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Symbol of SqueezeNet

Iandola, Forrest N., et al.
"Squeezenet: Alexnet-level accuracy with 50x fewer parameters and< 0.5 mb model size." (2016).

from tvm import relay
from .init import create_workload
from . import layers

# Helpers
34 35
def _make_fire(net, squeeze_channels, expand1x1_channels, expand3x3_channels, prefix):
    net = _make_fire_conv(net, squeeze_channels, 1, 0, "%s_input" % prefix)

37 38
    left = _make_fire_conv(net, expand1x1_channels, 1, 0, "%s_left" % prefix)
    right = _make_fire_conv(net, expand3x3_channels, 3, 1, "%s_right" % prefix)
39 40 41 42
    # NOTE : Assume NCHW layout here
    net = relay.concatenate((left, right), axis=1)
    return net

43 44 45 46 47 48
def _make_fire_conv(net, channels, kernel_size, padding=0, prefix=""):
    net = layers.conv2d(net,
                        kernel_size=(kernel_size, kernel_size),
                        padding=(padding, padding), name="%s_conv" % prefix)
    net = relay.nn.bias_add(net, relay.var("%s_conv_bias" % prefix))
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
    net = relay.nn.relu(net)
    return net

# Net
def get_net(batch_size, image_shape, num_classes, version, dtype):
    """Get symbol of SqueezeNet

    batch_size : int
        The batch size used in the model

    image_shape : tuple, optional
        The input image shape

    num_classes: int
        The number of classification results

    version : str, optional
        "1.0" or "1.1" of SqueezeNet
    assert version in ['1.0', '1.1'], ("Unsupported SqueezeNet version {version}:"
                                       "1.0 or 1.1 expected".format(version=version))
    data_shape = (batch_size,) + image_shape
    net = relay.var("data", shape=data_shape, dtype=dtype)
    if version == '1.0':
        net = layers.conv2d(net,
                            kernel_size=(7, 7),
                            strides=(2, 2),
                            padding=(3, 3),
80 81
        net = relay.nn.bias_add(net, relay.var("conv1_bias"))
82 83
        net = relay.nn.relu(net)
        net = relay.nn.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
84 85 86
        net = _make_fire(net, 16, 64, 64, "fire1")
        net = _make_fire(net, 16, 64, 64, "fire2")
        net = _make_fire(net, 32, 128, 128, "fire3")
        net = relay.nn.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
88 89 90 91
        net = _make_fire(net, 32, 128, 128, "fire4")
        net = _make_fire(net, 48, 192, 192, "fire5")
        net = _make_fire(net, 48, 192, 192, "fire6")
        net = _make_fire(net, 64, 256, 256, "fire7")
        net = relay.nn.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
        net = _make_fire(net, 64, 256, 256, "fire8")
94 95 96 97 98 99
        net = layers.conv2d(net,
                            kernel_size=(3, 3),
                            strides=(2, 2),
                            padding=(1, 1),
100 101
        net = relay.nn.bias_add(net, relay.var("conv1_bias"))
102 103
        net = relay.nn.relu(net)
        net = relay.nn.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
104 105
        net = _make_fire(net, 16, 64, 64, "fire1")
        net = _make_fire(net, 16, 64, 64, "fire2")
        net = relay.nn.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
107 108
        net = _make_fire(net, 32, 128, 128, "fire3")
        net = _make_fire(net, 32, 128, 128, "fire4")
        net = relay.nn.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
110 111 112 113
        net = _make_fire(net, 48, 192, 192, "fire5")
        net = _make_fire(net, 48, 192, 192, "fire6")
        net = _make_fire(net, 64, 256, 256, "fire7")
        net = _make_fire(net, 64, 256, 256, "fire8")
    net = relay.nn.dropout(net, rate=0.5)
115 116 117
    net = layers.conv2d(
        net, channels=num_classes, kernel_size=(1, 1), name="conv_final")
    net = relay.nn.bias_add(net, relay.var("conv_final_bias"))
118 119 120 121
    net = relay.nn.relu(net)
    net = relay.nn.global_avg_pool2d(net)
    net = relay.nn.batch_flatten(net)
    net = relay.nn.softmax(net)
Zhi committed
    args = relay.analysis.free_vars(net)
123 124
    return relay.Function(args, net)

125 126 127 128 129 130

def get_workload(batch_size=1,
                 image_shape=(3, 224, 224),
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
    """Get benchmark workload for SqueezeNet

    batch_size : int
        The batch size used in the model

    num_classes : int, optional
        Number of classes

    version : str, optional
        "1.0" or "1.1" of SqueezeNet

    image_shape : tuple, optional
        The input image shape

    dtype : str, optional
        The data type

152 153
    mod : tvm.relay.Module
        The relay module that contains a SqueezeNet network.
154 155 156 157 158 159 160

    params : dict of str to NDArray
        The parameters.

    net = get_net(batch_size, image_shape, num_classes, version, dtype)
    return create_workload(net)