Commit b2e0c4fa by Zachary Snow

preliminary support for structs

parent ab91eaaf
......@@ -186,6 +186,12 @@ traverseNestedExprsM mapper = exprMapper
exprMapper e >>= \e' -> return $ Bit e' n
em (Cast t e) =
exprMapper e >>= return . Cast t
em (StructAccess e x) =
exprMapper e >>= \e' -> return $ StructAccess e' x
em (StructPattern l) = do
let names = map fst l
exprs <- mapM exprMapper $ map snd l
return $ StructPattern $ zip names exprs
traverseExprsM :: Monad m => MapperM m Expr -> MapperM m ModuleItem
......@@ -42,12 +42,17 @@ resolveType _ (Implicit rs) = Implicit rs
resolveType _ (IntegerT ) = IntegerT
resolveType _ (Enum Nothing vals rs) = Enum Nothing vals rs
resolveType types (Enum (Just t) vals rs) = Enum (Just $ resolveType types t) vals rs
resolveType types (Struct p items rs) = Struct p items' rs
items' = map resolveItem items
resolveItem (t, x) = (resolveType types t, x)
resolveType types (Alias st rs1) =
case resolveType types $ types Map.! st of
(Reg rs2) -> Reg $ rs2 ++ rs1
(Wire rs2) -> Wire $ rs2 ++ rs1
(Logic rs2) -> Logic $ rs2 ++ rs1
(Enum t v rs2) -> Enum t v $ rs2 ++ rs1
(Struct p l rs2) -> Struct p l $ rs2 ++ rs1
(Implicit rs2) -> Implicit $ rs2 ++ rs1
(IntegerT ) -> error $ "resolveType encountered packed `integer` on " ++ st
(Alias _ _) -> error $ "resolveType invariant failed on " ++ st
......@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ data Type
| Implicit [Range]
| IntegerT
| Enum (Maybe Type) [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)] [Range]
| Struct Bool [(Type, Identifier)] [Range]
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Type where
......@@ -93,6 +94,11 @@ instance Show Type where
tStr = maybe "" showPad mt
showVal :: (Identifier, Maybe Expr) -> String
showVal (x, e) = x ++ (showAssignment e)
show (Struct p items r) = printf "struct %s{\n%s\n}%s" packedStr itemsStr (showRanges r)
packedStr = if p then "packed " else ""
itemsStr = indent $ unlines' $ map showItem items
showItem (t, x) = printf "%s %s;" (show t) x
typeRanges :: Type -> ([Range] -> Type, [Range])
typeRanges (Reg r) = (Reg , r)
......@@ -102,6 +108,7 @@ typeRanges (Alias t r) = (Alias t, r)
typeRanges (Implicit r) = (Implicit, r)
typeRanges (IntegerT ) = (error "ranges cannot be applied to IntegerT", [])
typeRanges (Enum t v r) = (Enum t v, r)
typeRanges (Struct p l r) = (Struct p l, r)
data Decl
= Parameter Type Identifier Expr
......@@ -212,6 +219,8 @@ data Expr
| Mux Expr Expr Expr
| Bit Expr Int
| Cast Type Expr
| StructAccess Expr Identifier
| StructPattern [(Maybe Identifier, Expr)]
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data UniOp
......@@ -301,6 +310,14 @@ instance Show Expr where
Mux a b c -> printf "(%s ? %s : %s)" (show a) (show b) (show c)
Bit a b -> printf "(%s [%d])" (show a) b
Cast a b -> printf "%s'(%s)" (show a) (show b)
StructAccess e n -> printf "%s.%s" (show e) n
StructPattern l -> printf "'{\n%s\n}" (showPatternItems l)
showPatternItems :: [(Maybe Identifier, Expr)] -> String
showPatternItems l = indent $ intercalate ",\n" (map showPatternItem l)
showPatternItem :: (Maybe Identifier, Expr) -> String
showPatternItem (Nothing, e) = show e
showPatternItem (Just n , e) = printf "%s: %s" n (show e)
data LHS
= LHS Identifier
......@@ -354,7 +371,7 @@ instance Show Stmt where
defStr = case def of
Nothing -> ""
Just c -> printf "\n\tdefault:\n%s" (indent $ indent $ show c)
Just c -> printf "\n\tdefault: %s" (show c)
show (For (a,b) c (d,e) f) = printf "for (%s = %s; %s; %s = %s)\n%s" a (show b) (show c) d (show e) $ indent $ show f
show (AsgnBlk v e) = printf "%s = %s;" (show v) (show e)
show (Asgn v e) = printf "%s <= %s;" (show v) (show e)
......@@ -84,9 +84,11 @@ tokens :-
"negedge" { tok KW_negedge }
"or" { tok KW_or }
"output" { tok KW_output }
"packed" { tok KW_packed }
"parameter" { tok KW_parameter }
"posedge" { tok KW_posedge }
"reg" { tok KW_reg }
"struct" { tok KW_struct }
"typedef" { tok KW_typedef }
"unique" { tok KW_unique }
"wire" { tok KW_wire }
......@@ -48,9 +48,11 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
"negedge" { Token KW_negedge _ _ }
"or" { Token KW_or _ _ }
"output" { Token KW_output _ _ }
"packed" { Token KW_packed _ _ }
"parameter" { Token KW_parameter _ _ }
"posedge" { Token KW_posedge _ _ }
"reg" { Token KW_reg _ _ }
"struct" { Token KW_struct _ _ }
"typedef" { Token KW_typedef _ _ }
"unique" { Token KW_unique _ _ }
"wire" { Token KW_wire _ _ }
......@@ -159,6 +161,7 @@ string { Token Lit_string _ _ }
%left "+" "-"
%left "*" "/" "%"
%left UPlus UMinus "!" "~" RedOps
%left "."
......@@ -182,11 +185,25 @@ TypeNonAlias :: { Type }
: "wire" Dimensions { Wire $2 }
| "reg" Dimensions { Reg $2 }
| "logic" Dimensions { Logic $2 }
| "enum" opt(Type) "{" VariablePortIdentifiers "}" Dimensions { Enum $2 $4 $6 }
| "enum" opt(Type) "{" EnumItems "}" Dimensions { Enum $2 $4 $6 }
| "struct" Packed "{" StructItems "}" Dimensions { Struct $2 $4 $6 }
Type :: { Type }
: TypeNonAlias { $1 }
| Identifier Dimensions { Alias $1 $2 }
EnumItems :: { [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)] }
: VariablePortIdentifiers { $1 }
StructItems :: { [(Type, Identifier)] }
: StructItem { [$1] }
| StructItems StructItem { $1 ++ [$2] }
StructItem :: { (Type, Identifier) }
: Type Identifier ";" { ($1, $2) }
Packed :: { Bool }
: "packed" { True }
| {- empty -} { False }
Module :: { Description }
: "module" Identifier Params ";" ModuleItems "endmodule" { Module $2 [] ($3 ++ $5) }
| "module" Identifier Params PortNames ";" ModuleItems "endmodule" { Module $2 $4 ($3 ++ $6) }
......@@ -220,18 +237,9 @@ PortDeclsFollow :: { [ModuleItem] }
: ")" { [] }
| PortDecl(")") { $1 }
| PortDecl(",") PortDeclsFollow { $1 ++ $2 }
PortDecl(delim) :: { [ModuleItem] }
: "inout" NetType Dimensions Identifiers delim { portDeclToModuleItems Inout ($2 $3) (zip $4 (repeat Nothing)) }
| "input" NetType Dimensions Identifiers delim { portDeclToModuleItems Input ($2 $3) (zip $4 (repeat Nothing)) }
| "output" Dimensions Identifiers delim { portDeclToModuleItems Output (Implicit $2) (zip $3 (repeat Nothing)) }
| "output" "wire" Dimensions Identifiers delim { portDeclToModuleItems Output (Wire $3) (zip $4 (repeat Nothing)) }
| "output" "reg" Dimensions VariablePortIdentifiers delim { portDeclToModuleItems Output (Reg $3) $4 }
| "output" "logic" Dimensions VariablePortIdentifiers delim { portDeclToModuleItems Output (Logic $3) $4 }
NetType :: { [Range] -> Type }
: "wire" { Wire }
| "logic" { Logic }
| {- empty -} { Implicit }
: Direction TypedVariablePortIdentifiers(delim) { portDeclToModuleItems $1 $2 }
VariablePortIdentifiers :: { [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)] }
: VariablePortIdentifier { [$1] }
| VariablePortIdentifiers "," VariablePortIdentifier { $1 ++ [$3] }
......@@ -239,6 +247,18 @@ VariablePortIdentifier :: { (Identifier, Maybe Expr) }
: Identifier { ($1, Nothing) }
| Identifier "=" Expr { ($1, Just $3) }
-- Note that this allows for things like `input reg` which are not valid.
TypedVariablePortIdentifiers(delim) :: { (Type, [PortBinding]) }
: TypeNonAlias VariablePortIdentifiers delim { ($1, $2) }
| Identifier DimensionsNonEmpty VariablePortIdentifiers delim { (Alias $1 $2, $3) }
| Identifier VariablePortIdentifiers delim { (Alias $1 [], $2) }
| DimensionsNonEmpty VariablePortIdentifiers delim { (Implicit $1, $2) }
| VariablePortIdentifiers delim { (Implicit [], $1) }
Direction :: { Direction }
: "inout" { Inout }
| "input" { Input }
| "output" { Output }
ModuleItems :: { [ModuleItem] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
| ModuleItems ModuleItem { $1 ++ $2 }
......@@ -464,6 +484,19 @@ Expr :: { Expr }
| "~^" Expr %prec RedOps { UniOp RedXnor $2 }
| "^~" Expr %prec RedOps { UniOp RedXnor $2 }
| Type "'" "(" Expr ")" { Cast $1 $4 }
| Expr "." Identifier { StructAccess $1 $3 }
| "'" "{" PatternItems "}" { StructPattern $3 }
PatternItems :: { [(Maybe Identifier, Expr)] }
: PatternNamedItems { map (\(x,e) -> (Just x, e)) $1 }
| PatternUnnamedItems { zip (repeat Nothing) $1 }
PatternNamedItems :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] }
: PatternNamedItem { [$1] }
| PatternNamedItems "," PatternNamedItem { $1 ++ [$3] }
PatternNamedItem :: { (Identifier, Expr) }
: Identifier ":" Expr { ($1, $3) }
PatternUnnamedItems :: { [Expr] }
: Exprs { $1 }
GenItemOrNull :: { GenItem }
: GenItem { $1 }
......@@ -500,8 +533,8 @@ parseError a = case a of
[] -> error "Parse error: no tokens left to parse."
Token t s p : _ -> error $ "Parse error: unexpected token '" ++ s ++ "' (" ++ show t ++ ") at " ++ show p ++ "."
portDeclToModuleItems :: Direction -> Type -> [PortBinding] -> [ModuleItem]
portDeclToModuleItems dir t l =
portDeclToModuleItems :: Direction -> (Type, [PortBinding]) -> [ModuleItem]
portDeclToModuleItems dir (t, l) =
map (\(x, me) -> MIDecl $ Variable dir t x [] me) l
getPortNames :: [ModuleItem] -> [Identifier]
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