Commit a8346f2f by Zachary Snow

actually fix unbased unsized literals in ternary exprs

parent 71d17487
......@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
- Conversion for unbased, unsized literals ('0, '1, 'z, 'x)
- The literals are given a binary base and are made signed to enable sign
- extension. In self-determined contexts, the literals are additionally given
- an explicit size of 1. This enables the desired implicit casting in
- The literals are given a binary base, a size of 1, and are made signed to
- allow sign extension. This enables the desired implicit casting in
- Verilog-2005.
- However, in a ternary expressions, these literals should take on the sign and
- size of their counterpart. To work around this, we explicitly size cast these
- literlas when they appear within a ternary expression.
module Convert.UnbasedUnsized (convert) where
......@@ -23,26 +26,24 @@ convert =
digits :: [Char]
digits = ['0', '1', 'x', 'z', 'X', 'Z']
literalFor :: String -> Char -> Expr
literalFor prefix ch =
literalFor :: Char -> Expr
literalFor ch =
if elem ch digits
then Number (prefix ++ [ch])
then Number ("1'sb" ++ [ch])
else error $ "unexpected unbased-unsized digit: " ++ [ch]
sizedLiteralFor :: Char -> Expr
sizedLiteralFor = literalFor "1'sb"
unsizedLiteralFor :: Char -> Expr
unsizedLiteralFor = literalFor "'sb"
convertExpr :: Expr -> Expr
convertExpr (Mux cond left right) =
Mux cond (convertExprUnsized left) (convertExprUnsized right)
Mux cond (convertExprCast left right) (convertExprCast right left)
convertExpr (Number ['\'', ch]) =
sizedLiteralFor ch
literalFor ch
convertExpr other = other
convertExprUnsized :: Expr -> Expr
convertExprUnsized (Number ['\'', ch]) =
unsizedLiteralFor ch
convertExprUnsized other = other
convertExprCast :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
convertExprCast (Number ['\'', ch]) other =
Cast (Right size) (literalFor ch)
size = case other of
Number ['\'', _] -> Number "32"
_ -> DimsFn FnBits $ Right other
convertExprCast other _ = other
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module top;
i = 42;
flag = 1;
a = (flag ? '1 : i);
b = (flag ? 1'sb1 : i);
b = (flag ? 'x : i);
c = (flag ? '1 : '0);
$display("%b", a);
$display("%b", b);
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module top;
i = 42;
flag = 1;
a = (flag ? 32'hFFFFFFFF : i);
b = (flag ? 1'sb1 : i);
b = (flag ? 32'hXXXXXXXX : i);
c = (flag ? 32'hFFFFFFFF: i);
$display("%b", a);
$display("%b", b);
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