Commit 9210153a by Miodrag Milanovic

zinit is now supported with addf

parent 5374bf55
/* Generated by Yosys 0.8+492 (git sha1 2058c7c5, gcc 8.3.0-6ubuntu1~18.10 -Og -fPIC) */
(* cells_not_processed = 1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:1" *)
module adff(d, clk, clr, q);
(* src = "../top.v:6" *)
wire _0_;
(* src = "../top.v:3" *)
wire _1_;
(* src = "../top.v:2" *)
input clk;
(* src = "../top.v:2" *)
input clr;
(* src = "../top.v:2" *)
input d;
(* init = 1'h0 *)
(* src = "../top.v:2" *)
output q;
reg q = 1'h0;
always @(posedge clk or posedge clr)
if (clr)
q <= 1'h0;
q <= d;
assign _1_ = 1'h0;
assign _0_ = d;
(* cells_not_processed = 1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:17" *)
module adffn(d, clk, clr, q);
(* src = "../top.v:22" *)
wire _0_;
(* src = "../top.v:19" *)
wire _1_;
(* src = "../top.v:23" *)
wire _2_;
(* src = "../top.v:18" *)
input clk;
(* src = "../top.v:18" *)
input clr;
(* src = "../top.v:18" *)
input d;
(* init = 1'h0 *)
(* src = "../top.v:18" *)
output q;
reg q = 1'h0;
assign _2_ = ! (* src = "../top.v:23" *) clr;
always @(posedge clk or negedge clr)
if (!clr)
q <= 1'h0;
q <= d;
assign _1_ = 1'h0;
assign _0_ = d;
(* cells_not_processed = 1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:33" *)
module dffe(d, clk, en, q);
(* src = "../top.v:38" *)
wire _0_;
(* src = "../top.v:35" *)
wire _1_;
wire _2_;
wire _3_;
wire _4_;
(* src = "../top.v:34" *)
input clk;
(* src = "../top.v:34" *)
input d;
(* src = "../top.v:34" *)
input en;
(* init = 1'h0 *)
(* src = "../top.v:34" *)
output q;
reg q = 1'h0;
assign _2_ = en != 1'h0;
always @(posedge clk)
if (_2_)
q <= _3_;
assign _3_ = _4_ ? (* src = "../top.v:39" *) d : 1'hx;
assign _1_ = 1'h0;
assign _4_ = en;
assign _0_ = _3_;
(* cells_not_processed = 1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:47" *)
module dffsr(d, clk, pre, clr, q);
(* src = "../top.v:52" *)
wire _00_;
(* src = "../top.v:49" *)
wire _01_;
wire _02_;
wire _03_;
wire _04_;
wire _05_;
wire _06_;
wire _07_;
(* src = "../top.v:48" *)
input clk;
(* src = "../top.v:48" *)
input clr;
(* src = "../top.v:48" *)
input d;
(* src = "../top.v:48" *)
input pre;
(* init = 1'h0 *)
(* src = "../top.v:48" *)
output q;
assign _02_ = ~ 1'h1;
assign _03_ = ~ 1'h0;
assign _04_ = pre ? 1'h1 : 1'h0;
assign _05_ = clr ? 1'h0 : _04_;
assign _06_ = pre ? _02_ : 1'h0;
assign _07_ = clr ? _03_ : _06_;
reg [0:0] _14_ = 1'h0;
always @(posedge clk, posedge _05_, posedge _07_)
if (_07_) _14_[0] <= 1'b0;
else if (_05_) _14_[0] <= 1'b1;
else _14_[0] <= d;
assign q = _14_;
assign _01_ = 1'h0;
assign _00_ = d;
(* cells_not_processed = 1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:65" *)
module ndffnsnr(d, clk, pre, clr, q);
(* src = "../top.v:70" *)
wire _00_;
(* src = "../top.v:67" *)
wire _01_;
wire _02_;
wire _03_;
wire _04_;
wire _05_;
wire _06_;
wire _07_;
wire _08_;
wire _09_;
(* src = "../top.v:71" *)
wire _10_;
(* src = "../top.v:77" *)
wire _11_;
(* src = "../top.v:66" *)
input clk;
(* src = "../top.v:66" *)
input clr;
(* src = "../top.v:66" *)
input d;
(* src = "../top.v:66" *)
input pre;
(* init = 1'h0 *)
(* src = "../top.v:66" *)
output q;
assign _02_ = ~ 1'h1;
assign _03_ = ~ 1'h0;
assign _04_ = _08_ ? 1'h1 : 1'h0;
assign _05_ = _09_ ? 1'h0 : _04_;
assign _06_ = _08_ ? _02_ : 1'h0;
assign _07_ = _09_ ? _03_ : _06_;
assign _08_ = ~ pre;
assign _09_ = ~ clr;
assign _10_ = ! (* src = "../top.v:71" *) clr;
assign _11_ = ! (* src = "../top.v:77" *) pre;
reg [0:0] _22_ = 1'h0;
always @(negedge clk, posedge _05_, posedge _07_)
if (_07_) _22_[0] <= 1'b0;
else if (_05_) _22_[0] <= 1'b1;
else _22_[0] <= d;
assign q = _22_;
assign _01_ = 1'h0;
assign _00_ = d;
(* cells_not_processed = 1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:83" *)
module top(clk, clr, pre, a, b, b1, b2, b3, b4);
(* src = "../top.v:87" *)
input a;
(* src = "../top.v:88" *)
output b;
(* src = "../top.v:88" *)
output b1;
(* src = "../top.v:88" *)
output b2;
(* src = "../top.v:88" *)
output b3;
(* src = "../top.v:88" *)
output b4;
(* src = "../top.v:84" *)
input clk;
(* src = "../top.v:85" *)
input clr;
(* src = "../top.v:86" *)
input pre;
(* module_not_derived = 32'd1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:107" *)
adff u_adff (
(* module_not_derived = 32'd1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:114" *)
adffn u_adffn (
(* module_not_derived = 32'd1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:121" *)
dffe u_dffe (
(* module_not_derived = 32'd1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:91" *)
dffsr u_dffsr (
(* module_not_derived = 32'd1 *)
(* src = "../top.v:99" *)
ndffnsnr u_ndffnsnr (
ERROR: Failed to handle init bit \\_22_ = 1'0.
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