Commit b58248fc by Zachary Snow

support type operator on simple expressions

parent 8cc649a0
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import qualified Convert.StmtBlock
import qualified Convert.Stream
import qualified Convert.Struct
import qualified Convert.Typedef
import qualified Convert.TypeOf
import qualified Convert.UnbasedUnsized
import qualified Convert.Unique
import qualified Convert.UnpackedArray
......@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ phases excludes =
, Convert.Stream.convert
, Convert.Struct.convert
, Convert.Typedef.convert
, Convert.TypeOf.convert
, Convert.UnbasedUnsized.convert
, Convert.Unique.convert
, Convert.UnpackedArray.convert
......@@ -519,6 +519,8 @@ exprMapperHelpers exprMapper =
maybeExprMapper (Just e) =
exprMapper e >>= return . Just
typeMapper' (TypeOf expr) =
exprMapper expr >>= return . TypeOf
typeMapper' t = do
let (tf, rs) = typeRanges t
rs' <- mapM rangeMapper rs
......@@ -873,6 +875,7 @@ traverseNestedTypesM mapper = fullMapper
types <- mapM fullMapper $ map fst fields
let idents = map snd fields
return $ Union p (zip types idents) r
tm (TypeOf expr) = return $ TypeOf expr
traverseNestedTypes :: Mapper Type -> Mapper Type
traverseNestedTypes = unmonad traverseNestedTypesM
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Conversion for the `type` operator
- TODO: This conversion only supports the most basic expressions so far. We can
- add support for range and bit accesses, struct fields, and perhaps even
- arithmetic operations. Bits and pieces of similar logic exist in other
- conversion.
module Convert.TypeOf (convert) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Info = Map.Map Identifier (Type, [Range])
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription
convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription (description @ Part{}) =
scopedConversion traverseDeclM traverseModuleItemM traverseStmtM
initialState description
Part _ _ _ _ _ _ items = description
initialState = Map.fromList $ mapMaybe returnType items
returnType :: ModuleItem -> Maybe (Identifier, (Type, [Range]))
returnType (MIPackageItem (Function _ t f _ _)) =
Just (f, (t', []))
where t' = if t == Implicit Unspecified []
then IntegerVector TLogic Unspecified []
else t
returnType _ = Nothing
convertDescription other = other
traverseDeclM :: Decl -> State Info Decl
traverseDeclM decl = do
case decl of
Variable _ t ident a _ -> modify $ Map.insert ident (t, a)
Param _ t ident _ -> modify $ Map.insert ident (t, [])
ParamType _ _ _ -> return ()
item <- traverseModuleItemM (MIPackageItem $ Decl decl)
let MIPackageItem (Decl decl') = item
return decl'
traverseModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> State Info ModuleItem
traverseModuleItemM item = traverseTypesM traverseTypeM item
traverseStmtM :: Stmt -> State Info Stmt
traverseStmtM stmt = do
let item = Initial stmt
item' <- traverseModuleItemM item
let Initial stmt' = item'
return stmt'
traverseTypeM :: Type -> State Info Type
traverseTypeM (TypeOf expr) = typeof expr
traverseTypeM other = return other
typeof :: Expr -> State Info Type
typeof (orig @ (Ident x)) = do
res <- gets $ Map.lookup x
return $ maybe (TypeOf orig) injectRanges res
typeof (orig @ (Call (Ident x) _)) = do
res <- gets $ Map.lookup x
return $ maybe (TypeOf orig) injectRanges res
typeof other = return $ TypeOf other
-- combines a type with unpacked ranges
injectRanges :: (Type, [Range]) -> Type
injectRanges (t, unpacked) =
tf $ packed ++ unpacked
where (tf, packed) = typeRanges t
......@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ resolveType _ (NonInteger kw ) = NonInteger kw
resolveType _ (InterfaceT x my rs) = InterfaceT x my rs
resolveType _ (Enum Nothing vals rs) = Enum Nothing vals rs
resolveType _ (Alias (Just ps) st rs) = Alias (Just ps) st rs
resolveType _ (TypeOf expr) = TypeOf expr
resolveType types (Enum (Just t) vals rs) = Enum (Just $ resolveType types t) vals rs
resolveType types (Struct p items rs) = Struct p (map (resolveItem types) items) rs
resolveType types (Union p items rs) = Union p (map (resolveItem types) items) rs
......@@ -96,3 +97,4 @@ resolveType types (Alias Nothing st rs1) =
(Alias ps x rs2) -> Alias ps x $ rs1 ++ rs2
(IntegerAtom kw sg ) -> nullRange (IntegerAtom kw sg) rs1
(NonInteger kw ) -> nullRange (NonInteger kw ) rs1
(TypeOf expr) -> nullRange (TypeOf expr) rs1
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ data Type
| Struct Packing [Field] [Range]
| Union Packing [Field] [Range]
| InterfaceT Identifier (Maybe Identifier) [Range]
| TypeOf Expr
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Type where
......@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ instance Show Type where
showVal (x, e) = x ++ (showAssignment e)
show (Struct p items r) = printf "struct %s{\n%s\n}%s" (showPad p) (showFields items) (showRanges r)
show (Union p items r) = printf "union %s{\n%s\n}%s" (showPad p) (showFields items) (showRanges r)
show (TypeOf expr) = printf "type(%s)" (show expr)
showFields :: [Field] -> String
showFields items = itemsStr
......@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ typeRanges (Enum t v r) = (Enum t v, r)
typeRanges (Struct p l r) = (Struct p l, r)
typeRanges (Union p l r) = (Union p l, r)
typeRanges (InterfaceT x my r) = (InterfaceT x my, r)
typeRanges (TypeOf expr) = (nullRange $ TypeOf expr, [])
nullRange :: Type -> ([Range] -> Type)
nullRange t [] = t
......@@ -434,6 +434,7 @@ Type :: { Type }
| Identifier "::" Identifier Dimensions { Alias (Just $1) $3 $4 }
TypeNonIdent :: { Type }
: PartialType OptSigning Dimensions { $1 $2 $3 }
| "type" "(" Expr ")" { TypeOf $3 }
PartialType :: { Signing -> [Range] -> Type }
: NetType { Net $1 }
| IntegerVectorType { IntegerVector $1 }
......@@ -618,6 +619,7 @@ DeclOrStmtToken :: { DeclToken }
| "const" PartialType { DTType $2 }
| "{" StreamOp StreamSize Concat "}" { DTStream $2 $3 (map toLHS $4) }
| "{" StreamOp Concat "}" { DTStream $2 (Number "1") (map toLHS $3) }
| opt("var") "type" "(" Expr ")" { DTType $ \Unspecified -> \[] -> TypeOf $4 }
VariablePortIdentifiers :: { [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)] }
: VariablePortIdentifier { [$1] }
......@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ executable sv2v
module top;
function f;
input x;
f = 1'b1 ^ x;
$display("f(%b) called", x);
initial begin
type(f(0)) x = f(0);
$display("%b", x);
$display("%b", $bits(x));
$display("%b", $bits(type(x)));
$display("%b", $bits(logic [0:1+$bits(type(x))]));
module top;
function f;
input x;
f = 1'b1 ^ x;
$display("f(%b) called", x);
initial begin : block
reg x;
x = f(0);
$display("%b", x);
$display("%b", 32'd1);
$display("%b", 32'd1);
$display("%b", 32'd3);
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