Unverified Commit 44821806 by Miodrag Milanović Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #91 from YosysHQ/eddie/verific_rand

Add verific/rand.sv test
parents 944233e0 db6464d9
TESTS := consrep firstmatch gotorep intersect nonconsrep seq_and seq_or triggered until until_trig within repzero
TESTS := consrep firstmatch gotorep intersect nonconsrep seq_and seq_or triggered until until_trig within repzero rand
all: $(addsuffix .status,$(TESTS))
grep -H . *.status | sed 's,.status:,\t,; s,PASS,pass,;' | expand -t20
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ all: $(addsuffix .status,$(TESTS))
-bash run.sh $(basename $@) > $(basename $@).log 2>&1
test -f $@
rand.status: rand.sv
touch .start
@(yosys -ql $(<:%.sv=%.log) -p "verific -sv $<" 2>&1 && echo PASS > $(<:%.sv=%.status)) || echo FAIL > $(<:%.sv=%.status)
rm -rf $(addsuffix .pass_??,$(TESTS))
rm -rf $(addsuffix .fail_??,$(TESTS))
module djb2hash (input clock);
(* keep *) rand const reg [31:0] magic;
(* keep *) rand reg [7:0] inputval;
(* keep *) reg [31:0] state = 5381;
(* keep *) integer cnt = 0;
always @(posedge clock) begin
state <= ((state << 5) + state) ^ inputval;
if (state == magic) cnt <= cnt + 1;
assert (cnt < 2);
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