Commit eeb2d809 by Zachary Snow

cleanup interface conversion

parent c936b39b
......@@ -32,12 +32,13 @@ convert =
collectDesc (orig @ (Part _ False kw _ name ports items)) = do
if kw == Interface
then tell (Map.singleton name (ports, items), Map.empty)
else collectModuleItemsM (collectDeclsM $ collectDecl name) orig
else collectModuleItemsM (collectDeclsM collectDecl) orig
collectDecl :: Decl -> Writer (Interfaces, Modules) ()
collectDecl (Variable _ t ident _ _) =
tell (Map.empty, Map.singleton (name, ident) t)
collectDecl _ = return ()
collectDesc _ = return ()
collectDecl :: Identifier -> Decl -> Writer (Interfaces, Modules) ()
collectDecl name (Variable _ t ident _ _) = do
tell (Map.empty, Map.singleton (name, ident) t)
collectDecl _ _ = return ()
isInterface :: Description -> Bool
isInterface (Part _ False Interface _ _ _ _) = True
isInterface _ = False
......@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
case t of
InterfaceT interfaceName (Just modportName) [] ->
tell (Map.empty, Map.singleton ident modportDecls)
where Just modportDecls = lookupModport Nothing interfaceName modportName
where Just modportDecls = lookupModport interfaceName modportName
_ -> return ()
collectInterface (Instance part _ ident Nothing _) =
if Map.member part interfaces
......@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
mapInterface :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
mapInterface (orig @ (MIPackageItem (Decl (Variable Local t ident _ _)))) =
-- expand instantiation of a modport
case Map.lookup ident modports of
Just modportDecls -> Generate $
map (GenModuleItem . MIPackageItem . Decl . mapper)
......@@ -83,8 +85,10 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
Variable dir mpt (ident ++ "_" ++ port) mprs Nothing
where (mpt, mprs) = lookupType interfaceItems (fromJust expr)
mapInterface (Instance part params ident Nothing instancePorts) =
-- expand modport port bindings
case Map.lookup part interfaces of
Just interface ->
-- inline instantiation of an interface
Generate $ map GenModuleItem $
inlineInterface interface (ident, params, expandedPorts)
Nothing -> Instance part params ident Nothing expandedPorts
......@@ -96,59 +100,57 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
mapInterface other = other
convertTF :: [Decl] -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertTF decls orig =
traverseExprs (traverseNestedExprs $ convertExpr its mps) $
traverseLHSs (traverseNestedLHSs $ convertLHS its mps) $
convertTF decls =
traverseExprs (traverseNestedExprs $ convertExpr its mps) .
traverseLHSs (traverseNestedLHSs $ convertLHS its mps)
locals = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe declVarIdent decls
its = Map.withoutKeys instances locals
mps = Map.withoutKeys modports locals
declVarIdent :: Decl -> Maybe Identifier
declVarIdent (Variable _ _ x _ _) = Just x
declVarIdent _ = Nothing
declVarIdent :: Decl -> Maybe Identifier
declVarIdent (Variable _ _ x _ _) = Just x
declVarIdent _ = Nothing
expandPortBinding :: Identifier -> PortBinding -> [PortBinding]
expandPortBinding _ (origBinding @ (portName, Just (Dot (Ident instanceName) modportName))) =
case Map.lookup instanceName instances of
Nothing ->
case Map.lookup instanceName modports of
Nothing -> [origBinding]
Just _ -> [(portName, Just $ Ident $ instanceName ++ "_" ++ modportName)]
Just interfaceName ->
case modportDecls of
Nothing -> [(portName, Just $ Ident $ instanceName ++ "_" ++ modportName)]
Just decls -> map mapper decls
modportDecls = lookupModport (Just instanceName) interfaceName modportName
mapper (_, x, me) = (portName ++ "_" ++ x, me)
expandPortBinding moduleName (origBinding @ (portName, Just (Ident instanceName))) =
case (instances Map.!? instanceName, modports Map.!? instanceName) of
-- expand instance modport bound to a modport
if Map.member instanceName instances && modportDecls /= Nothing
then map mapper $ fromJust modportDecls
else [origBinding]
interfaceName = instances Map.! instanceName
modportDecls = lookupModport interfaceName modportName
mapper (_, x, me) = (portName ++ "_" ++ x, me')
where me' = fmap (traverseNestedExprs prefixExpr) me
prefixExpr :: Expr -> Expr
prefixExpr (Ident x) = Ident (instanceName ++ "_" ++ x)
prefixExpr other = other
expandPortBinding moduleName (origBinding @ (portName, Just (Ident ident))) =
case (instances Map.!? ident, modports Map.!? ident) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> [origBinding]
(Just _, _) ->
map mapper modportDecls
-- given entire interface, but just bound to a modport
expandPortBinding moduleName (portName, Just newExpr)
InterfaceT interfaceName (Just modportName) [] =
InterfaceT _ (Just modportName) [] =
modules Map.! (moduleName, portName)
Just modportDecls = lookupModport (Just instanceName) interfaceName modportName
mapper (_, x, me) = (portName ++ "_" ++ x, me)
newExpr = Dot (Ident ident) modportName
(_, Just decls) ->
-- modport directly bound to a modport
map mapper decls
where mapper (_, x, _) =
mapper (_, x, _) =
( portName ++ "_" ++ x
, Just $ Ident $ instanceName ++ "_" ++ x )
, Just $ Dot (Ident ident) x )
expandPortBinding _ other = [other]
lookupModport :: Maybe Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Maybe [ModportDecl]
lookupModport instanceName interfaceName =
lookupModport :: Identifier -> Identifier -> Maybe [ModportDecl]
lookupModport interfaceName =
if Map.member interfaceName interfaces
then (Map.!?) modportMap
else error $ "could not find interface " ++ show interfaceName
prefix = maybe "" (++ "_") instanceName
interfaceItems =
map (prefixModuleItems prefix) $
snd $ interfaces Map.! interfaceName
interfaceItems = snd $ interfaces Map.! interfaceName
modportMap = execWriter $
mapM (collectNestedModuleItemsM collectModport) $
......@@ -167,10 +169,6 @@ convertDescription interfaces modules (Part attrs extern Module lifetime name po
if Map.member x mps || Map.member x its
then LHSIdent (x ++ "_" ++ y)
else orig
convertLHS its mps (LHSBit l e) =
LHSBit l (traverseNestedExprs (convertExpr its mps) e)
convertLHS its mps (LHSRange l m (e1, e2)) =
LHSRange l m (traverseNestedExprs (convertExpr its mps) e1, traverseNestedExprs (convertExpr its mps) e2)
convertLHS _ _ other = other
convertPort :: Identifier -> [Identifier]
convertPort ident =
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