Commit 9825bb9b by Zachary Snow

tweak codegen for bitwise binary followed by reduction unary

parent f9917d94
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
* Added error checking for unresolved typenames
* Added constant folding for `||` and `&&`
* `input reg` module ports are now converted to `input wire`
* `x | |y` and `x & &y` are now output as `x | (|y)` and `x & (&y)`
## v0.0.11
......@@ -121,7 +121,10 @@ instance Show Expr where
shows o .
showChar ' ' .
showsAttrs a .
showBinOpPrec r
case (o, r) of
(BitAnd, UniOp RedAnd _) -> showExprWrapped r
(BitOr , UniOp RedOr _) -> showExprWrapped r
_ -> showBinOpPrec r
showsPrec _ (Dot e n ) =
shows e .
showChar '.' .
......@@ -202,14 +205,17 @@ showRange :: Range -> String
showRange (h, l) = '[' : show h ++ ':' : show l ++ "]"
showUniOpPrec :: Expr -> ShowS
showUniOpPrec e@UniOp{} = (showParen True . shows) e
showUniOpPrec e@BinOp{} = (showParen True . shows) e
showUniOpPrec e@UniOp{} = showExprWrapped e
showUniOpPrec e@BinOp{} = showExprWrapped e
showUniOpPrec e = shows e
showBinOpPrec :: Expr -> ShowS
showBinOpPrec e@BinOp{} = (showParen True . shows) e
showBinOpPrec e@BinOp{} = showExprWrapped e
showBinOpPrec e = shows e
showExprWrapped :: Expr -> ShowS
showExprWrapped = showParen True . shows
type ParamBinding = (Identifier, TypeOrExpr)
showParams :: [ParamBinding] -> String
module top;
wire a, b, x, y;
assign x = a | |b;
assign y = a & &b;
affirm | (|
affirm & (&
reject | |
reject & &
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