Commit 17d4c247 by nzy

step2: cov_dataset fix bugs

parent 55cb6deb
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import argparse
from itertools import chain
from utils import load_json, extract_code, code_template
from utils_dataset import mk_critic_qa, mk_sft_item, mk_sft_dataset_info, save_dataset, SPLITTER
from utils_dataset import mk_critic_qa, mk_sft_item, mk_critic_verify, mk_sft_dataset_info, save_dataset, SPLITTER
from utils_vllm import vllm_chatcomplete
COV_PROMPT = "Please verify your code step by step using Markdown code blocks. After each step, explain whether it's correct or not, and if not, explain the issue."
......@@ -32,12 +32,11 @@ result = add_numbers(5, '10')
**Explanation:** Incorrect. The second argument is a string (`'10'`), which will cause a TypeError when trying to add it to an integer.
CORRECT_PROMPT = "Your code is correct."
INCORRECT_PROMPT = "Your code is incorrect."
def mk_cov_prompt(is_correct):
if is_correct:
prompt1 = "Your code is correct."
prompt1 = "Your code is incorrect."
prompt1 = CORRECT_PROMPT if is_correct else INCORRECT_PROMPT
return [{"role": "user", "content": prompt1 + "\n" + COV_PROMPT + '\n' + COV_EXAMPLE},
{"role": "assistant", "content": "Here's a step-by-step verification of the code." + SPLITTER}]
......@@ -57,7 +56,15 @@ def convert_preference_to_vot_prompt(item):
def convert_cov_to_cov_dataset(item):
user_content = item["messages"][2]["content"]
item["messages"][2]["content"] = COV_PROMPT
if CORRECT_PROMPT in user_content:
is_correct = True
elif INCORRECT_PROMPT in user_content:
is_correct = False
raise ValueError("Invalid prompt")
item["messages"] += mk_critic_verify(is_correct)
return item
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