Unverified Commit 151e9a30 by Miodrag Milanović Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #7 from SergeyDegtyar/master

Add tests for MISC task list; Add test for write_table command
parents 25ef4356 566e6cbe
SUBDIRS := architecture backends bigsim frontends regression simple SUBDIRS := architecture backends bigsim frontends misc regression simple
ifeq ($(VERIFIC),1) ifeq ($(VERIFIC),1)
export VERIFIC=1 export VERIFIC=1
...@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ $(eval $(call template,write_aiger,write_aiger write_aiger_ascii write_aiger_zin ...@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ $(eval $(call template,write_aiger,write_aiger write_aiger_ascii write_aiger_zin
$(eval $(call template,write_blif,write_blif write_blif_top write_blif_buf write_blif_unbuf write_blif_true write_blif_false write_blif_undef write_blif_noalias write_blif_icells write_blif_gates write_blif_conn write_blif_attr write_blif_param write_blif_cname write_blif_iname write_blif_iattr write_blif_blackbox write_blif_impltf)) $(eval $(call template,write_blif,write_blif write_blif_top write_blif_buf write_blif_unbuf write_blif_true write_blif_false write_blif_undef write_blif_noalias write_blif_icells write_blif_gates write_blif_conn write_blif_attr write_blif_param write_blif_cname write_blif_iname write_blif_iattr write_blif_blackbox write_blif_impltf))
#write_btor #write_btor
$(eval $(call template,write_btor,write_btor write_btor write_btor_v write_btor_s)) $(eval $(call template,write_btor,write_btor write_btor_v write_btor_s))
$(eval $(call template,write_btor_logic,write_btor write_btor_v write_btor_s)) $(eval $(call template,write_btor_logic,write_btor write_btor_v write_btor_s))
$(eval $(call template,write_btor_mem,write_btor_mem write_btor_mem_v write_btor_mem_s)) $(eval $(call template,write_btor_mem,write_btor_mem write_btor_mem_v write_btor_mem_s))
$(eval $(call template,write_btor_pmux,write_btor_pmux)) $(eval $(call template,write_btor_pmux,write_btor_pmux))
...@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ $(eval $(call template,write_smv_cmos4,write_smv_cmos4)) ...@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ $(eval $(call template,write_smv_cmos4,write_smv_cmos4))
#write_spice #write_spice
$(eval $(call template,write_spice,write_spice write_spice_top write_spice_big_endian write_spice_neg_i write_spice_pos_i write_spice_nc_prefix write_spice_inames )) $(eval $(call template,write_spice,write_spice write_spice_top write_spice_big_endian write_spice_neg_i write_spice_pos_i write_spice_nc_prefix write_spice_inames ))
$(eval $(call template,write_table,write_table ))
.PHONY: all clean .PHONY: all clean
read_verilog ../top.v
write_table tb.tb
write_verilog synth.v
module testbench;
reg en;
initial begin
// $dumpfile("testbench.vcd");
// $dumpvars(0, testbench);
#5 en = 0;
repeat (10000) begin
#5 en = 1;
#5 en = 0;
reg dinA = 0;
wire [1:0] dioB;
wire [1:0] doutC;
top uut (
.en (en ),
.a (dinA ),
.b (dioB ),
.c (doutC )
always @(posedge en) begin
dinA <= !dinA;
assert_dff b_test(.clk(en), .test(dinA), .pat(dioB[0]));
assert_dff c_test(.clk(en), .test(dinA), .pat(doutC[0]));
assert_dff cz_test(.clk(!en), .test(1'bZ), .pat(doutC[0]));
module tristate (en, i, io, o);
input en;
input i;
inout [1:0] io;
output [1:0] o;
wire [1:0] io;
`ifndef BUG
assign io[0] = (en)? i : 1'bZ;
assign io[1] = (i)? en : 1'bZ;
assign o = io;
assign io[0] = (en)? ~i : 1'bZ;
assign io[1] = (i)? ~en : 1'bZ;
assign o = ~io;
module top (
input en,
input a,
inout [1:0] b,
output [1:0] c
tristate u_tri (
.en (en ),
.i (a ),
.io (b ),
.o (c )
all: work
touch .stamp
rm -f .stamp
define template
$(foreach design,$(1),
$(foreach script,$(2),
work:: $(design)/work_$(script)/.stamp
bash run.sh $(design) $(script)
rm -rf $(design)/work_$(script)
$(eval $(call template,test_abcloop,test_abcloop test_abcloop_n test_abcloop_s ))
#test_cell_map - takes a lot of time
# test_cell_mux, test_cell_pmux - is not supported
$(eval $(call template,test_cell,test_cell test_cell_aigmap test_cell_const test_cell_edges test_cell_f test_cell_div test_cell_muxdiv test_cell_n test_cell_noeval test_cell_nosat test_cell_s test_cell_script test_cell_simlib test_cell_v test_cell_vlog test_cell_w test_cell_alu test_cell_sop test_cell_lut test_cell_macc test_cell_lcu test_cell_fa))
$(eval $(call template,torder,torder torder_stop torder_noautostop ))
$(eval $(call template,trace,trace ))
$(eval $(call template,write_file,write_file write_file_a ))
$(eval $(call template,stat, stat stat_top stat_width stat_liberty ))
# show_pause - skipped
$(eval $(call template,show, show show_colorattr show_colors show_color show_enum show_format show_label show_lib show_long show_notitle show_prefix show_signed show_stretch show_viewer show_width))
$(eval $(call template,scc, scc scc_all_cell_types scc_expect scc_max_depth scc_nofeedback scc_select scc_set_attr ))
$(eval $(call template,scatter, scatter ))
$(eval $(call template,rename, rename rename_top rename_src rename_hide rename_enumerate rename_enumerate_pat))
#qwp_v - exception
#+ yosys -ql yosys.log ../../scripts/qwp_v.ys
#run.sh: line 11: 28262 Floating point exception(core dumped) yosys -ql yosys.log ../../scripts/$2.ys
$(eval $(call template,qwp, qwp qwp_ltr qwp_grid qwp_dump qwp_alpha))
$(eval $(call template,ltp, ltp ltp_noff ))
$(eval $(call template,edgetypes, edgetypes ))
$(eval $(call template,delete, delete delete_input delete_output delete_port delete_cell delete_wire delete_proc ))
$(eval $(call template,delete_mem, delete_mem ))
$(eval $(call template,cover, cover cover_q cover_o cover_dir cover_a ))
.PHONY: all clean
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input [7:0] data_a, data_b,
input [6:1] addr_a, addr_b,
input we_a, we_b, re_a, re_b, clka, clkb,
output reg [7:0] q_a, q_b
// Declare the RAM variable
reg [7:0] ram[63:0];
initial begin
q_a <= 8'h00;
q_b <= 8'd0;
// Port A
always @ (posedge clka)
`ifndef BUG
if (we_a)
if (we_b)
ram[addr_a] <= data_a;
q_a <= data_a;
if (re_b)
q_a <= ram[addr_a];
// Port B
always @ (posedge clkb)
`ifndef BUG
if (we_b)
if (we_a)
ram[addr_b] <= data_b;
q_b <= data_b;
if (re_b)
q_b <= ram[addr_b];
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
//always @(posedge cin)
// A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
//middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
set -ex
test -d $1
test -f scripts/$2.ys
rm -rf $1/work_$2
mkdir $1/work_$2
cd $1/work_$2
yosys -ql yosys.log ../../scripts/$2.ys
if grep 'Assert' result.log || grep 'failed in' result.log || grep 'fail' result.log || grep 'ERROR' result.log; then
echo fail > ${1}_${2}.status
echo pass > ${1}_${2}.status
touch .stamp
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover -a out.txt
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover -d out_dir
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover -o out.txt
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log cover -q
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete middle
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete top/$1
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete -input middle/x
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete top/$7
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete -output middle/o
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete -port top/A
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete top/$3
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log delete top/o
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log edgetypes
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log ltp
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log ltp -noff
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -alpha
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -dump out.html
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -grid 4
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -ltr
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log qwp -v
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename middle mid_module
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename -enumerate
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename -enumerate -pattern '_%_' top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename -hide middle mid
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log rename -src
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log rename -top new_top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scatter
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -all_cell_types top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -expect 0 top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -max_depth 2 top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -nofeedback top
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log scc -select top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log scc -set_attr attr true top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -color red $add top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -colorattr attr top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -colors red green blue top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -enum top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -format dot top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -label adder $add top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -lib ../top.v top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -long top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -notitle top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -pause top
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -prefix pr top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -signed top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -stretch top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log show -viewer dummy.sh -width top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log stat
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log stat -liberty ../lib.lib
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log stat -top top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log stat -width
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_abcloop
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_abcloop -n 50
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_abcloop -s 50
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -aigmap $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $alu
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -const $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -n 2 $div $mod
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -edges $add
read_verilog ../gold.v
synth -top gold
write_ilang ilang.ilang
design -reset
tee -o result.log test_cell -f ilang.ilang
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $fa
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $lcu
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $lut
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -n 2 $macc
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -n 2 -map ../simlib.v $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $mux
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -muxdiv $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -n 50 $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -noeval $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -nosat $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $pmux
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -s 50 $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -script ../test_cell_scr.ys $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -simlib $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell $sop
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -v $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -vlog vlog.v $add
read_verilog ../top.v
synth -top top
tee -o result.log test_cell -w pref $add
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log torder
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log torder -noautostop
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log torder -stop $add A
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log trace synth -top top
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log write_file out.v ../top.v
read_verilog ../top.v
tee -o result.log write_file -a out.v ../top.v
library (Cell_EX2) {
technology (cmos);
delay_model : table_lookup;
capacitive_load_unit (1,pf);
pulling_resistance_unit : "1kohm";
time_unit : "1ns";
voltage_unit : "1V";
current_unit : "1A";
default_fanout_load : 0.0;
default_inout_pin_cap : 0.0;
default_input_pin_cap : 0.0;
default_output_pin_cap : 0.0;
input_threshold_pct_rise : 50.0;
input_threshold_pct_fall : 50.0;
output_threshold_pct_rise : 50.0;
output_threshold_pct_fall : 50.0;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_fall : 10.0;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_rise : 10.0;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_fall : 90.0;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_rise : 90.0;
lu_table_template (delay_template4x4) {
variable_1 : input_net_transition;
variable_2 : total_output_net_capacitance;
index_1 ("1,2,3,4");
index_2 ("1,2,3,4");
cell (top) {
area : 2;
cell_footprint : inv;
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.00376;
rise_capacitance : 0.00376;
fall_capacitance : 0.00377;
rise_capacitance_range (0.00376 , 0.00376) ;
fall_capacitance_range (0.00377 , 0.00377) ;
clock : false;
max_transition : 1.0;
pin (Y) {
direction : output;
max_capacitance : 0.08000;
function : "(!A)";
timing () {
related_pin : "A";
timing_sense : negative_unate;
cell_rise (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.05545, 0.08432, 0.13771, 0.24632", \
"0.07093, 0.10601, 0.16334, 0.26969", \
"0.09321, 0.13663, 0.20648, 0.32107", \
"0.12336, 0.18027, 0.26781, 0.40737");
rise_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.09501, 0.14667, 0.25660, 0.48700", \
"0.13380, 0.18147, 0.28263, 0.50271", \
"0.19812, 0.25305, 0.35174, 0.55511", \
"0.32615, 0.38683, 0.49515, 0.69333");
cell_fall (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.04962, 0.07644, 0.12297, 0.21732", \
"0.06032, 0.09421, 0.14752, 0.24018", \
"0.07225, 0.11581, 0.18296, 0.28919", \
"0.08114, 0.13786, 0.22567, 0.36035");
fall_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.08067, 0.12114, 0.20638, 0.38782", \
"0.11950, 0.15830, 0.23419, 0.40548", \
"0.19046, 0.23320, 0.31117, 0.46523", \
"0.32214, 0.37613, 0.46164, 0.61834");
cell (INVX2) {
area : 3;
cell_footprint : inv;
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.00676;
rise_capacitance : 0.00676;
fall_capacitance : 0.00677;
rise_capacitance_range (0.00676 , 0.00676) ;
fall_capacitance_range (0.00677 , 0.00677) ;
clock : false;
max_transition : 1.0;
pin (Y) {
direction : output;
max_capacitance : 0.16000;
function : "(!A)";
timing () {
related_pin : "A";
timing_sense : negative_unate;
cell_rise (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.05545, 0.08432, 0.13771, 0.24632", \
"0.07093, 0.10601, 0.16334, 0.26969", \
"0.09321, 0.13663, 0.20648, 0.32107", \
"0.12336, 0.18027, 0.26781, 0.40737");
rise_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.09501, 0.14667, 0.25660, 0.48700", \
"0.13380, 0.18147, 0.28263, 0.50271", \
"0.19812, 0.25305, 0.35174, 0.55511", \
"0.32615, 0.38683, 0.49515, 0.69333");
cell_fall (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.04962, 0.07644, 0.12297, 0.21732", \
"0.06032, 0.09421, 0.14752, 0.24018", \
"0.07225, 0.11581, 0.18296, 0.28919", \
"0.08114, 0.13786, 0.22567, 0.36035");
fall_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.08067, 0.12114, 0.20638, 0.38782", \
"0.11950, 0.15830, 0.23419, 0.40548", \
"0.19046, 0.23320, 0.31117, 0.46523", \
"0.32214, 0.37613, 0.46164, 0.61834");
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
library (Cell_EX2) {
technology (cmos);
delay_model : table_lookup;
capacitive_load_unit (1,pf);
pulling_resistance_unit : "1kohm";
time_unit : "1ns";
voltage_unit : "1V";
current_unit : "1A";
default_fanout_load : 0.0;
default_inout_pin_cap : 0.0;
default_input_pin_cap : 0.0;
default_output_pin_cap : 0.0;
input_threshold_pct_rise : 50.0;
input_threshold_pct_fall : 50.0;
output_threshold_pct_rise : 50.0;
output_threshold_pct_fall : 50.0;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_fall : 10.0;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_rise : 10.0;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_fall : 90.0;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_rise : 90.0;
lu_table_template (delay_template4x4) {
variable_1 : input_net_transition;
variable_2 : total_output_net_capacitance;
index_1 ("1,2,3,4");
index_2 ("1,2,3,4");
cell (top) {
area : 2;
cell_footprint : inv;
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.00376;
rise_capacitance : 0.00376;
fall_capacitance : 0.00377;
rise_capacitance_range (0.00376 , 0.00376) ;
fall_capacitance_range (0.00377 , 0.00377) ;
clock : false;
max_transition : 1.0;
pin (Y) {
direction : output;
max_capacitance : 0.08000;
function : "(!A)";
timing () {
related_pin : "A";
timing_sense : negative_unate;
cell_rise (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.05545, 0.08432, 0.13771, 0.24632", \
"0.07093, 0.10601, 0.16334, 0.26969", \
"0.09321, 0.13663, 0.20648, 0.32107", \
"0.12336, 0.18027, 0.26781, 0.40737");
rise_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.09501, 0.14667, 0.25660, 0.48700", \
"0.13380, 0.18147, 0.28263, 0.50271", \
"0.19812, 0.25305, 0.35174, 0.55511", \
"0.32615, 0.38683, 0.49515, 0.69333");
cell_fall (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.04962, 0.07644, 0.12297, 0.21732", \
"0.06032, 0.09421, 0.14752, 0.24018", \
"0.07225, 0.11581, 0.18296, 0.28919", \
"0.08114, 0.13786, 0.22567, 0.36035");
fall_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.01000, 0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000");
values ("0.08067, 0.12114, 0.20638, 0.38782", \
"0.11950, 0.15830, 0.23419, 0.40548", \
"0.19046, 0.23320, 0.31117, 0.46523", \
"0.32214, 0.37613, 0.46164, 0.61834");
cell (INVX2) {
area : 3;
cell_footprint : inv;
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.00676;
rise_capacitance : 0.00676;
fall_capacitance : 0.00677;
rise_capacitance_range (0.00676 , 0.00676) ;
fall_capacitance_range (0.00677 , 0.00677) ;
clock : false;
max_transition : 1.0;
pin (Y) {
direction : output;
max_capacitance : 0.16000;
function : "(!A)";
timing () {
related_pin : "A";
timing_sense : negative_unate;
cell_rise (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.05545, 0.08432, 0.13771, 0.24632", \
"0.07093, 0.10601, 0.16334, 0.26969", \
"0.09321, 0.13663, 0.20648, 0.32107", \
"0.12336, 0.18027, 0.26781, 0.40737");
rise_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.09501, 0.14667, 0.25660, 0.48700", \
"0.13380, 0.18147, 0.28263, 0.50271", \
"0.19812, 0.25305, 0.35174, 0.55511", \
"0.32615, 0.38683, 0.49515, 0.69333");
cell_fall (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.04962, 0.07644, 0.12297, 0.21732", \
"0.06032, 0.09421, 0.14752, 0.24018", \
"0.07225, 0.11581, 0.18296, 0.28919", \
"0.08114, 0.13786, 0.22567, 0.36035");
fall_transition (delay_template4x4) {
index_1 ("0.12500, 0.25000, 0.50000, 1.00000");
index_2 ("0.02000, 0.04000, 0.08000, 0.16000");
values ("0.08067, 0.12114, 0.20638, 0.38782", \
"0.11950, 0.15830, 0.23419, 0.40548", \
"0.19046, 0.23320, 0.31117, 0.46523", \
"0.32214, 0.37613, 0.46164, 0.61834");
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output reg A,
output cout
wire o;
`ifndef BUG
always @(posedge cin)
A <= o;
assign cout = cin? y : x;
middle u_mid (x,y,o);
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module middle
input x,
input y,
output o
assign o = x + y;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module gold
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module \$add (A, B, Y);
parameter A_SIGNED = 0;
parameter B_SIGNED = 0;
parameter A_WIDTH = 0;
parameter B_WIDTH = 0;
parameter Y_WIDTH = 0;
input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A;
input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B;
output [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y;
if (A_SIGNED && B_SIGNED) begin:BLOCK1
assign Y = $signed(A) + $signed(B);
end else begin:BLOCK2
assign Y = A + B;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
module top
input x,
input y,
input cin,
output A,
output cout
`ifndef BUG
assign {cout,A} = cin + y + x;
assign {cout,A} = cin - y * x;
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