Commit c8f6ef8f by SergeyDegtyar

Revert regression fix

parent 303466ff
......@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ cd macc
select -assert-count 1 t:BUFG
select -assert-count 53 t:FDRE
select -assert-count 63 t:LUT2
select -assert-count 11 t:LUT3
select -assert-count 64 t:LUT2
select -assert-count 10 t:LUT3
select -assert-count 22 t:LUT4
select -assert-count 13 t:LUT5
select -assert-count 129 t:LUT6
select -assert-count 14 t:LUT5
select -assert-count 123 t:LUT6
select -assert-count 34 t:MUXCY
select -assert-count 45 t:MUXF7
select -assert-count 15 t:MUXF8
select -assert-count 41 t:MUXF7
select -assert-count 14 t:MUXF8
select -assert-count 36 t:XORCY
select -assert-none t:BUFG t:FDRE t:LUT2 t:LUT3 t:LUT4 t:LUT5 t:LUT6 t:MUXCY t:MUXF7 t:MUXF8 t:XORCY %% t:* %D
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