Commit 96a108de by Zachary Snow

constant folding extensions

- fold string literal comparisons
- fold non-decimal bit shifts
- fold non-decimal integer comparisons
- fold decimal bitwise AND and OR
- simplify cast expressions before elaboration
- remove duplicate cast expression traversal
- flatten concatenated numbers in a single pass
parent e09aea48
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
* Added elaboration for accesses to fields of struct constants, which can
substantially improve performance on some designs
* Added constant folding for comparisons involving string literals
## v0.0.10
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ traverseStmtM stmt = do
traverseExprM :: Expr -> SC Expr
traverseExprM (Cast (Left (IntegerVector kw sg rs)) value) | kw /= TBit = do
value' <- traverseExprM value
value' <- fmap simplify $ traverseExprM value
size' <- traverseExprM size
convertCastM size' value' signed
......@@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ convertCastM (Number size) (Number value) signed =
return $ Number $
numberCast signed (fromIntegral size') value
where Just size' = numberToInteger size
convertCastM size@Number{} (String str) signed =
convertCastM size (stringToNumber str) signed
convertCastM size value signed = do
value' <- traverseExprM value
sizeUsesLocalVars <- embedScopes usesLocalVars size
inProcedure <- withinProcedureM
if not sizeUsesLocalVars || not inProcedure then do
......@@ -135,12 +136,12 @@ convertCastM size value signed = do
else do
details <- lookupElemM name
when (details == Nothing) (injectTopItem item)
return $ Call (Ident name) (Args [value'] [])
return $ Call (Ident name) (Args [value] [])
else do
name <- castDeclName 0
insertElem name ()
useVar <- withinStmt
injectDecl $ castDecl useVar name value' size signed
injectDecl $ castDecl useVar name value size signed
return $ Ident name
-- checks if a cast size references any vars not defined at the top level scope
......@@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ module Convert.ExprUtils
, endianCondExpr
, endianCondRange
, dimensionsSize
, stringToNumber
) where
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR)
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
......@@ -36,18 +38,13 @@ simplifyStep (UniOp LogNot (BinOp Ne a b)) = BinOp Eq a b
simplifyStep (UniOp UniSub (UniOp UniSub e)) = e
simplifyStep (UniOp UniSub (BinOp Sub e1 e2)) = BinOp Sub e2 e1
simplifyStep (Concat (Number n1 : Number n2 : rest)) =
simplifyStep $ Concat $ Number n : rest
where n = n1 <> n2
simplifyStep (Concat [Number (Decimal size _ value)]) =
Number $ Decimal size False value
simplifyStep (Concat [Number (Based size _ base value kinds)]) =
Number $ Based size False base value kinds
simplifyStep (Concat [e@Stream{}]) = e
simplifyStep (Concat [e@Concat{}]) = e
simplifyStep (Concat [e@Repeat{}]) = e
simplifyStep (Concat es) = Concat $ filter (/= Concat []) es
simplifyStep (Concat es) = Concat $ flattenConcat es
simplifyStep (Repeat (Dec 0) _) = Concat []
simplifyStep (Repeat (Dec 1) es) = Concat es
simplifyStep (Mux (Number n) e1 e2) =
......@@ -73,6 +70,16 @@ simplifyStep e@(BinOp _ (BinOp _ Number{} Number{}) Number{}) = e
simplifyStep (BinOp op e1 e2) = simplifyBinOp op e1 e2
simplifyStep other = other
-- flatten and coalesce concatenations
flattenConcat :: [Expr] -> [Expr]
flattenConcat (Number n1 : Number n2 : es) =
flattenConcat $ Number (n1 <> n2) : es
flattenConcat (Concat es1 : es2) =
flattenConcat $ es1 ++ es2
flattenConcat (e : es) =
e : flattenConcat es
flattenConcat [] = []
simplifyBinOp :: BinOp -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
......@@ -107,10 +114,50 @@ simplifyBinOp Add (BinOp Sub n1@Number{} e) n2@Number{} =
BinOp Sub (BinOp Add n1 n2) e
simplifyBinOp Ge (BinOp Sub e (Dec 1)) (Dec 0) = BinOp Ge e (toDec 1)
simplifyBinOp ShiftAL (Dec x) (Dec y) = toDec $ shiftL x (fromIntegral y)
simplifyBinOp ShiftAR (Dec x) (Dec y) = toDec $ shiftR x (fromIntegral y)
simplifyBinOp ShiftL (Dec x) (Dec y) = toDec $ shiftL x (fromIntegral y)
simplifyBinOp ShiftR (Dec x) (Dec y) = toDec $ shiftR x (fromIntegral y)
-- simplify bit shifts of decimal literals
simplifyBinOp op (Dec x) (Number yRaw)
| ShiftAL <- op = decShift shiftL
| ShiftAR <- op = decShift shiftR
| ShiftL <- op = decShift shiftL
| ShiftR <- op = decShift shiftR
decShift shifter =
case numberToInteger yRaw of
Just y -> toDec $ shifter x (fromIntegral y)
Nothing -> constantFold undefined Div undefined 0
-- simply comparisons with string literals
simplifyBinOp op (Number n) (String s) | isCmpOp op =
simplifyBinOp op (Number n) (sizeStringAs s n)
simplifyBinOp op (String s) (Number n) | isCmpOp op =
simplifyBinOp op (sizeStringAs s n) (Number n)
simplifyBinOp op (String s1) (String s2) | isCmpOp op =
simplifyBinOp op (stringToNumber s1) (stringToNumber s2)
-- simply basic arithmetic comparisons
simplifyBinOp op (Number n1) (Number n2)
| Eq <- op = cmp (==)
| Ne <- op = cmp (/=)
| Lt <- op = cmp (<)
| Le <- op = cmp (<=)
| Gt <- op = cmp (>)
| Ge <- op = cmp (>=)
cmp :: (Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> Expr
cmp folder =
case (numberToInteger n1', numberToInteger n2') of
(Just i1, Just i2) -> bool $ folder i1 i2
_ -> BinOp op (Number n1') (Number n2')
sg = numberIsSigned n1 && numberIsSigned n2
sz = fromIntegral $ max (numberBitLength n1) (numberBitLength n2)
n1' = numberCast sg sz n1
n2' = numberCast sg sz n2
-- simply comparisons with unbased unsized literals
simplifyBinOp op (Number n) (ConvertedUU sz v k) | isCmpOp op =
simplifyBinOp op (Number n) (uuExtend sz v k)
simplifyBinOp op (ConvertedUU sz v k) (Number n) | isCmpOp op =
simplifyBinOp op (uuExtend sz v k) (Number n)
simplifyBinOp op e1 e2 =
case (e1, e2) of
......@@ -142,6 +189,8 @@ constantFold _ Gt x y = bool $ x > y
constantFold _ Ge x y = bool $ x >= y
constantFold _ Lt x y = bool $ x < y
constantFold _ Le x y = bool $ x <= y
constantFold _ BitAnd x y = toDec $ x .&. y
constantFold _ BitOr x y = toDec $ x .|. y
constantFold fallback _ _ _ = fallback
......@@ -224,3 +273,49 @@ pattern SizedRange expr = (BinOp Sub expr (RawNum 1), RawNum 0)
-- similar to the above pattern, we assume E >= 1 for any range like [0:E-1]
pattern RevSzRange :: Expr -> Range
pattern RevSzRange expr = (RawNum 0, BinOp Sub expr (RawNum 1))
-- convert a string to decimal number
stringToNumber :: String -> Expr
stringToNumber str =
Number $ Decimal size False value
size = 8 * length str
value = stringToInteger str
-- convert a string to big integer
stringToInteger :: String -> Integer
stringToInteger [] = 0
stringToInteger (x : xs) =
fromIntegral (ord x) + (256 :: Integer) * stringToInteger xs
-- cast string to number at least as big as the width of the given number
sizeStringAs :: String -> Number -> Expr
sizeStringAs str num =
Cast (Left typ) (stringToNumber str)
typ = IntegerVector TReg Unspecified [(RawNum size, RawNum 1)]
size = max strSize numSize
strSize = fromIntegral $ 8 * length str
numSize = numberBitLength num
-- excludes wildcard and strict comparison operators
isCmpOp :: BinOp -> Bool
isCmpOp Eq = True
isCmpOp Ne = True
isCmpOp Lt = True
isCmpOp Le = True
isCmpOp Gt = True
isCmpOp Ge = True
isCmpOp _ = False
-- sign extend a converted unbased unsized literal into a based number
uuExtend :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Expr
uuExtend sz v k =
Number $
numberCast False (fromIntegral sz) $
Based 1 True Hex v k
pattern ConvertedUU :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Expr
pattern ConvertedUU sz v k <- Repeat
(RawNum sz)
[Number (Based 1 True Binary v k)]
// This verifies that sv2v can evaluate certain constant expressions by
// producing iverilog-incompatible code if the expression cannot be simplified
// or is evaluated incorrectly.
`define ASSERT_TRUE(expr) if (expr) begin end else begin shortreal x; end
`define ASSERT_FALSE(expr) if (expr) begin shortreal x; end
module top;
`ASSERT_TRUE("inv" == "inv")
`ASSERT_TRUE(32'("inv") == "inv")
`ASSERT_TRUE("inv" == 32'("inv"))
`ASSERT_TRUE(24'("inv") == "inv")
`ASSERT_TRUE("inv" == 24'("inv"))
`ASSERT_FALSE("invv" == "inv")
`ASSERT_FALSE("0inv" == "inv")
`ASSERT_TRUE("invv" != "inv")
`ASSERT_TRUE("0inv" != "inv")
`ASSERT_TRUE(24'("inv0") == "inv")
`ASSERT_TRUE(24'("0inv") != "inv")
`ASSERT_FALSE("inv" == 0)
`ASSERT_FALSE("inv" == '0)
`ASSERT_FALSE('0 == "inv")
`ASSERT_FALSE("inv" == 1'b0)
`ASSERT_FALSE("inv" == 2'd0)
`ASSERT_FALSE("inv" == 1'sb0)
`ASSERT_TRUE(1'sb0 < 1'd1)
`ASSERT_TRUE(1'sb0 <= 1'd0)
`ASSERT_FALSE(1'sb0 > 1'd1)
`ASSERT_TRUE(1'sb0 >= 1'd0)
`ASSERT_TRUE((1 | 2) == 3)
`ASSERT_TRUE((13 & 7) == 5)
`ASSERT_TRUE((1 << 1) == 2)
`ASSERT_TRUE((3 >> 1) == 1)
`ASSERT_TRUE((1 <<< 1) == 2)
`ASSERT_TRUE((3 >>> 1) == 1)
`ASSERT_TRUE(5'{4'hF, 3'{1'b1, 1'b1}} == 27)
`ASSERT_TRUE(5'{{{1'b1, 1'b1}, {1'b1, 1'b1}}} == 15)
module top; endmodule
// pattern: size cast width 'shxxxxxxxx is not an integer
// location:
module top;
initial $display((1 << 'x)'(2));
// pattern: size cast width 'shxxxxxxxx is not an integer
// location:
module top;
wire x = 0;
initial $display((1 << 'x)'(x));
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