *C_data = reinterpret_cast<typename TBatchGemmOp::TDatatype *>(
      static_cast<char *>(C->data) + C->byte_offset);
  op(batch_size, transb, transa, ColumnCount3D(B, transb),
173 174
     RowCount3D(A, transa), ColumnCount3D(A, transa),
     static_cast<typename TBatchGemmOp::TDatatype>(alpha),
     B_data, B_size, ColumnStride3D(B), A_data, A_size, ColumnStride3D(A),
     static_cast<typename TBatchGemmOp::TDatatype>(beta), C_data, C_size, ColumnStride3D(C));
177 178

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}  // namespace contrib
}  // namespace tvm