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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches,protected-access
"""API for graph traversing."""
import threading

import topi

from tvm import relay, autotvm
Zhi committed
from tvm.relay import transform
25 26 27 28
from tvm.relay.expr import Call, Function, TupleGetItem, Var, Constant, Tuple
from tvm.relay.ty import TupleType, TensorType
from tvm.autotvm.task import TaskExtractEnv

from .utils import has_multiple_inputs, is_boundary_node, is_skipped_node
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

# Setup relay op base name -> topi compute functions
# NOTE: To add more ops, change the following dictionary.
    "conv2d" : [topi.nn.conv2d, topi.nn.depthwise_conv2d_nchw],

def expr2graph(expr, target_ops, node_dict, node_list):
    """Convert relay expr to graph data structure
    and fetch workloads of target operators.

    expr : tvm.relay.Expr.Function
        Input relay function expression.

    target_ops: List of str
        List of target relay base op name

    node_dict : dictionary from tvm.relay.Expr to int
        Dictionary to record node index

    node_list : list of dictionary
        List of nodes which contains all expr in the input relay function.
        Each node will be stored as a dictionary in the format of
        {"op": str, "node": tvm.relay.expr, "inputs": [int], "types": [tvm.relay.Type],
         "name": str, "workloads": [tuple], "topi_op": [function]}
    env = TaskExtractEnv.get(allow_duplicate=True)
    topi_funcs = []
    for op_name in target_ops:
        if op_name not in OP2COMPUTE:
            raise RuntimeError("Not supported relay op in graph tuner: %s"
                               % op_name)
        topi_funcs += OP2COMPUTE[op_name]
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
    with env:
        _expr2graph_impl(expr, target_ops, node_dict, node_list)
        task_pos = 0
        for node_entry in node_list:
            if node_entry["op"] in target_ops:
                task_name, args = env.task_collection[task_pos]
                task = autotvm.task.create(task_name, args,
                node_entry["workloads"] = [task.workload]
                node_entry["topi_op"] = [task_name]
                task_pos += 1
81 82

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83 84 85 86
def _infer_type(node):
    """A method to infer the type of a relay expression."""
    mod = relay.Module.from_expr(node)
    mod = transform.InferType()(mod)
    entry = mod["main"]
Zhi committed
88 89 90
    return entry if isinstance(node, relay.Function) else entry.body

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
def _expr2graph_impl(expr, target_ops, node_dict, node_list):
    """Implementation to convert relay expr to graph data structure
    def _traverse_expr(node):
        if node in node_dict:
        node_index = len(node_list)
        node_entry = {"node": node, "inputs": [], "types": [],
                      "op": "null", "name": None}

        if isinstance(node, Call):
            op_name =".")[-1]
            node_entry["op"] = op_name
            for arg in node.args:
                in_node_idx = node_dict[arg]
                if isinstance(arg, (Tuple, TupleGetItem)):
                    node_entry["inputs"] += node_list[in_node_idx]["inputs"]
                    node_entry["inputs"].append([in_node_idx, 0, 0])
Zhi committed
            infer_out = _infer_type(node)
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
            out_type = infer_out._checked_type_
            if isinstance(out_type, TensorType):
            elif isinstance(out_type, TupleType):
                for tupe_type in out_type.fields:
                raise RuntimeError("Unsupported output type %s in operator %s"
                                   % (type(out_type), op_name))

            # Utilize tracing target to fetch workload with topo-order.
            # Since we only need workload, dummy target can be used to
            # create task.
            if op_name in target_ops:
                params = []
                for i, input_idx in enumerate(node_entry["inputs"]):
                    input_node_entry = node_list[input_idx[0]]
                    input_type = input_node_entry["types"][input_idx[1]]
                    if not isinstance(input_node_entry["node"], (Var, Call)):
                        raise RuntimeError("Graph tuner can only tune target "
                                           "operators with input node of type "
                                           "relay.expr.Var or relay.expr.Call. Now "
                                           "find a target op %s with input type %s"
                                           % (op_name, str(type(input_node_entry["node"]))))
                    free_var = relay.Var("var_%d" % i, input_type)
                call = relay.Call(node.op, params, node.attrs)
                mod = relay.Module.from_expr(relay.Function(params, call))
139 140
                build_thread = threading.Thread(,
142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
                                                      "llvm -device=tracing",
        elif isinstance(node, Var):
            node_entry["name"] = node.name_hint
            node_entry["types"] = [node.type_annotation]
        elif isinstance(node, Function):
            # Ignore root node since it equals to input function expression
            if node != expr:
                _expr2graph_impl(node, target_ops, node_dict, node_list)
        elif isinstance(node, TupleGetItem):
            node_entry["op"] = "TupleGetItem"
            in_node_idx = node_dict[node.tuple_value]
            node_entry["inputs"].append([in_node_idx, node.index, 0])
        elif isinstance(node, Tuple):
            node_entry["op"] = "Tuple"
            for tuple_item in node:
                in_node_idx = node_dict[tuple_item]
                if isinstance(tuple_item, TupleGetItem):
                    node_entry["inputs"] += node_list[in_node_idx]["inputs"]
                elif isinstance(tuple_item, Tuple):
                    raise RuntimeError("Graph tuner doesn't support nested tuple.")
                    node_entry["inputs"].append([in_node_idx, 0, 0])
        elif isinstance(node, Constant):
        elif isinstance(node, relay.op.op.Op):
            raise RuntimeError("Not supported relay node type in graph tuning: %s"
                               % str(type(node)))
        node_dict[node] = node_index

Zhi committed
    relay.analysis.post_order_visit(expr, _traverse_expr)
180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212

def get_direct_ancestor(node_list, visited_dict, target_ops, node_idx, input_names):
    """Given a node_list in relay function and a node index, return the
    closest ancestor which has op_name as operator name or is multi_input operator.

    If node has multiple inputs, multiple ancestor nodes will be returned.

    node_list : list of dict of str to object
        List of all nodes in a graph.

    visited_dict : dict of int to int
        Nodes and corresponding ancestors which have been visited.

    target_ops: List of str
        List of target relay base op name

    node_idx : int
        Input node index.

    input_names : list of str
        Names of graph input nodes.

    out : list of int
        List of ancestor node index.
    if node_idx in visited_dict:
        return visited_dict[node_idx]
    node = node_list[node_idx]
213 214
    if is_boundary_node(node, input_names):
        return [node_idx]
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231

    node_direct_ancestor = []
    for item_idx in node["inputs"]:
        item = node_list[item_idx[0]]
        is_multiple_inputs = has_multiple_inputs(node_list, item_idx[0], input_names)
        if item["op"] in target_ops or is_multiple_inputs:
            tmp = get_direct_ancestor(node_list, visited_dict, target_ops,
                                      item_idx[0], input_names)
            for tmp_item in tmp:
    visited_dict[node_idx] = node_direct_ancestor
    return node_direct_ancestor

def get_in_nodes(node_list, target_ops, input_names):
    """Create a dictionary mapping from op_name nodes or multi-input
233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254
    nodes to closest input ancestors.

    node_list : list of dict of str to object
        List of all nodes in a graph.

    target_ops: List of str
        List of target relay op

    input_names : list of str
        Names of graph input nodes.

    out : dict of int to list of int
        Dictionary maps node index to closest input ancestors.

    visited_dict = {}
    in_node_dict = {}
    for i, node in enumerate(node_list):
        if is_boundary_node(node, input_names) or is_skipped_node(node):
256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
        get_direct_ancestor(node_list, visited_dict, target_ops, i, input_names)
    for key, val in visited_dict.items():
        node = node_list[key]
        is_multiple_inputs = has_multiple_inputs(node_list, key, input_names)
        if node["op"] in target_ops or is_multiple_inputs:
            in_node_dict[key] = val

    # Reduce boundary nodes
    out_node_dict = get_out_nodes(in_node_dict)
266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284
    has_reduced_node = True
    while has_reduced_node:
        boundary_nodes = []
        for key, val in in_node_dict.items():
            node = node_list[key]
            is_boundary = True
            # Target ops can't be boundary nodes
            if node["op"] not in target_ops:
                for input_idx in val:
                    in_node = node_list[input_idx]
                    if not is_boundary_node(in_node, input_names) and \
                            input_idx in in_node_dict:
                        is_boundary = False
                    if is_boundary:
        if boundary_nodes:
            for idx in boundary_nodes:
285 286
                if idx in in_node_dict:
                    del in_node_dict[idx]
287 288 289
            has_reduced_node = False


291 292
    # Remove empty nodes to ignore pre-computed sub-graph
    has_empty_node = True
293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335
    while has_empty_node:
        empty_nodes = []
        for key, val in in_node_dict.items():
            if not val:
        if empty_nodes:
            has_empty_node = True
            for node in empty_nodes:
                del in_node_dict[node]
                if node in out_node_dict:
                    for out_node in out_node_dict[node]:
            has_empty_node = False

    return in_node_dict

def get_out_nodes(in_node_dict):
    """Create output dictionary from input dictionary.

    in_node_dict : dict of int to list of int
        Dictionary maps node index to closest input ancestors.
        It can be created with get_in_nodes.

    out : dict of int to list of int
        Dictionary maps node index to closest output nodes.
    out_node_dict = {}
    for key in in_node_dict:
        out_node_dict[key] = []
    for key, val in in_node_dict.items():
        for item in val:
            if item in out_node_dict:
                out_node_dict[item] = [key]

    return out_node_dict