Commit dbbf71c6 by Zachary Snow

revised struct pattern representation

- pattern keys now represented as TypeOrExpr
- support for simple integer struct pattern keys
parent 6743725c
......@@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert =
map $
traverseDescriptions $
traverseModuleItems $
traverseTypes $ traverseNestedTypes convertType
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertModuleItem
convertModuleItem :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem =
traverseTypes (traverseNestedTypes convertType) .
traverseExprs (traverseNestedExprs convertExpr)
convertType :: Type -> Type
convertType (Struct pk fields rs) =
......@@ -34,3 +35,15 @@ convertStructFields fields =
convertStructFieldType :: Type -> Type
convertStructFieldType (IntegerAtom TInteger sg) = IntegerAtom TInt sg
convertStructFieldType t = t
convertExpr :: Expr -> Expr
convertExpr (Pattern items) =
Pattern $ zip names exprs
names = map (convertPatternTypeOrExpr . fst) items
exprs = map snd items
convertExpr other = other
convertPatternTypeOrExpr :: TypeOrExpr -> TypeOrExpr
convertPatternTypeOrExpr (Left t) = Left $ convertStructFieldType t
convertPatternTypeOrExpr (Right e) = Right e
......@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
module Convert.Struct (convert) where
import Control.Monad ((>=>), when)
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.List (elemIndex, find, partition)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
......@@ -183,11 +185,6 @@ traverseAsgnM (lhs, expr) = do
(_, expr') <- embedScopes convertSubExpr $ convertExpr typ expr
return (lhs', expr')
specialTag :: Char
specialTag = ':'
defaultKey :: String
defaultKey = specialTag : "default"
structIsntReady :: Type -> Bool
structIsntReady = (Nothing ==) . convertStruct
......@@ -217,7 +214,7 @@ convertExpr (struct @ (Struct _ fields [])) (Pattern itemsOrig) =
itemsNamed =
-- patterns either use positions based or name/type/default
if all ((/= "") . fst) itemsOrig then
if all ((/= Right Nil) . fst) itemsOrig then
-- position-based patterns should cover every field
else if length itemsOrig /= length fields then
......@@ -226,44 +223,81 @@ convertExpr (struct @ (Struct _ fields [])) (Pattern itemsOrig) =
-- if the pattern does not use identifiers, use the
-- identifiers from the struct type definition in order
zip fieldNames (map snd itemsOrig)
(specialItems, namedItems) =
partition ((== specialTag) . head . fst) itemsNamed
zip (map (Right . Ident) fieldNames) (map snd itemsOrig)
(typedItems, untypedItems) =
partition (isLeft . fst) itemsNamed
(numberedItems, namedItems) =
partition (isNumbered . fst) untypedItems
namedItemMap = Map.fromList namedItems
specialItemMap = Map.fromList specialItems
typedItemMap = Map.fromList typedItems
isNumbered :: TypeOrExpr -> Bool
isNumbered (Right (Number n)) =
if maybeIndex == Nothing
then error msgNonInteger
else index < length fieldNames || error msgOutOfBounds
maybeIndex = fmap fromIntegral $ numberToInteger n
Just index = maybeIndex
msgNonInteger = "pattern index " ++ show (Number n)
++ " is not an integer"
msgOutOfBounds = "pattern index " ++ show index
++ " is out of bounds for " ++ show struct
isNumbered _ = False
extraNames = Set.difference
(Set.fromList $ map fst namedItems)
(Set.fromList $ map (getName . right . fst) namedItems)
(Map.keysSet fieldTypeMap)
items = zip fieldNames $ map resolveField fieldNames
right = \(Right x) -> x
getName :: Expr -> Identifier
getName (Ident x) = x
getName e = error $ "invalid pattern key " ++ show e
++ " is not a type, field name, or index"
items = zip
(map (Right . Ident) fieldNames)
(map resolveField fieldNames)
resolveField :: Identifier -> Expr
resolveField fieldName =
convertExpr fieldType $
-- look up by name
if Map.member fieldName namedItemMap then
namedItemMap Map.! fieldName
if valueByName /= Nothing then
fromJust valueByName
-- recurse for substructures
else if isStruct fieldType then
Pattern specialItems
Pattern typedItems
-- look up by field type
else if Map.member fieldTypeName specialItemMap then
specialItemMap Map.! fieldTypeName
else if valueByType /= Nothing then
fromJust valueByType
-- fall back on the default value
else if Map.member defaultKey specialItemMap then
specialItemMap Map.! defaultKey
else if valueDefault /= Nothing then
fromJust valueDefault
else if valueByIndex /= Nothing then
fromJust valueByIndex
error $ "couldn't find field '" ++ fieldName ++
"' from struct definition " ++ show struct ++
" in struct pattern " ++ show (Pattern itemsOrig)
valueByName = Map.lookup (Right $ Ident fieldName) namedItemMap
valueByType = Map.lookup (Left fieldType) typedItemMap
valueDefault = Map.lookup (Left UnknownType) typedItemMap
valueByIndex = fmap snd $ find (indexCheck . fst) numberedItems
fieldType = fieldTypeMap Map.! fieldName
fieldTypeName =
specialTag : (show $ fst $ typeRanges fieldType)
Just fieldIndex = elemIndex fieldName fieldNames
isStruct :: Type -> Bool
isStruct (Struct{}) = True
isStruct Struct{} = True
isStruct _ = False
indexCheck :: TypeOrExpr -> Bool
indexCheck item =
fromIntegral value == fieldIndex
Just value = numberToInteger n
Right (Number n) = item
convertExpr (Implicit _ []) expr = expr
convertExpr (Implicit sg rs) expr =
convertExpr (IntegerVector TBit sg rs) expr
......@@ -285,7 +319,7 @@ convertExpr (t @ IntegerVector{}) (Concat exprs) =
-- TODO: This is really a conversion for using default patterns to
-- populate arrays. Maybe this should be somewhere else?
convertExpr t (orig @ (Pattern [(":default", expr)])) =
convertExpr t (orig @ (Pattern [(Left UnknownType, expr)])) =
if null rs
then orig
else Repeat count [expr']
......@@ -297,7 +331,7 @@ convertExpr t (orig @ (Pattern [(":default", expr)])) =
-- pattern syntax used for simple array literals
convertExpr t (Pattern items) =
if all null names
if all (== Right Nil) names
then convertExpr t $ Concat exprs'
else Pattern items
......@@ -432,7 +466,7 @@ convertSubExpr scopes (Cast (Left t) e) =
(t, Cast (Left t) e')
where (_, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e
convertSubExpr scopes (Pattern items) =
if all (== "") $ map fst items'
if all (== Right Nil) $ map fst items'
then (UnknownType, Concat $ map snd items')
else (UnknownType, Pattern items')
......@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ traverseSinglyNestedExprsM exprMapper = em
em (Dot e x) =
exprMapper e >>= \e' -> return $ Dot e' x
em (Pattern l) = do
let names = map fst l
names <- mapM typeOrExprMapper $ map fst l
exprs <- mapM exprMapper $ map snd l
return $ Pattern $ zip names exprs
em (Inside e l) = do
......@@ -865,6 +865,10 @@ traverseExprTypesM mapper = exprMapper
exprMapper (DimFn f tore e) = do
tore' <- typeOrExprMapper tore
return $ DimFn f tore' e
exprMapper (Pattern l) = do
names <- mapM typeOrExprMapper $ map fst l
let exprs = map snd l
return $ Pattern $ zip names exprs
exprMapper other = return other
traverseExprTypes :: Mapper Type -> Mapper Expr
......@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ traverseExprM (DimsFn f v) = do
traverseExprM (DimFn f v e) = do
v' <- traverseTypeOrExprM v
traverseExprM' $ DimFn f v' e
traverseExprM (Pattern items) = do
names <- mapM traverseTypeOrExprM $ map fst items
let exprs = map snd items
traverseExprM' $ Pattern $ zip names exprs
traverseExprM other = traverseExprM' other
traverseExprM' :: Expr -> Scoper Type Expr
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ substituteExpr mapping (Dot (Ident x) y) =
case lookup x mapping of
Nothing -> Dot (Ident x) y
Just (Pattern items) ->
case lookup y items of
case lookup (Right $ Ident y) items of
Just item -> substituteExpr mapping item
Nothing -> Dot (substituteExpr mapping (Pattern items)) y
Just expr -> Dot (substituteExpr mapping expr) y
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ convertExpr _ (Cast te e) =
Cast te $ convertExpr SelfDetermined e
convertExpr _ (Concat exprs) =
Concat $ map (convertExpr SelfDetermined) exprs
convertExpr context (Pattern [(":default", e @ UU{})]) =
convertExpr context (Pattern [(Left UnknownType, e @ UU{})]) =
convertExpr context e
convertExpr _ (Pattern items) =
Pattern $ zip
......@@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ convertExpr _ (Call expr (Args pnArgs kwArgs)) =
Call expr $ Args pnArgs' kwArgs'
pnArgs' = map (convertExpr SelfDetermined) pnArgs
Pattern kwArgs' = convertExpr SelfDetermined $ Pattern kwArgs
kwArgs' = zip (map fst kwArgs) $
map (convertExpr SelfDetermined) $ map snd kwArgs
convertExpr _ (Repeat count exprs) =
Repeat count $ map (convertExpr SelfDetermined) exprs
convertExpr SelfDetermined (Mux cond (e1 @ UU{}) (e2 @ UU{})) =
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ exprToLHS (Concat ls ) = do
Just $ LHSConcat ls'
exprToLHS (Pattern ls ) = do
ls' <- mapM exprToLHS $ map snd ls
if all (null . fst) ls
if all ((== Right Nil) . fst) ls
then Just $ LHSConcat ls'
else Nothing
exprToLHS (Stream o e ls) = do
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ data Expr
| DimsFn DimsFn TypeOrExpr
| DimFn DimFn TypeOrExpr Expr
| Dot Expr Identifier
| Pattern [(Identifier, Expr)]
| Pattern [(TypeOrExpr, Expr)]
| Inside Expr [Expr]
| MinTypMax Expr Expr Expr
| Nil
......@@ -84,10 +84,11 @@ instance Show Expr where
show (Pattern l ) =
printf "'{\n%s\n}" (indent $ intercalate ",\n" $ map showPatternItem l)
showPatternItem :: (Identifier, Expr) -> String
showPatternItem ("" , e) = show e
showPatternItem (':' : n, e) = showPatternItem (n, e)
showPatternItem (n , e) = printf "%s: %s" n (show e)
showPatternItem :: (TypeOrExpr, Expr) -> String
showPatternItem (Right Nil, v) = show v
showPatternItem (Right e, v) = printf "%s: %s" (show e) (show v)
showPatternItem (Left t, v) = printf "%s: %s" tStr (show v)
where tStr = if null (show t) then "default" else show t
show (MinTypMax a b c) = printf "(%s : %s : %s)" (show a) (show b) (show c)
show (e @ UniOp{}) = showsPrec 0 e ""
show (e @ BinOp{}) = showsPrec 0 e ""
......@@ -1282,16 +1282,18 @@ ExprOrNil :: { Expr }
: Expr { $1 }
| {- empty -} { Nil }
PatternItems :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] }
PatternItems :: { [(TypeOrExpr, Expr)] }
: PatternNamedItems { $1 }
| PatternUnnamedItems { zip (repeat "") $1 }
PatternNamedItems :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] }
| PatternUnnamedItems { zip (repeat $ Right Nil) $1 }
PatternNamedItems :: { [(TypeOrExpr, Expr)] }
: PatternNamedItem { [$1] }
| PatternNamedItems "," PatternNamedItem { $1 ++ [$3] }
PatternNamedItem :: { (Identifier, Expr) }
: Identifier ":" Expr { ($1 , $3) }
| PartialType ":" Expr { (':' : show $1 , $3) }
| "default" ":" Expr { (':' : "default", $3) }
PatternNamedItem :: { (TypeOrExpr, Expr) }
: PatternName ":" Expr { ($1, $3) }
PatternName :: { TypeOrExpr }
: Expr { Right $1 }
| PartialType { Left $ $1 Unspecified [] }
| "default" { Left UnknownType }
PatternUnnamedItems :: { [Expr] }
: PatternUnnamedItem { [$1] }
| PatternUnnamedItems "," PatternUnnamedItem { $1 ++ [$3] }
module top;
parameter PARAM = 1;
`define BASE(expr, full, x, y, z) \
$display(`"%b %0d %0d %0d expr`", \
full, x, y, z)
`ifndef TEST
typedef byte T;
typedef struct packed {
byte x;
T y;
integer z;
} S;
`define TEST(a, b, c, expr) \
if (PARAM) begin \
S s; \
assign s = expr; \
initial `BASE(expr, s, s.x, s.y, s.z); \
`TEST(1, 2, 3, '{ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 })
`TEST(2, 2, 3, '{ byte: 2, integer: 3 })
`TEST(3, 3, 2, '{ integer: 2, byte: 3 })
`TEST(4, 4, 2, '{ integer: 2, T: 4 })
`TEST(5, 5, 2, '{ integer: 2, T: 4, byte: 5 })
`TEST(5, 5, 2, '{ 2: 2, byte: 5 })
`TEST(7, 8, 9, '{ 1: 8, 2: 9, 0: 7 })
`define TEST(aVal, bVal, cVal, expr) \
if (PARAM) begin \
wire [7:0] a, b; \
wire [31:0] c; \
assign a = aVal; \
assign b = bVal; \
assign c = cVal; \
initial `BASE(expr, {a, b, c}, a, b, c); \
`include ""
// pattern: invalid pattern key -1 is not a type, field name, or index
module top;
struct packed {
logic x;
} s = '{ -1: 1 };
// pattern: pattern index 1'bx is not an integer
module top;
struct packed {
logic x;
} s = '{ 1'bx: 1 };
// pattern: pattern index 1 is out of bounds for struct packed \{..logic x;.\}
module top;
struct packed {
logic x;
} s = '{ 1: 1 };
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