Commit aea64e90 by Zachary Snow

pack arrays assigned to other arrays

parent 104f9801
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Conversion for any unpacked array which must be packed because it is: A) a
- port; B) is bound to a port; or C) is assigned a value in a single
- assignment.
- port; B) is bound to a port; C) is assigned a value in a single assignment;
- or D) is assigned to an unpacked array which itself mus be packed.
- The scoped nature of declarations makes this challenging. While scoping is
- obeyed in general, any of a set of *equivalent* declarations within a module
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ traverseModuleItemM item =
traverseModuleItemM' item
>>= traverseLHSsM traverseLHSM
>>= traverseExprsM traverseExprM
>>= traverseAsgnsM traverseAsgnM
traverseModuleItemM' :: ModuleItem -> ST ModuleItem
traverseModuleItemM' (Instance a b c d bindings) = do
......@@ -80,7 +81,8 @@ traverseModuleItemM' other = return other
traverseStmtM :: Stmt -> ST Stmt
traverseStmtM stmt =
traverseStmtLHSsM traverseLHSM stmt >>=
traverseStmtExprsM traverseExprM
traverseStmtExprsM traverseExprM >>=
traverseStmtAsgnsM traverseAsgnM
traverseExprM :: Expr -> ST Expr
traverseExprM = return
......@@ -91,6 +93,13 @@ traverseLHSM (LHSIdent x) = do
return $ LHSIdent x
traverseLHSM other = return other
traverseAsgnM :: (LHS, Expr) -> ST (LHS, Expr)
traverseAsgnM (LHSIdent x, Ident y) = do
flatUsageM x
flatUsageM y
return (LHSIdent x, Ident y)
traverseAsgnM other = return other
flatUsageM :: Identifier -> ST ()
flatUsageM x = do
declMap <- get
module top;
logic [1:0] a [3];
logic [1:0] b [3];
always_comb a = b;
module top;
reg [5:0] a;
wire [5:0] b;
always @(*) a = b;
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