hls.tcl 7.54 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
#  Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
#  file: hls.tcl
#  brief: HLS generation script.

# Command line arguments:
# Arg 1: path to design sources
# Arg 2: path to sim sources
# Arg 3: path to test sources
# Arg 4: path to include sources
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
# Arg 5: mode
# Arg 6: debug
# Arg 7: no_dsp
# Arg 8: no_alu
# Arg 9: target clock period
# Arg 10: input type width (log)
# Arg 11: weight type width (log)
# Arg 12: accum type width (log)
# Arg 13: output type width (log)
# Arg 14: batch size (log)
# Arg 15: in block size (log)
# Arg 16: out block size (log)
# Arg 17: uop buffer size in B (log)
# Arg 18: inp buffer size in B (log)
# Arg 19: wgt buffer size in B (log)
# Arg 20: acc buffer size in B (log)
# Arg 21: out buffer size in B (log)

if { [llength $argv] eq 23 } {
31 32 33 34
	set src_dir [lindex $argv 2]
	set sim_dir [lindex $argv 3]
	set test_dir [lindex $argv 4]
	set include_dir [lindex $argv 5]
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
	set mode [lindex $argv 6]
	set debug [lindex $argv 7]
	set no_dsp [lindex $argv 8]
	set no_alu [lindex $argv 9]
	set target_period [lindex $argv 10]
	set inp_width [lindex $argv 11]
	set wgt_width [lindex $argv 12]
	set acc_width [lindex $argv 13]
	set out_width [lindex $argv 14]
	set batch [lindex $argv 15]
	set block_in [lindex $argv 16]
	set block_out [lindex $argv 17]
	set uop_buff_size [lindex $argv 18]
	set inp_buff_size [lindex $argv 19]
	set wgt_buff_size [lindex $argv 20]
	set acc_buff_size [lindex $argv 21]
	set out_buff_size [lindex $argv 22]
} else {
53 54 55
	set src_dir "../src"
	set sim_dir "../sim"
	set test_dir "../../src/test"
	set include_dir "../../include"
57 58 59 60
	set mode "all"
	set debug "false"
	set no_dsp "true"
	set no_alu "false"
61 62 63 64 65 66 67
	set target_period 10
	set inp_width 3
	set wgt_width 3
	set acc_width 5
	set out_width 3
	set batch 1
	set block_in 4
	set block_out 4
69 70 71 72 73
	set uop_buff_size 15
	set inp_buff_size 15
	set wgt_buff_size 15
	set acc_buff_size 17
	set out_buff_size 15
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128

# Initializes the HLS design and sets HLS pragmas for memory partitioning.
# This is necessary because of a Vivado restriction that doesn't allow for
# buses wider than 1024 bits.
proc init_design {per inp_width wgt_width out_width batch block_in block_out} {

	# Set device number
	set_part {xc7z020clg484-1}

	# Set the clock frequency
	create_clock -period $per -name default

	# Set input partition factor to (INP_VECTOR_WIDTH*BATCH/1024)
	set inp_partition_factor [expr {(1 << ($inp_width + $block_in + $batch)) / 1024}]
	if {$inp_partition_factor == 0} {
		set_directive_array_reshape -type complete -dim 2 "load" inp_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type complete -dim 2 "compute" inp_mem
	} else {
		# Set input reshaping factor below to (1024/INP_VECTOR_WIDTH)
		set inp_reshape_factor [expr {1024 / (1 << ($inp_width + $block_in))}]
		set_directive_array_partition -type block -factor $inp_partition_factor -dim 2 "load" inp_mem
		set_directive_array_partition -type block -factor $inp_partition_factor -dim 2 "compute" inp_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type block -factor $inp_reshape_factor -dim 2 "load" inp_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type block -factor $inp_reshape_factor -dim 2 "compute" inp_mem
	# Set weight partition factor to (WGT_VECTOR_WIDTH*BLOCK_OUT/1024)
	set wgt_partition_factor [expr {(1 << ($wgt_width + $block_in + $block_out)) / 1024}]
	if {$wgt_partition_factor == 0} {
		set_directive_array_reshape -type complete -dim 2 "load" wgt_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type complete -dim 2 "compute" wgt_mem
	} else {
		# Set weight reshaping factor below to (1024/WGT_VECTOR_WIDTH)
		set wgt_reshape_factor [expr {1024 / (1 << ($wgt_width + $block_in))}]
		set_directive_array_partition -type block -factor $wgt_partition_factor -dim 2 "load" wgt_mem
		set_directive_array_partition -type block -factor $wgt_partition_factor -dim 2 "compute" wgt_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type block -factor $wgt_reshape_factor -dim 2 "load" wgt_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type block -factor $wgt_reshape_factor -dim 2 "compute" wgt_mem
	# Set output partition factor to (OUT_VECTOR_WIDTH*BATCH/1024)
	set out_partition_factor [expr {(1 << ($out_width + $block_out + $batch)) / 1024}]
	if {$out_partition_factor == 0} {
		set_directive_array_reshape -type complete -dim 2 "compute" out_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type complete -dim 2 "store" out_mem
	} else {
		# Set output reshaping factor below to (1024/OUT_VECTOR_WIDTH)
		set out_reshape_factor [expr {1024 / (1 << ($out_width + $block_out))}]
		set_directive_array_partition -type block -factor $out_partition_factor -dim 2 "compute" out_mem
		set_directive_array_partition -type block -factor $out_partition_factor -dim 2 "store" out_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type block -factor $out_reshape_factor -dim 2 "compute" out_mem
		set_directive_array_reshape -type block -factor $out_reshape_factor -dim 2 "store" out_mem

129 130
# C define flags to pass to compiler
set cflags "-I $include_dir -I $src_dir -I $test_dir \
	-DVTA_LOG_WGT_WIDTH=$wgt_width -DVTA_LOG_INP_WIDTH=$inp_width \
132 133 134 135 136
	-DVTA_LOG_ACC_WIDTH=$acc_width -DVTA_LOG_OUT_WIDTH=$out_width \
	-DVTA_LOG_BATCH=$batch -DVTA_LOG_BLOCK_OUT=$block_out -DVTA_LOG_BLOCK_IN=$block_in \
	-DVTA_LOG_UOP_BUFF_SIZE=$uop_buff_size -DVTA_LOG_INP_BUFF_SIZE=$inp_buff_size \
	-DVTA_LOG_WGT_BUFF_SIZE=$wgt_buff_size -DVTA_LOG_ACC_BUFF_SIZE=$acc_buff_size \
137 138 139
if {$debug=="true"} {
	append cflags " -DVTA_DEBUG=1"
140 141 142 143 144 145 146
if {$no_dsp=="true"} {
	append cflags " -DNO_DSP"
if {$no_alu=="true"} {
	append cflags " -DNO_ALU"

# HLS behavioral sim
148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="sim"} {
	open_project vta_sim
	set_top vta
	add_files $src_dir/vta.cc -cflags $cflags
	add_files -tb $sim_dir/vta_test.cc -cflags $cflags
	add_files -tb $test_dir/test_lib.cc -cflags $cflags
	open_solution "solution0"
	init_design $target_period $inp_width $wgt_width $out_width $batch $block_in $block_out
	csim_design -clean
159 160

# Generate fetch stage
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="skip_sim" || $mode=="fetch"} {
	open_project vta_fetch
	set_top fetch
	add_files $src_dir/vta.cc -cflags $cflags
	open_solution "solution0"
	init_design $target_period $inp_width $wgt_width $out_width $batch $block_in $block_out
	if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="skip_sim"} {
		export_design -format ip_catalog
173 174

# Generate load stage
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186
if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="skip_sim" || $mode=="load"} {
	open_project vta_load
	set_top load
	add_files $src_dir/vta.cc -cflags $cflags
	open_solution "solution0"
	init_design $target_period $inp_width $wgt_width $out_width $batch $block_in $block_out
	if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="skip_sim"} {
		export_design -format ip_catalog
187 188

# Generate compute stage
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="skip_sim" || $mode=="compute"} {
	open_project vta_compute
	set_top compute
	add_files $src_dir/vta.cc -cflags $cflags
	open_solution "solution0"
	init_design $target_period $inp_width $wgt_width $out_width $batch $block_in $block_out
	if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="skip_sim"} {
		export_design -format ip_catalog
201 202

# Generate store stage
203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="skip_sim" || $mode=="store"} {
	open_project vta_store
	set_top store
	add_files $src_dir/vta.cc -cflags $cflags
	open_solution "solution0"
	init_design $target_period $inp_width $wgt_width $out_width $batch $block_in $block_out
	if {$mode=="all" || $mode=="skip_sim"} {
		export_design -format ip_catalog
215 216 217
