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 *  Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
 * \file
 * \brief Compile a graph. It lowers the graph nodes into low level IR.

#include <dmlc/parameter.h>
#include <nnvm/compiler/packed_func_ext.h>
#include <nnvm/graph.h>
#include <nnvm/graph_attr_types.h>
#include <nnvm/node.h>
#include <nnvm/op_attr_types.h>
#include <nnvm/pass.h>
#include <nnvm/pass_functions.h>
#include <nnvm/tuple.h>
#include <tvm/lowered_func.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/packed_func.h>

#include "compile_engine.h"
#include "graph_fuse.h"
#include "graph_runtime.h"
#include "pattern_util.h"

namespace nnvm {
namespace compiler {

using namespace tvm;

// Decorate the result of PlanMemory
// This function does two things:
// - Give separate memory to each variable.
// - Tie the memory of output/lhs in assign node properly
//   so the execution of assign can have side effect.
nnvm::Graph DecorateMemoryPlan(
    nnvm::Graph g,
    const std::vector<int>& assign_flag) {
  const IndexedGraph& idx = g.indexed_graph();
  StorageVector storage_vec = g.MoveCopyAttr<StorageVector>("storage_id");
  size_t num_not_allocated = g.MoveCopyAttr<size_t>(
  CHECK_EQ(num_not_allocated, 0U)
      << "Can only build inference graph with all statically allocated memory";

  // Reassign variable id so that they are different.
  int max_id = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < storage_vec.size(); ++i) {
    max_id = std::max(storage_vec[i] + 1, max_id);
  for (uint32_t nid : idx.input_nodes()) {
    storage_vec[idx.entry_id(nid, 0)] = max_id++;
  // Tie up the assign node storage properly.
  for (uint32_t nid = 0 ; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) {
    if (assign_flag[nid] == 0) continue;
    const auto& inode = idx[nid];
    int var_storage_id = storage_vec[idx.entry_id(inode.inputs[0])];
    storage_vec[idx.entry_id(nid, 0)] = var_storage_id;

    if (assign_flag[nid] == 2) {
      storage_vec[idx.entry_id(inode.inputs[1])] = var_storage_id;
  g.attrs["storage_id"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(storage_vec));
  return g;

nnvm::Graph GraphCompile(const nnvm::Graph& g) {
  // Get attributes from the graph.
  const ShapeVector& shape_vec = g.GetAttr<ShapeVector>("shape");
  const DTypeVector& dtype_vec = g.GetAttr<DTypeVector>("dtype");
  const GroupVec& group_vec = g.GetAttr<GroupVec>("group_root");
  const MasterVec& master_vec = g.GetAttr<MasterVec>("group_master");
  const PatternVec& pattern_vec = g.GetAttr<PatternVec>("pattern");

  CHECK(g.HasAttr("fused_entry")) << "Fusion hasn't been applied yet.";
  FuseEntryVec fuse_entries = g.GetAttr<FuseEntryVec>("fused_entry");

  std::string target = g.GetAttr<std::string>("target");
  std::string target_host;

  if (g.HasAttr("target_host")) {
    target_host = g.GetAttr<std::string>("target_host");
  // Specially handle assign.
  const nnvm::Op* assign_op = nnvm::Op::Get("_assign");

  // Start lowering.
  Array<tvm::LoweredFunc> func_list;
  std::unordered_set<const tvm::Node*> func_set;
  const IndexedGraph& idx = g.indexed_graph();

  for (uint32_t nid = 0; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) {
    const auto& inode = idx[nid];
    if (inode.source->is_variable()) continue;
    int root_id = group_vec[nid];
        if (static_cast<int>(nid) != root_id) continue;
    int master = master_vec[root_id];
    FuseEntry& fe = fuse_entries[root_id];

    const IndexedGraph& subidx = fe.subgraph.indexed_graph();
    CHECK_EQ(subidx.input_nodes().size(), fe.imap.size());
    CHECK_EQ(subidx.input_nodes().size(), fe.input_info.size());

    Array<Tensor> inputs;
    for (uint32_t sub_input_id : subidx.input_nodes()) {
      auto it = fe.input_info.find(subidx[sub_input_id].source);
    // Find master idx in the subgraph.
    int sub_master_idx = -1;
113 114 115 116 117 118
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subidx.num_nodes(); i++) {
      if (subidx[i].source->op() == idx[master].source->op()) {
        sub_master_idx = i;
    CHECK_NE(sub_master_idx, -1) << "A master node not found in the subgraph.";
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
    fe.compiled_func = GraphLower(fe.subgraph, inputs, target, sub_master_idx);
    for (LoweredFunc f : fe.compiled_func->funcs) {
      if (!func_set.count(f.get())) {

  const nnvm::Op* tvm_op = nnvm::Op::Get("tvm_op");

  std::unordered_map<uint32_t, nnvm::NodePtr> old_new;
  for (uint32_t nid = 0; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) {
    const auto& inode = idx[nid];
    if (inode.source->is_variable()) {
      // Only copy name since that is sufficient.
      nnvm::NodePtr np = nnvm::Node::Create();
      np-> = inode.source->;
      old_new[nid] = np;
    int root_id = group_vec[nid];
    if (static_cast<int>(nid) != root_id) continue;

    // Handle normal op
    FuseEntry& fe = fuse_entries[root_id];
    const IndexedGraph& subidx = fe.subgraph.indexed_graph();
    nnvm::NodePtr np = nnvm::Node::Create();
    np->attrs.op = tvm_op;
    np-> = inode.source->;
    TVMOpParam param;
    param.func_name = fe.compiled_func->func_name;
    param.num_inputs = static_cast<uint32_t>(fe.imap.size());
    param.num_outputs = static_cast<uint32_t>(fe.subgraph.outputs.size());
    param.flatten_data = fe.flatten_data;
    np->attrs.parsed = std::move(param);

    for (uint32_t sub_input_id : subidx.input_nodes()) {
      // Need to make sure subgraph input order is consistent to the order of
      // the graph input.
      auto rit = fe.reverse_imap.find(subidx[sub_input_id].source);
      CHECK(rit != fe.reverse_imap.end());
      const IndexedGraph::NodeEntry& e = rit->second;
            auto it = old_new.find(e.node_id);
      CHECK(it != old_new.end())
          << "cannot find node_id=" << e.node_id;
          nnvm::NodeEntry{it->second, e.index, e.version});
    for (const uint32_t node_id : inode.control_deps) {
      auto it = old_new.find(node_id);
      CHECK(it != old_new.end());
    old_new[nid] = np;
  nnvm::Graph ret;
  for (const auto& e : idx.outputs()) {
    auto it = old_new.find(group_vec[e.node_id]);
    CHECK(it != old_new.end())
        << "cannot find node_id=" << e.node_id;
        nnvm::NodeEntry{it->second, e.index, e.version});

  // Reference counter of each op node.
  // For now, always store result when an op is referred more than once.
  std::vector<uint32_t> ref_count = GetNodeRefCounts(idx);
  for (const auto& e : idx.outputs()) {
    // This line will realize all the outputs.
    ref_count[e.node_id] += 1;

  const IndexedGraph& new_idx = ret.indexed_graph();

  // Handling assign:
  //  assign is a special operator that mutates the variable.
  //  Currently assign is implemented as output = copy(input[1])
  //  Then we run DecorageMemoryPlan to force
  // = input[0].storage
  std::vector<int> assign_flag(new_idx.num_nodes(), 0);
  ShapeVector new_shape_vec = ShapeVector(new_idx.num_node_entries(), TShape());
  DTypeVector new_dtype_vec = DTypeVector(new_idx.num_node_entries());
  std::vector<std::string> new_dltype_vec(new_idx.num_node_entries());

  for (const auto& kv : old_new) {
    uint32_t nid = kv.first;
    const auto& inode = idx[nid];
    uint32_t new_nid = new_idx.node_id(kv.second.get());
    if (inode.source->op() == assign_op) {
      // Check if rhs of assign can be computed inplace.
      // If yes, we can simply set that memory to be assign target
      // and change assign to nop.
      const IndexedGraph::NodeEntry& rhs = inode.inputs[1];
      if (ref_count[rhs.node_id] <= 1 &&
          !(idx[rhs.node_id].source->is_variable()) &&
          pattern_vec[group_vec[rhs.node_id]] <= kBroadcast) {
        assign_flag[new_nid] = 2;
        TVMOpParam& param = dmlc::get<TVMOpParam>(kv.second->attrs.parsed);
        param.func_name = "__nop";
      } else {
        assign_flag[new_nid] = 1;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inode.source->num_outputs(); ++i) {
      uint32_t new_eid = new_idx.entry_id(new_idx.node_id(kv.second.get()), i);
      uint32_t old_eid = idx.entry_id(nid, i);
      new_shape_vec[new_eid] = shape_vec[old_eid];
      new_dtype_vec[new_eid] = dtype_vec[old_eid];
      new_dltype_vec[new_eid] = tvm::runtime::TVMType2String(
  ret.attrs["shape"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(new_shape_vec));
  ret.attrs["dtype"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(new_dtype_vec));
  ret.attrs["dltype"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(new_dltype_vec));

  // Setup module
  static const PackedFunc& fbuild = GetPackedFunc("nnvm.compiler.build_target");
  tvm::runtime::Module module = fbuild(func_list, target, target_host);
  ret.attrs["module"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(module));
  ret = nnvm::ApplyPass(ret, "PlanMemory");
  ret = DecorateMemoryPlan(ret, assign_flag);
  return ret;


}  // namespace compiler
}  // namespace nnvm