Commit cd45696a by Zachary Snow

parse alternate spacings of sense star

parent c17d8599
......@@ -1173,6 +1173,9 @@ CycleDelay :: { Expr }
EventControl :: { Sense }
: "@" "(" Senses ")" { $3 }
| "@" "(*)" { SenseStar }
| "@" "(" "*" ")" { SenseStar }
| "@" "(*" ")" { SenseStar }
| "@" "(" "*)" { SenseStar }
| "@*" { SenseStar }
| "@" Identifier { Sense $ LHSIdent $2 }
Senses :: { Sense }
module top;
`define TEST(sense) always sense $display(`"sense %b`", x);
reg x, y;
`TEST(@ ( * ))
`TEST(@ ( *))
`TEST(@ (* ))
`TEST(@ (*))
`TEST(@( * ))
`TEST(@( *))
`TEST(@(* ))
initial x = 1;
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