Commit b8d31d2a by Zachary Snow

support for packed array flattening in tasks and functions

parent b1481179
......@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
- derive one from the other. The derivation direction is decided based on
- which version, if any, is exposed directly as a port.
- Note: We don't count usages with an index in expressions as such, as those
- usages could be equivalently converted to range accesses with some added in
- multiplication.
- TODO: This assumes that the first range index is the upper bound. We could
- probably get around this with some cleverness in the generate block. I don't
- think it's urgent to have support for "backwards" ranges.
......@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ convert :: AST -> AST
convert = traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription (description @ (Part _ _ _ _ ports _)) =
convertDescription (description @ (Part _ _ _ _ _ _)) =
hoistPortDecls $
traverseModuleItems (flattenModuleItem info . rewriteModuleItem info) description
......@@ -58,7 +62,8 @@ convertDescription (description @ (Part _ _ _ _ ports _)) =
execState (collectModuleItemsM (collectLHSsM collectLHS) description) $
execState (collectModuleItemsM (collectExprsM collectExpr) description) $
execState (collectModuleItemsM collectDecl description) $
(Info Map.empty Map.empty Set.empty (Set.fromList ports))
execState (collectModuleItemsM collectTF description) $
(Info Map.empty Map.empty Set.empty Set.empty)
relevantIdents = Map.keysSet $ sTypeDims rawInfo
-- restrict the sets/maps to only contain keys which need transformation
info = rawInfo
......@@ -77,10 +82,23 @@ collectDecl (MIDecl (Variable dir t ident _ _)) = do
modify $ \s -> s { sTypeDims = Map.insert ident dets (sTypeDims s) }
else return ()
if dir /= Local
then modify $ \s -> s { sPortDirs = Map.insert ident dir (sPortDirs s) }
then do
() <- recordSeqUsage ident
modify $ \s -> s { sPortDirs = Map.insert ident dir (sPortDirs s) }
else return ()
collectDecl _ = return ()
-- collects task and function info into the state
collectTF :: ModuleItem -> State Info ()
collectTF (MIPackageItem (Function _ t x decls _)) = do
collectDecl (MIDecl $ Variable Local t x [] Nothing)
_ <- mapM collectDecl $ map MIDecl decls
return ()
collectTF (MIPackageItem (Task _ _ decls _)) = do
_ <- mapM collectDecl $ map MIDecl decls
return ()
collectTF _ = return ()
-- collectors for identifier usage information
recordSeqUsage :: Identifier -> State Info ()
recordSeqUsage i = modify $ \s -> s { sSeqUses = Set.insert i $ sSeqUses s }
......@@ -91,7 +109,6 @@ collectExpr (Ident i) = recordSeqUsage i
collectExpr other = collectNestedExprsM collectNestedExpr other
collectNestedExpr :: Expr -> State Info ()
collectNestedExpr (Range (Ident i) _) = recordSeqUsage i
collectNestedExpr (Bit (Ident i) _) = recordIdxUsage i
collectNestedExpr _ = return ()
collectLHS :: LHS -> State Info ()
collectLHS (LHSIdent i) = recordSeqUsage i
......@@ -125,6 +142,20 @@ hoistPortDecls other = other
-- rewrite a module item if it contains a declaration to flatten
flattenModuleItem :: Info -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
flattenModuleItem info (MIPackageItem (Function ml t x decls stmts)) =
MIPackageItem $ Function ml t' x decls' stmts
MIPackageItem (Task _ _ decls' _) =
flattenModuleItem info $ MIPackageItem $ Task ml x decls stmts
MIDecl (Variable Local t' _ [] Nothing) =
flattenModuleItem info $ MIDecl (Variable Local t x [] Nothing)
flattenModuleItem info (MIPackageItem (Task ml x decls stmts)) =
MIPackageItem $ Task ml x decls' stmts
decls' = map mapDecl decls
mapDecl :: Decl -> Decl
mapDecl decl = decl'
where MIDecl decl' = flattenModuleItem info $ MIDecl decl
flattenModuleItem info (origDecl @ (MIDecl (Variable dir t ident a me))) =
-- if it doesn't need any mapping, then skip it
if Map.notMember ident typeDims then origDecl
......@@ -231,7 +262,15 @@ rewriteModuleItem info =
rewriteExpr :: Expr -> Expr
rewriteExpr (Ident i) = Ident $ rewriteSeqIdent i
rewriteExpr (Bit (Ident i) e) = Bit (Ident $ rewriteIdxIdent i) e
rewriteExpr (Bit (Ident i) e) =
if Map.member i typeDims && Set.member i seqUses && Set.notMember i idxUses
then Range (Ident $ rewriteSeqIdent i) (hi, lo)
else Bit (Ident $ rewriteIdxIdent i) e
r = head $ snd $ typeRanges $ fst $ typeDims Map.! i
size = rangeSize r
lo = simplify $ BinOp Mul e size
hi = simplify $ BinOp Add lo (BinOp Sub size (Number "1"))
rewriteExpr (Range (Ident i) (r @ (s, e))) =
if Map.member i typeDims
then Range (Ident i) r'
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