dynamic_programming_tuner.py 9.47 KB
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# pylint: disable=import-error,too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches,unused-variable
"""Dynamic programming tuner."""
import sys
import numpy as np

from ._base import MAX_OUTPUT_NODES
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from .base_graph_tuner import BaseGraphTuner
from .dynamic_programming_stage import DPStage
from .utils import has_multiple_inputs, is_boundary_node
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if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    import queue
    import Queue as queue

class DPTuner(BaseGraphTuner):
    """Tuner which uses dynamic programming to solve MDP problem.

    Note: currently dynamic programming is used to solve this MDP problem. However,
    this problem is intrinsically non-polynomial. DP can't apply for more complicated
    models, such as networks with many element-wise sum operators. In this case, switch
    to heuristic algorithm such as PBQP tuner.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a dynamic programming tuner.
        super(DPTuner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._num_states = self._max_num_states = None
        self._stage_dict = {}
        self._dep_dict = {}
        self._counted_nodes_set = set()

        self._global_data_dict = {
            "dtype": self._dtype,
            "counted_nodes_set": self._counted_nodes_set,
            "stage_dict": self._stage_dict,
            "in_nodes_dict": self._in_nodes_dict,
            "out_nodes_dict": self._out_nodes_dict,
            "dep_dict": self._dep_dict,
            "node_list": self._node_list,
            "input_shapes": self._input_shapes,
            "layout_transform_interlayer_cost": self._layout_transform_interlayer_cost

    def _check_num_states(self, num_states):
        """Track the number of states."""
        self._num_states += num_states
        if self._max_num_states is not None:
            if self._num_states > self._max_num_states:
                raise RuntimeError("Too many states detected while running dynamic "
                                   "programming: got %d states but upper limit is %d." %
                                   (self._num_states, self._max_num_states))

    def _forward(self):
        """Forward pass in DP to generate states for all stages.
        self._logger.info("Start forward pass...")
        for node_idx in sorted(self._in_nodes_dict.keys()):
            stage = DPStage(idx=node_idx, target_ops=self._target_ops,
            self._stage_dict[node_idx] = stage
        self._logger.info("Finished forward pass.")

    def _backward(self):
        """Backward pass in DP to generate optimal solution.
        self._logger.info("Start backward pass...")
        input_names = self._input_shapes.keys()
        optimal_record_dict = {}
        # Pick optimal schedule for output nodes
        output_idx_list = []
        for key, val in self._out_nodes_dict.items():
            if not val:
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        # Restrict number of output nodes to avoid numpy reshape error
        if len(output_idx_list) > MAX_OUTPUT_NODES:
            msg = "The number of outputs in graph is larger than upper " \
                  "limit: %s vs %s. Usually this is caused by too many " \
                  "LAYOUT_FIXED_OP in graph. Switch to greedily select schedule." \
                  "No action required at this moment. We will continuously improve graph tuner" \
                  % (len(output_idx_list), MAX_OUTPUT_NODES)
            self._optimal_record_dict = {key : 0 for key in self._in_nodes_dict}

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        states_list, aligned_node_list = DPStage.align_states(output_idx_list, self._stage_dict,
        num_states = states_list[0][3].size
        self._check_num_states(num_states * len(output_idx_list))
        aligned_node_shape = states_list[0][3].shape
        min_time = 0
        min_pos = -1
        for states in states_list:
            min_time += np.amax(states[3])
        flatten_states_list = [current_states[3].flatten() for current_states in states_list]
        for i in range(num_states):
            current_time = 0
            for j, current_states in enumerate(states_list):
                current_time += flatten_states_list[j][i]
            if min_time > current_time:
                min_time = current_time
                min_pos = i
        for i, states in enumerate(states_list):
            current_major_axis = states[1]
            current_sch_idx = (min_pos % (states[2] *
                                          aligned_node_shape[current_major_axis])) // states[2]
            optimal_record_dict[aligned_node_list[i]] = current_sch_idx
        # Pick optimal schedule for dependencies of output nodes
        for i in range(len(states_list), len(aligned_node_list)):
            multiplier = 1
            for j in range(i + 1, len(aligned_node_list)):
                multiplier *= aligned_node_shape[j]
            optimal_record_dict[aligned_node_list[i]] = \
                min_pos // multiplier % aligned_node_shape[i]

        # Backward pass to get optimal schedules for other nodes
        bfs_q = queue.Queue()
        visited = set()
        for out_idx in output_idx_list:
        while not bfs_q.empty():
            node_idx = bfs_q.get()
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            node = self._node_list[node_idx]
            if is_boundary_node(node, input_names):
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            optimal_sch_idx = optimal_record_dict[node_idx]
            full_states = self._stage_dict[node_idx].full_states
            if not has_multiple_inputs(self._node_list, node_idx, input_names):
                input_idx = self._in_nodes_dict[node_idx][0]
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                input_node = self._node_list[input_idx]
                if is_boundary_node(input_node, input_names):
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
                if input_idx not in visited:
                    if input_idx not in optimal_record_dict:
                        dep_list = self._stage_dict[node_idx].dep
                        dep_idx = tuple([optimal_record_dict[item] for item in dep_list])
                        tmp = np.argmin(full_states, axis=1)
                        optimal_input_sch_idx = tmp[(optimal_sch_idx,) + dep_idx]
                        optimal_record_dict[input_idx] = optimal_input_sch_idx
                input_idx_list = self._in_nodes_dict[node_idx]
                optimal_record_dict[input_idx_list[0]] = optimal_sch_idx
                full_states_idx = self._stage_dict[node_idx].full_states_idx
                tmp = full_states[optimal_sch_idx]
                new_states_idx, new_states_pos = [], []
                visited_states_idx, visited_states_pos = [], []
                for i in range(1, len(full_states_idx)):
                    if full_states_idx[i] in optimal_record_dict:
                        visited_states_pos.append(i - 1)
                        new_states_pos.append(i - 1)
                if visited_states_idx:
                    tmp = np.transpose(tmp, tuple(visited_states_pos + new_states_pos))
                    tmp = tmp[tuple([optimal_record_dict[idx] for idx in visited_states_idx])]
                min_pos = np.argmin(tmp)
                multiplier = 1
                for i in range(len(new_states_idx)):
                    multiplier *= full_states.shape[new_states_pos[i] + 1]
                for pos, idx in zip(new_states_pos, new_states_idx):
                    multiplier //= full_states.shape[pos + 1]
                    optimal_record_dict[idx] = min_pos // multiplier
                    min_pos %= multiplier
                for input_idx in input_idx_list:
                    if input_idx not in visited:

        self._optimal_record_dict = optimal_record_dict
        for node_idx, _ in self._in_nodes_dict.items():
            if self._node_list[node_idx]["op"] not in self._target_ops:
        self._logger.info("Finished backward pass...")

    def run(self, **kwargs):
        """Run dynamic programming solver.
        max_num_states = None if "max_num_states" not in kwargs else kwargs["max_num_states"]
        self._num_states = 0
        self._max_num_states = max_num_states
        self._logger.info("Start to run dynamic programming algorithm...")
        self._logger.info("Finished DPExecutor run.")