Commit d86f8535 by Zachary Snow

support for begin_keywords directive

parent 3d3359d3
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- To implement the `begin_keywords` directive, this module defines which IEEE
- 1800-2017 keywords are not keywords in preceding specifications.
module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Keywords
( specMap
) where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
newKeywords :: [(String, [TokenName])]
newKeywords = [
("1364-1995", [KW_always, KW_and, KW_assign, KW_begin, KW_buf, KW_bufif0,
KW_bufif1, KW_case, KW_casex, KW_casez, KW_cmos, KW_deassign, KW_default,
KW_defparam, KW_disable, KW_edge, KW_else, KW_end, KW_endcase,
KW_endfunction, KW_endmodule, KW_endprimitive, KW_endspecify, KW_endtable,
KW_endtask, KW_event, KW_for, KW_force, KW_forever, KW_fork, KW_function,
KW_highz0, KW_highz1, KW_if, KW_ifnone, KW_initial, KW_inout, KW_input,
KW_integer, KW_join, KW_large, KW_macromodule, KW_medium, KW_module,
KW_nand, KW_negedge, KW_nmos, KW_nor, KW_not, KW_notif0, KW_notif1, KW_or,
KW_output, KW_parameter, KW_pmos, KW_posedge, KW_primitive, KW_pull0,
KW_pull1, KW_pulldown, KW_pullup, KW_rcmos, KW_real, KW_realtime, KW_reg,
KW_release, KW_repeat, KW_rnmos, KW_rpmos, KW_rtran, KW_rtranif0,
KW_rtranif1, KW_scalared, KW_small, KW_specify, KW_specparam, KW_strong0,
KW_strong1, KW_supply0, KW_supply1, KW_table, KW_task, KW_time, KW_tran,
KW_tranif0, KW_tranif1, KW_tri, KW_tri0, KW_tri1, KW_triand, KW_trior,
KW_trireg, KW_vectored, KW_wait, KW_wand, KW_weak0, KW_weak1, KW_while,
KW_wire, KW_wor, KW_xnor, KW_xor]),
("1364-2001-noconfig", [KW_cell, KW_config, KW_design, KW_endconfig,
KW_incdir, KW_include, KW_instance, KW_liblist, KW_library, KW_use]),
("1364-2001", [KW_automatic, KW_endgenerate, KW_generate, KW_genvar,
KW_localparam, KW_noshowcancelled, KW_pulsestyle_ondetect,
KW_pulsestyle_onevent, KW_showcancelled, KW_signed, KW_unsigned]),
("1364-2005", [KW_uwire]),
("1800-2005", [KW_alias, KW_always_comb, KW_always_ff, KW_always_latch,
KW_assert, KW_assume, KW_before, KW_bind, KW_bins, KW_binsof, KW_bit,
KW_break, KW_byte, KW_chandle, KW_class, KW_clocking, KW_const,
KW_constraint, KW_context, KW_continue, KW_cover, KW_covergroup,
KW_coverpoint, KW_cross, KW_dist, KW_do, KW_endclass, KW_endclocking,
KW_endgroup, KW_endinterface, KW_endpackage, KW_endprogram, KW_endproperty,
KW_endsequence, KW_enum, KW_expect, KW_export, KW_extends, KW_extern,
KW_final, KW_first_match, KW_foreach, KW_forkjoin, KW_iff, KW_ignore_bins,
KW_illegal_bins, KW_import, KW_inside, KW_int, KW_interface, KW_intersect,
KW_join_any, KW_join_none, KW_local, KW_logic, KW_longint, KW_matches,
KW_modport, KW_new, KW_null, KW_package, KW_packed, KW_priority, KW_program,
KW_property, KW_protected, KW_pure, KW_rand, KW_randc, KW_randcase,
KW_randsequence, KW_ref, KW_return, KW_sequence, KW_shortint, KW_shortreal,
KW_solve, KW_static, KW_string, KW_struct, KW_super, KW_tagged, KW_this,
KW_throughout, KW_timeprecision, KW_timeunit, KW_type, KW_typedef, KW_union,
KW_unique, KW_var, KW_virtual, KW_void, KW_wait_order, KW_wildcard, KW_with,
("1800-2009", [KW_accept_on, KW_checker, KW_endchecker, KW_eventually,
KW_global, KW_implies, KW_let, KW_nexttime, KW_reject_on, KW_restrict,
KW_s_always, KW_s_eventually, KW_s_nexttime, KW_s_until, KW_s_until_with,
KW_strong, KW_sync_accept_on, KW_sync_reject_on, KW_unique0, KW_until,
KW_until_with, KW_untyped, KW_weak]),
("1800-2012", [KW_implements, KW_nettype, KW_interconnect, KW_soft]),
("1800-2017", [])
specMap :: Map.Map String (Set.Set TokenName)
specMap =
Map.fromList $ zip keys vals
keys = map fst newKeywords
sets = map (Set.fromList . snd) newKeywords
allKeywords = Set.unions sets
vals =
map (Set.difference allKeywords) $
scanl1 Set.union sets
......@@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ import System.FilePath (dropFileName)
import System.Directory (findFile)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (span, elemIndex, dropWhileEnd)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Keywords (specMap)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
......@@ -513,13 +515,14 @@ data AlexUserState = LS
, lsEnv :: Env -- active macro definitions
, lsCondStack :: [Cond] -- if-else cascade state
, lsIncludePaths :: [FilePath] -- folders to search for includes
, lsSpecStack :: [Set.Set TokenName] -- stack of non-keyword token names
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- this initial user state does not contain the initial filename, environment,
-- or include paths; alex requires that this be defined; we override it before
-- we begin the actual lexing procedure
alexInitUserState :: AlexUserState
alexInitUserState = LS [] "" Map.empty [] []
alexInitUserState = LS [] "" Map.empty [] [] []
-- public-facing lexer entrypoint
lexFile :: [String] -> Env -> FilePath -> IO (Either String ([Token], Env))
......@@ -529,10 +532,14 @@ lexFile includePaths env path = do
return $ case result of
Left msg -> Left msg
Right finalState ->
if null $ lsCondStack finalState
then Right (finalToks, lsEnv finalState)
else Left $ path ++ ": unfinished conditional directives: " ++
(show $ length $ lsCondStack finalState)
if not $ null $ lsCondStack finalState then
Left $ path ++ ": unfinished conditional directives: " ++
(show $ length $ lsCondStack finalState)
else if not $ null $ lsSpecStack finalState then
Left $ path ++ ": unterminated begin_keywords blocks: " ++
(show $ length $ lsSpecStack finalState)
Right (finalToks, lsEnv finalState)
where finalToks = coalesce $ reverse $ lsToks finalState
setEnv = do
......@@ -910,6 +917,27 @@ handleDirective (posOrig, _, _, strOrig) len = do
"pragma" -> passThrough
"resetall" -> passThrough
"begin_keywords" -> do
quotedSpec <- takeQuotedString
let spec = tail $ init quotedSpec
case Map.lookup spec specMap of
Nothing ->
lexicalError $ "invalid keyword set name: " ++ show spec
Just set -> do
specStack <- gets lsSpecStack
modify $ \s -> s { lsSpecStack = set : specStack }
"end_keywords" -> do
specStack <- gets lsSpecStack
if null specStack
lexicalError "unexpected end_keywords before begin_keywords"
else do
modify $ \s -> s { lsSpecStack = tail specStack }
"__FILE__" -> do
tokPos <- toTokPos posOrig
currFile <- gets lsCurrFile
......@@ -1070,7 +1098,11 @@ tok tokId (pos, _, _, input) len = do
tokPos <- toTokPos pos
condStack <- gets lsCondStack
() <- if any (/= CurrentlyTrue) condStack
then modify id
else modify (push $ Token tokId tokStr tokPos)
then return ()
else do
specStack <- gets lsSpecStack
if null specStack || Set.notMember tokId (head specStack)
then modify (push $ Token tokId tokStr tokPos)
else modify (push $ Token Id_simple ('_' : tokStr) tokPos)
......@@ -381,4 +381,4 @@ data TokenName
| Spe_Directive
| Unknown
| MacroBoundary
deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ executable sv2v
`begin_keywords "1364-2001-noconfig"
task foo;
integer automatic = 2;
$display(automatic * automatic);
`begin_keywords "1364-2005"
task automatic bar;
integer logic = 3;
$display(logic * logic);
module top;
initial foo;
initial bar;
module top;
task foo;
integer x;
x = 2;
$display(x * x);
task bar;
integer y;
y = 3;
$display(y * y);
initial foo;
initial bar;
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