Commit e2570303 by Zachary Snow

reject negative repeat counts

parent b7959c7a
......@@ -164,7 +164,15 @@ readNumber n =
simplify :: Expr -> Expr
simplify (UniOp LogNot (Number "1")) = Number "0"
simplify (UniOp LogNot (Number "0")) = Number "1"
simplify (Repeat (Number "0") _) = Concat []
simplify (orig @ (Repeat (Number n) exprs)) =
case readNumber n of
Nothing -> orig
Just 0 -> Concat []
Just 1 -> Concat exprs
Just x ->
if x < 0
then error $ "negative repeat count: " ++ show orig
else orig
simplify (Concat [expr]) = expr
simplify (Concat exprs) =
Concat $ filter (/= Concat []) exprs
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