Commit eb93ba67 by Zachary Snow

integer atom explicit sign cast support

parent a8346f2f
......@@ -162,4 +162,9 @@ typeSigning :: Type -> Maybe Signing
typeSigning (Net _ sg _) = Just sg
typeSigning (Implicit sg _) = Just sg
typeSigning (IntegerVector _ sg _) = Just sg
typeSigning (IntegerAtom t sg ) =
Just $ case (sg, t) of
(Unspecified, TTime) -> Unsigned
(Unspecified, _ ) -> Signed
(_ , _ ) -> sg
typeSigning _ = Nothing
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ elaborateIntegerAtom :: Type -> Type
elaborateIntegerAtom (IntegerAtom TInt sg) = baseIntType sg Signed 32
elaborateIntegerAtom (IntegerAtom TShortint sg) = baseIntType sg Signed 16
elaborateIntegerAtom (IntegerAtom TLongint sg) = baseIntType sg Signed 64
elaborateIntegerAtom (IntegerAtom TByte sg) = baseIntType sg Unspecified 8
elaborateIntegerAtom (IntegerAtom TByte sg) = baseIntType sg Signed 8
elaborateIntegerAtom other = other
-- makes a integer "compatible" type with the given signing, base signing and
......@@ -33,4 +33,12 @@ module top;
$display("%b", 5'(1'sb1));
parameter W = 9;
initial begin
byte i = -1;
byte unsigned j = -1;
$display("%b", W'(i));
$display("%b", W'(j));
......@@ -36,4 +36,18 @@ module top;
$display("%b", 5'sb11111);
parameter W = 9;
initial begin : block
reg signed [7:0] i;
reg [7:0] j;
reg [8:0] i_extended;
reg [8:0] j_extended;
i = -1;
j = -1;
i_extended = i;
j_extended = j;
$display("%b", i_extended);
$display("%b", j_extended);
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ assertConverts() {
assertFalse "conversion of $ac_file still contains dimension queries" $?
echo "$filtered" | egrep "\s(int\|bit\|logic\|byte\|struct\|enum\|longint\|shortint)\s"
assertFalse "conversion of $ac_file still contains SV types" $?
echo "$filtered" | grep "[^$]unsigned" > /dev/null
echo "$filtered" | grep "[^\$a-zA-Z_]unsigned" > /dev/null
assertFalse "conversion of $ac_file still contains unsigned keyword" $?
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