Commit 386ec389 by SergeyDegtyar

Add tests for MISC task list; Add test for write_table command

Tasks in this group are just generating some output, so no traditional
test bench could be made. Writing output from yosys and checking if
result is expected is advised.

This represents some internal tests for ABC loops
note that you need to provide multiple tests in order to cover testing
of all cell types. Also output should be checked if it contain "Fail" or
"Error" in it
Use some verilog file, do proc and this should display you all cells in
designed ordered. Require multiple different parameters to cover all.
loading verilog file and doing  "trace proc" will create output with
additional logs, not much to check from output to be honest
just write to file and check if written output is fine
if you have liberty cell library files, try it with those specified.
note that you would always need to set -viewer since you do not wish to
call graphwiz.
Need covering of various parameters on a reasonable complicated design
to cover.
detection of logic loops, output needs to be tested in order to check if
loop was detected on not.
After doing synth on existing design, just run this step, can do
opt_clean after and there should be lot of temporary and unused wires
can load design and rename top modue, output should contain module with
new name
Use it on simple design since it takes a while on big ones.
Check if returns expected value for your design
it just outputs report, so not sure what would be valid to check, just
execute for now.
load existing design and try removing inputs, outputs,... complete
it just prints report, so nothing to check
parent 25ef4356
all: work
touch .stamp
rm -f .stamp
define template
$(foreach design,$(1),
$(foreach script,$(2),
work:: $(design)/work_$(script)/.stamp
bash $(design) $(script)
rm -rf $(design)/work_$(script)
$(eval $(call template,test_abcloop,test_abcloop test_abcloop_n test_abcloop_s ))
#test_cell_map - takes a lot of time
# test_cell_mux, test_cell_pmux - is not supported
$(eval $(call template,test_cell,test_cell test_cell_aigmap test_cell_const test_cell_edges test_cell_f test_cell_div test_cell_muxdiv test_cell_n test_cell_noeval test_cell_nosat test_cell_s test_cell_script test_cell_simlib test_cell_v test_cell_vlog test_cell_w test_cell_alu test_cell_sop test_cell_lut test_cell_macc test_cell_lcu test_cell_fa))
$(eval $(call template,torder,torder torder_stop torder_noautostop ))
$(eval $(call template,trace,trace ))
$(eval $(call template,write_file,write_file write_file_a ))
$(eval $(call template,stat, stat stat_top stat_width stat_liberty ))
# show_pause - skipped
$(eval $(call template,show, show show_colorattr show_colors show_color show_enum show_format show_label show_lib show_long show_notitle show_prefix show_signed show_stretch show_viewer show_width))
$(eval $(call template,scc, scc scc_all_cell_types scc_expect scc_max_depth scc_nofeedback scc_select scc_set_attr ))
$(eval $(call template,scatter, scatter ))
$(eval $(call template,rename, rename rename_top rename_src rename_hide rename_enumerate rename_enumerate_pat))
#qwp_v - exception
#+ yosys -ql yosys.log ../../scripts/qwp_v.ys line 11: 28262 Floating point exception(core dumped) yosys -ql yosys.log ../../scripts/$2.ys
$(eval $(call template,qwp, qwp qwp_ltr qwp_grid qwp_dump qwp_alpha))
$(eval $(call template,ltp, ltp ltp_noff ))
$(eval $(call template,edgetypes, edgetypes ))
$(eval $(call template,delete, delete delete_input delete_output delete_port delete_cell delete_wire delete_proc ))
$(eval $(call template,delete_mem, delete_mem ))
$(eval $(call template,cover, cover cover_q cover_o cover_dir cover_a ))
.PHONY: all clean
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input [7:0] data_a, data_b,
input [6:1] addr_a, addr_b,
input we_a, we_b, re_a, re_b, clka, clkb,
output reg [7:0] q_a, q_b
// Declare the RAM variable
reg [7:0] ram[63:0];
initial begin
q_a <= 8'h00;
q_b <= 8'd0;
// Port A
always @ (posedge clka)
`ifndef BUG
if (we_a)
if (we_b)
ram[addr_a] <= data_a;
q_a <= data_a;
if (re_b)
q_a <= ram[addr_a];
// Port B
always @ (posedge clkb)
`ifndef BUG
if (we_b)
if (we_a)
ram[addr_b] <= data_b;
q_b <= data_b;
if (re_b)
q_b <= ram[addr_b];
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
//always @(posedge cin)
// A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
//middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
set -ex
test -d $1
test -f scripts/$2.ys
rm -rf $1/work_$2
mkdir $1/work_$2
cd $1/work_$2
yosys -ql yosys.log ../../scripts/$2.ys
if grep 'Assert' result.log || grep 'failed in' result.log || grep 'fail' result.log || grep 'ERROR' result.log; then
echo fail > ${1}_${2}.status
echo pass > ${1}_${2}.status
touch .stamp
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover -a out.txt
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover -d out_dir
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover -o out.txt
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover -q
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete middle
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete top/$1
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete -input middle/x
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete top/$7
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete -output middle/o
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete -port top/A
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete top/$3
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete top/o
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log edgetypes
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log ltp
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log ltp -noff
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -alpha
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -dump out.html
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -grid 4
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -ltr
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -v
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename middle mid_module
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename -enumerate
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename -enumerate -pattern '_%_' top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename -hide middle mid
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename -src
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log rename -top new_top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scatter
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -all_cell_types top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -expect 0 top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -max_depth 2 top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -nofeedback top
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log scc -select top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -set_attr attr true top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -color red $add top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -colorattr attr top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -colors red green blue top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -enum top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -format dot top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -label adder $add top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -lib ../top.v top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -long top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -notitle top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -pause top
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log show -viewer -prefix pr top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -signed top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -stretch top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer -width top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log stat
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log stat -liberty ../lib.lib
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log stat -top top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log stat -width
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_abcloop
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_abcloop -n 50
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_abcloop -s 50
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -aigmap $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $alu
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -const $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -n 2 $div $mod
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -edges $add
read_verilog ../gold.v
synth -top gold
write_ilang ilang.ilang
design -reset
tee -o result.log test_cell -f ilang.ilang
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $fa
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $lcu
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $lut
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -n 2 $macc
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -n 2 -map ../simlib.v $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $mux
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -muxdiv $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -n 50 $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -noeval $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -nosat $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $pmux
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -s 50 $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -script ../test_cell_scr.ys $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -simlib $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $sop
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -v $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -vlog vlog.v $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -w pref $add
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log torder
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log torder -noautostop
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log torder -stop $add A
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log trace synth -top top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log write_file out.v ../top.v
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log write_file -a out.v ../top.v
library (Cell_EX2) {
technology (cmos);
delay_model : table_lookup;
capacitive_load_unit (1,pf);
pulling_resistance_unit : "1kohm";
time_unit : "1ns";
voltage_unit : "1V";
current_unit : "1A";
default_fanout_load : 0.0;
default_inout_pin_cap : 0.0;
default_input_pin_cap : 0.0;
default_output_pin_cap : 0.0;
input_threshold_pct_rise : 50.0;
input_threshold_pct_fall : 50.0;
output_threshold_pct_rise : 50.0;
output_threshold_pct_fall : 50.0;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_fall : 10.0;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_rise : 10.0;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_fall : 90.0;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_rise : 90.0;
lu_table_template (delay_template4x4) {
variable_1 : input_net_transition;
variable_2 : total_output_net_capacitance;
index_1 ("1,2,3,4");
index_2 ("1,2,3,4");
cell (top) {
area : 2;
cell_footprint : inv;
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.00376;
rise_capacitance : 0.00376;
fall_capacitance : 0.00377;
rise_capacitance_range (0.00376 , 0.00376) ;
fall_capacitance_range (0.00377 , 0.00377) ;
clock : false;
max_transition : 1.0;
pin (Y) {
direction : output;
max_capacitance : 0.08000;
function : "(!A)";
timing () {
related_pin : "A";
timing_sense : negative_unate;
cell_rise (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.05545, 0.08432, 0.13771, 0.24632", \
"0.07093, 0.10601, 0.16334, 0.26969", \
"0.09321, 0.13663, 0.20648, 0.32107", \
"0.12336, 0.18027, 0.26781, 0.40737");
rise_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.09501, 0.14667, 0.25660, 0.48700", \
"0.13380, 0.18147, 0.28263, 0.50271", \
"0.19812, 0.25305, 0.35174, 0.55511", \
"0.32615, 0.38683, 0.49515, 0.69333");
cell_fall (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.04962, 0.07644, 0.12297, 0.21732", \
"0.06032, 0.09421, 0.14752, 0.24018", \
"0.07225, 0.11581, 0.18296, 0.28919", \
"0.08114, 0.13786, 0.22567, 0.36035");
fall_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.08067, 0.12114, 0.20638, 0.38782", \
"0.11950, 0.15830, 0.23419, 0.40548", \
"0.19046, 0.23320, 0.31117, 0.46523", \
"0.32214, 0.37613, 0.46164, 0.61834");
cell (INVX2) {
area : 3;
cell_footprint : inv;
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.00676;
rise_capacitance : 0.00676;
fall_capacitance : 0.00677;
rise_capacitance_range (0.00676 , 0.00676) ;
fall_capacitance_range (0.00677 , 0.00677) ;
clock : false;
max_transition : 1.0;
pin (Y) {
direction : output;
max_capacitance : 0.16000;
function : "(!A)";
timing () {
related_pin : "A";
timing_sense : negative_unate;
cell_rise (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.05545, 0.08432, 0.13771, 0.24632", \
"0.07093, 0.10601, 0.16334, 0.26969", \
"0.09321, 0.13663, 0.20648, 0.32107", \
"0.12336, 0.18027, 0.26781, 0.40737");
rise_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.09501, 0.14667, 0.25660, 0.48700", \
"0.13380, 0.18147, 0.28263, 0.50271", \
"0.19812, 0.25305, 0.35174, 0.55511", \
"0.32615, 0.38683, 0.49515, 0.69333");
cell_fall (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.04962, 0.07644, 0.12297, 0.21732", \
"0.06032, 0.09421, 0.14752, 0.24018", \
"0.07225, 0.11581, 0.18296, 0.28919", \
"0.08114, 0.13786, 0.22567, 0.36035");
fall_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.08067, 0.12114, 0.20638, 0.38782", \
"0.11950, 0.15830, 0.23419, 0.40548", \
"0.19046, 0.23320, 0.31117, 0.46523", \
"0.32214, 0.37613, 0.46164, 0.61834");
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
library (Cell_EX2) {
technology (cmos);
delay_model : table_lookup;
capacitive_load_unit (1,pf);
pulling_resistance_unit : "1kohm";
time_unit : "1ns";
voltage_unit : "1V";
current_unit : "1A";
default_fanout_load : 0.0;
default_inout_pin_cap : 0.0;
default_input_pin_cap : 0.0;
default_output_pin_cap : 0.0;
input_threshold_pct_rise : 50.0;
input_threshold_pct_fall : 50.0;
output_threshold_pct_rise : 50.0;
output_threshold_pct_fall : 50.0;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_fall : 10.0;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_rise : 10.0;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_fall : 90.0;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_rise : 90.0;
lu_table_template (delay_template4x4) {
variable_1 : input_net_transition;
variable_2 : total_output_net_capacitance;
index_1 ("1,2,3,4");
index_2 ("1,2,3,4");
cell (top) {
area : 2;
cell_footprint : inv;
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.00376;
rise_capacitance : 0.00376;
fall_capacitance : 0.00377;
rise_capacitance_range (0.00376 , 0.00376) ;
fall_capacitance_range (0.00377 , 0.00377) ;
clock : false;
max_transition : 1.0;
pin (Y) {
direction : output;
max_capacitance : 0.08000;
function : "(!A)";
timing () {
related_pin : "A";
timing_sense : negative_unate;
cell_rise (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.05545, 0.08432, 0.13771, 0.24632", \
"0.07093, 0.10601, 0.16334, 0.26969", \
"0.09321, 0.13663, 0.20648, 0.32107", \
"0.12336, 0.18027, 0.26781, 0.40737");
rise_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.09501, 0.14667, 0.25660, 0.48700", \
"0.13380, 0.18147, 0.28263, 0.50271", \
"0.19812, 0.25305, 0.35174, 0.55511", \
"0.32615, 0.38683, 0.49515, 0.69333");
cell_fall (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.04962, 0.07644, 0.12297, 0.21732", \
"0.06032, 0.09421, 0.14752, 0.24018", \
"0.07225, 0.11581, 0.18296, 0.28919", \
"0.08114, 0.13786, 0.22567, 0.36035");
fall_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.08067, 0.12114, 0.20638, 0.38782", \
"0.11950, 0.15830, 0.23419, 0.40548", \
"0.19046, 0.23320, 0.31117, 0.46523", \
"0.32214, 0.37613, 0.46164, 0.61834");
cell (INVX2) {
area : 3;
cell_footprint : inv;
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.00676;
rise_capacitance : 0.00676;
fall_capacitance : 0.00677;
rise_capacitance_range (0.00676 , 0.00676) ;
fall_capacitance_range (0.00677 , 0.00677) ;
clock : false;
max_transition : 1.0;
pin (Y) {
direction : output;
max_capacitance : 0.16000;
function : "(!A)";
timing () {
related_pin : "A";
timing_sense : negative_unate;
cell_rise (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.05545, 0.08432, 0.13771, 0.24632", \
"0.07093, 0.10601, 0.16334, 0.26969", \
"0.09321, 0.13663, 0.20648, 0.32107", \
"0.12336, 0.18027, 0.26781, 0.40737");
rise_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.09501, 0.14667, 0.25660, 0.48700", \
"0.13380, 0.18147, 0.28263, 0.50271", \
"0.19812, 0.25305, 0.35174, 0.55511", \
"0.32615, 0.38683, 0.49515, 0.69333");
cell_fall (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.04962, 0.07644, 0.12297, 0.21732", \
"0.06032, 0.09421, 0.14752, 0.24018", \
"0.07225, 0.11581, 0.18296, 0.28919", \
"0.08114, 0.13786, 0.22567, 0.36035");
fall_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.08067, 0.12114, 0.20638, 0.38782", \
"0.11950, 0.15830, 0.23419, 0.40548", \
"0.19046, 0.23320, 0.31117, 0.46523", \
"0.32214, 0.37613, 0.46164, 0.61834");
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module gold
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module \$add (A, B, Y);
parameter A_SIGNED = 0;
parameter B_SIGNED = 0;
parameter A_WIDTH = 0;
parameter B_WIDTH = 0;
parameter Y_WIDTH = 0;
input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A;
input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B;
output [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y;
if (A_SIGNED && B_SIGNED) begin:BLOCK1
assign Y = $signed(A) + $signed(B);
end else begin:BLOCK2
assign Y = A + B;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
SUBDIRS := architecture backends bigsim frontends regression simple
SUBDIRS := architecture backends bigsim frontends MISC regression simple
ifeq ($(VERIFIC),1)
export VERIFIC=1
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ $(eval $(call template,write_aiger,write_aiger write_aiger_ascii write_aiger_zin
$(eval $(call template,write_blif,write_blif write_blif_top write_blif_buf write_blif_unbuf write_blif_true write_blif_false write_blif_undef write_blif_noalias write_blif_icells write_blif_gates write_blif_conn write_blif_attr write_blif_param write_blif_cname write_blif_iname write_blif_iattr write_blif_blackbox write_blif_impltf))
$(eval $(call template,write_btor,write_btor write_btor write_btor_v write_btor_s))
$(eval $(call template,write_btor,write_btor write_btor_v write_btor_s))
$(eval $(call template,write_btor_logic,write_btor write_btor_v write_btor_s))
$(eval $(call template,write_btor_mem,write_btor_mem write_btor_mem_v write_btor_mem_s))
$(eval $(call template,write_btor_pmux,write_btor_pmux))
......@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ $(eval $(call template,write_smv_cmos4,write_smv_cmos4))
$(eval $(call template,write_spice,write_spice write_spice_top write_spice_big_endian write_spice_neg_i write_spice_pos_i write_spice_nc_prefix write_spice_inames ))
$(eval $(call template,write_table,write_table ))
.PHONY: all clean
read_verilog ../top.v
write_table tb.tb
write_verilog synth.v
module testbench;
reg en;
initial begin
// $dumpfile("testbench.vcd");
// $dumpvars(0, testbench);
#5 en = 0;
repeat (10000) begin
#5 en = 1;
#5 en = 0;
reg dinA = 0;
wire [1:0] dioB;
wire [1:0] doutC;
top uut (
.en (en ),
.a (dinA ),
.b (dioB ),
.c (doutC )
always @(posedge en) begin
dinA <= !dinA;
assert_dff b_test(.clk(en), .test(dinA), .pat(dioB[0]));
assert_dff c_test(.clk(en), .test(dinA), .pat(doutC[0]));
assert_dff cz_test(.clk(!en), .test(1'bZ), .pat(doutC[0]));
module tristate (en, i, io, o);
input en;
input i;
inout [1:0] io;
output [1:0] o;
wire [1:0] io;
`ifndef BUG
assign io[0] = (en)? i : 1'bZ;
assign io[1] = (i)? en : 1'bZ;
assign o = io;
assign io[0] = (en)? ~i : 1'bZ;
assign io[1] = (i)? ~en : 1'bZ;
assign o = ~io;
module top (
input en,
input a,
inout [1:0] b,
output [1:0] c
tristate u_tri (
.en (en ),
.i (a ),
.io (b ),
.o (c )
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