Commit cc9f7f46 by Zachary Snow

remove old scopedConversion

parent 4c173d86
...@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@ module Convert.Traverse ...@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@ module Convert.Traverse
, traverseNestedLHSs , traverseNestedLHSs
, collectNestedLHSsM , collectNestedLHSsM
, traverseScopesM , traverseScopesM
, scopedConversion
, scopedConversionM
, stately
, traverseFilesM , traverseFilesM
, traverseFiles , traverseFiles
, traverseSinglyNestedGenItemsM , traverseSinglyNestedGenItemsM
...@@ -1125,44 +1122,6 @@ traverseScopesM declMapper moduleItemMapper stmtMapper = ...@@ -1125,44 +1122,6 @@ traverseScopesM declMapper moduleItemMapper stmtMapper =
put prevState put prevState
return item' return item'
-- applies the given decl conversion across the description, and then performs a
-- scoped traversal for each ModuleItem in the description
:: (Eq s, Show s)
=> MapperM (State s) Decl
-> MapperM (State s) ModuleItem
-> MapperM (State s) Stmt
-> s
-> Description
-> Description
scopedConversion traverseDeclM traverseModuleItemM traverseStmtM s description =
runIdentity $ scopedConversionM traverseDeclM traverseModuleItemM traverseStmtM s description
:: (Eq s, Show s)
=> Monad m
=> MapperM (StateT s m) Decl
-> MapperM (StateT s m) ModuleItem
-> MapperM (StateT s m) Stmt
-> s
-> Description
-> m Description
scopedConversionM traverseDeclM traverseModuleItemM traverseStmtM s description =
evalStateT (initialTraverse description >>= scopedTraverse) s
initialTraverse = traverseModuleItemsM traverseMIPackageItemDecl
scopedTraverse = traverseModuleItemsM $
traverseScopesM traverseDeclM traverseModuleItemM traverseStmtM
traverseMIPackageItemDecl (MIPackageItem (Decl decl)) =
traverseDeclM decl >>= return . MIPackageItem . Decl
traverseMIPackageItemDecl other = return other
-- convert a basic mapper with an initial argument to a stateful mapper
stately :: (Eq s, Show s) => (s -> Mapper a) -> MapperM (State s) a
stately mapper thing = do
s <- get
return $ mapper s thing
-- In many conversions, we want to resolve items locally first, and then fall -- In many conversions, we want to resolve items locally first, and then fall
-- back to looking at other source files, if necessary. This helper captures -- back to looking at other source files, if necessary. This helper captures
-- this behavior, allowing a conversion to fall back to arbitrary global -- this behavior, allowing a conversion to fall back to arbitrary global
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