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"""Unified type system in the project."""
from enum import IntEnum
import tvm
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import tvm._ffi

from .base import Node
from . import _ffi_api

class Type(Node):
    """The base class of all types."""
    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two types for structural equivalence."""
        return bool(tvm.ir.structural_equal(self, other))
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    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def same_as(self, other):
        """Compares two Relay types by referential equality."""
        return super().__eq__(other)

class TypeKind(IntEnum):
    """Possible kinds of TypeVars."""
    Type = 0
    ShapeVar = 1
    BaseType = 2
    Constraint = 4
    AdtHandle = 5
    TypeData = 6

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class PrimType(Type):
    """Primitive data type in the low level IR

    dtype : str
        The runtime data type relates to the primtype.
    def __init__(self, dtype):
            _ffi_api.PrimType, dtype)

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class PointerType(Type):
    """PointerType used in the low-level TIR.

    element_type : tvm.ir.Type
        The type of pointer's element.
    def __init__(self, element_type):
            _ffi_api.PointerType, element_type)

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class TypeVar(Type):
    """Type parameter in functions.

    A type variable represents a type placeholder which will
    be filled in later on. This allows the user to write
    functions which are generic over types.

    name_hint: str
        The name of the type variable. This name only acts as a hint, and
        is not used for equality.

    kind : Optional[TypeKind]
        The kind of the type parameter.
    def __init__(self, name_hint, kind=TypeKind.Type):
            _ffi_api.TypeVar, name_hint, kind)

    def __call__(self, *args):
        """Create a type call from this type.

        args: List[Type]
            The arguments to the type call.

        call: Type
            The result type call.
        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        from .type_relation import TypeCall
        return TypeCall(self, args)

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class GlobalTypeVar(Type):
    """A global type variable that is used for defining new types or type aliases.

    name_hint: str
        The name of the type variable. This name only acts as a hint, and
        is not used for equality.

    kind : Optional[TypeKind]
        The kind of the type parameter.
    def __init__(self, name_hint, kind=TypeKind.AdtHandle):
            _ffi_api.GlobalTypeVar, name_hint, kind)

    def __call__(self, *args):
        """Create a type call from this type.

        args: List[Type]
            The arguments to the type call.

        call: Type
            The result type call.
        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        from .type_relation import TypeCall
        return TypeCall(self, args)

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class TupleType(Type):
    """The type of tuple values.

    fields : List[Type]
        The fields in the tuple

    def __init__(self, fields):
            _ffi_api.TupleType, fields)

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class TypeConstraint(Type):
    """Abstract class representing a type constraint."""

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class FuncType(Type):
    """Function type.

    A function type consists of a list of type parameters to enable
    the definition of generic functions,
    a set of type constraints which we omit for the time being,
    a sequence of argument types, and a return type.

    We can informally write them as:
    `forall (type_params), (arg_types) -> ret_type where type_constraints`

    arg_types : List[tvm.relay.Type]
        The argument types

    ret_type : tvm.relay.Type
        The return type.

    type_params : Optional[List[tvm.relay.TypeVar]]
        The type parameters

    type_constraints : Optional[List[tvm.relay.TypeConstraint]]
        The type constraints.
    def __init__(self,
        if type_params is None:
            type_params = []
        if type_constraints is None:
            type_constraints = []
            _ffi_api.FuncType, arg_types, ret_type, type_params, type_constraints)

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class IncompleteType(Type):
    """Incomplete type during type inference.

    kind : Optional[TypeKind]
        The kind of the incomplete type.
    def __init__(self, kind=TypeKind.Type):
            _ffi_api.IncompleteType, kind)

class RelayRefType(Type):
    """Reference Type in relay.

    value: Type
        The value type.
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_ffi_api.RelayRefType, value)