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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
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# pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement,consider-using-enumerate,invalid-name
"""User facing API for specifying how to measure the generated code"""
import multiprocessing
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from collections import namedtuple

class MeasureInput(namedtuple("MeasureInput", ["target", "task", "config"])):
    Stores all the necessary inputs for a measurement.

    target :
        The target device
    task : task.Task
        Task function
    config : ConfigEntity
        Specific configuration.


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class MeasureResult(namedtuple("MeasureResult", ["costs", "error_no", "all_cost", "timestamp"])):
    Stores all the results of a measurement

    costs: Array of float or Array of Exception
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        If no error occurs during measurement, it is an array of measured running times.
        If an error occurs during measurement, it is an array of the exception objections.
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    error_no: int
        Denote error type, defined by MeasureErrorNo
    all_cost: float
        All cost of this measure, including rpc, compilation, test runs
    timestamp: float
        The absolute time stamp when we finish measurement.


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class MeasureErrorNo(object):
    """Error type for MeasureResult"""
    NO_ERROR = 0              # no error
    INSTANTIATION_ERROR = 1   # actively detected error in instantiating a template with a config
    COMPILE_HOST = 2          # error when compiling code on host (e.g.
    COMPILE_DEVICE = 3        # error when compiling code on device (e.g. OpenCL JIT on the device)
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    RUNTIME_DEVICE = 4        # error when run program on device
    WRONG_ANSWER = 5          # answer is wrong when compared to a golden output
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    BUILD_TIMEOUT = 6         # timeout during compilation
    RUN_TIMEOUT = 7           # timeout during run
    UNKNOWN_ERROR = 8         # unknown error


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class Builder(object):
    """Builder that builds programs in tuning

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    timeout: float, optional
        The timeout of a build task
    n_parallel: int, optional
        The number of tasks submitted in parallel
        By default it will use all cpu cores
    def __init__(self, timeout=10, n_parallel=None):
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.n_parallel = n_parallel or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        self.build_kwargs = {}
        self.task = None

    def set_task(self, task, build_kwargs=None):
        Initialize for a new tuning task

        task: Task
            The tuning task
        build_kwargs: dict, optional
            The additional kwargs for build function
        self.task = task
        self.build_kwargs = build_kwargs

    def build(self, measure_inputs):
        """Build programs

        measure_inputs: List of MeasureInput
            The measure input

        build_results: List of BuildResult
            The build result.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class Runner(object):
    """Runner that runs and measures the time cost of a generated program in tuning
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    timeout: float, optional
        The timeout of a build task
    n_parallel: int, optional
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        The number of tasks submitted in parallel
        By default it will use all cpu cores
    def __init__(self, timeout=5, n_parallel=None):
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.n_parallel = n_parallel or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        self.task = None

    def set_task(self, task):
        Initialize for a new tuning task

        task: Task
            The tuning task
        self.task = task

    def get_build_kwargs(self):
        Get device specific build arguments (e.g. maximum shared memory size)

        kwargs: dict
            The additional keyword arguments
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def run(self, measure_inputs, build_results):
        """Run amd measure built programs

        measure_inputs: List of MeasureInput
            The raw measure input
        build_results: List of BuildResults
            The build results

        measure_results: List of MeasureResult
            The final results of measurement
        raise NotImplementedError()

def measure_option(builder, runner):
    Set options for measure. To measure a config, we will build it and run it.
    So we have to set options for these two steps.
    They have their own options on timeout, parallel, etc.

    builder: Builder
        Specify how to build programs
    runner: Runner
        Specify how to run programs
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    # example setting for using local devices
    >>> measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
    >>>     builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),      # use all local cpu cores for compilation
    >>>     runner=autotvm.LocalRunner(          # measure them sequentially
    >>>         number=10,
    >>>         timeout=5)
    >>> )

    # example setting for using remote devices
    >>> measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
    >>>    builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),  # use all local cpu cores for compilation
    >>>    runner=autotvm.RPCRunner(
    >>>        'rasp3b', 'locahost', 9190, # device key, host and port of the rpc tracker
    >>>        number=4,
    >>>        timeout=4) # timeout of a run on the device. RPC request waiting time is excluded.

    To make measurement results accurate, you should pick the correct value for the argument
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    `number` and `repeat` in Runner(). Some devices need a certain minimum running time to
    "warm up," such as GPUs that need time to reach a performance power state.
    Using `min_repeat_ms` can dynamically adjusts `number`, so it is recommended.
    The typical value for NVIDIA GPU is 150 ms.
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    from .measure_methods import LocalBuilder, LocalRunner

    if isinstance(builder, str):
        if builder == 'local':
            builder = LocalBuilder()
            raise ValueError("Invalid builder: " + builder)

    if isinstance(runner, str):
        if runner == 'local':
            runner = LocalRunner()
            raise ValueError("Invalid runner: " + runner)

    opt = {
        'builder': builder,
        'runner': runner,

    return opt

def create_measure_batch(task, option):
    """Get a standard measure_batch function.

    task: tvm.autotvm.task.Task
        The tuning task
    option: dict
        The option for measuring generated code.
        You should use the return value of function :any:`measure_option` for this argument.
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    measure_batch: callable
        a callback function to measure a batch of configs
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    builder = option['builder']
    runner = option['runner']

    attach_objects = runner.set_task(task)

    # feed device related information from runner to builder
    # (e.g. max shared memory for validity checking)
    build_kwargs = runner.get_build_kwargs()
    builder.set_task(task, build_kwargs)

    def measure_batch(measure_inputs):
        build_results =
        results =, build_results)
        return results

    measure_batch.n_parallel = builder.n_parallel
    measure_batch.attach_objects = attach_objects
    return measure_batch