Commit 813415c7 by Miodrag Milanovic

Pattern fixes

parent 4fc4c07d
_shiftx____top_shiftx_v_21_107 <= dshr(lut, a) _shiftx____top_shiftx_v_0_107 <= dshr(lut, validif(not(bits(a, 4, 4)), a))
"model": "$add:0:0:1:1:1", "model": "$add:1U:1U:1",
\ No newline at end of file
"model": "$add:0:0:1:1:1", "model": "$add:1U:1U:1",
\ No newline at end of file
_$shiftx$###top_shiftx#v#21$107_Y := resize(resize(0ub32_10100000100010100010100010101100, 63) >> _a\[4:0\], 1); _$shiftx$###top_shiftx#v#0$107_Y := bool(_a[4:4]) ? resize(resize(0ub32_10100000100010100010100010101100, 63) << _0[4:0], 1) : resize(resize(0ub32_10100000100010100010100010101100, 63) >> _a[4:0], 1);
_y := _$shiftx$###top_shiftx#v#0$107_Y;
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