Commit 95524c46 by Zachary Snow

remove excess patterns from struct conversion

parent 400c0094
......@@ -476,18 +476,6 @@ convertAsgn structs types (lhs, expr) =
(t, e') = convertSubExpr e
t' = dropInnerTypeRange t
convertSubExpr (Concat exprs) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], Concat $ map (snd . convertSubExpr) exprs)
convertSubExpr (Stream o e exprs) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], Stream o e' exprs')
e' = (snd . convertSubExpr) e
exprs' = map (snd . convertSubExpr) exprs
convertSubExpr (BinOp op e1 e2) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], BinOp op e1' e2')
(_, e1') = convertSubExpr e1
(_, e2') = convertSubExpr e2
convertSubExpr (Call e args) =
(retType, Call e $ convertCall structs types e' args)
......@@ -497,36 +485,8 @@ convertAsgn structs types (lhs, expr) =
Nothing -> Implicit Unspecified []
Just t -> t
_ -> Implicit Unspecified []
convertSubExpr (String s) = (Implicit Unspecified [], String s)
convertSubExpr (Number n) = (Implicit Unspecified [], Number n)
convertSubExpr (Time n) = (Implicit Unspecified [], Time n)
convertSubExpr (PSIdent x y) = (Implicit Unspecified [], PSIdent x y)
convertSubExpr (Repeat e es) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], Repeat e' es')
(_, e') = convertSubExpr e
es' = map (snd . convertSubExpr) es
convertSubExpr (UniOp op e) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], UniOp op e')
where (_, e') = convertSubExpr e
convertSubExpr (Mux a b c) =
(t, Mux a' b' c')
(_, a') = convertSubExpr a
(t, b') = convertSubExpr b
(_, c') = convertSubExpr c
convertSubExpr (Cast (Left t) sub) =
(t, Cast (Left t) (snd $ convertSubExpr sub))
convertSubExpr (Cast (Right e) sub) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], Cast (Right e) (snd $ convertSubExpr sub))
convertSubExpr (DimsFn f tore) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], DimsFn f tore')
where tore' = convertTypeOrExpr tore
convertSubExpr (DimFn f tore e) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], DimFn f tore' e')
tore' = convertTypeOrExpr tore
e' = snd $ convertSubExpr e
convertSubExpr (Pattern items) =
if all (== "") $ map fst items'
then (Implicit Unspecified [], Concat $ map snd items')
......@@ -534,29 +494,14 @@ convertAsgn structs types (lhs, expr) =
items' = map mapItem items
mapItem (mx, e) = (mx, snd $ convertSubExpr e)
convertSubExpr (Inside e l) =
(t, Inside e' l')
t = IntegerVector TLogic Unspecified []
(_, e') = convertSubExpr e
l' = map mapItem l
mapItem :: ExprOrRange -> ExprOrRange
mapItem (Left a) = Left $ snd $ convertSubExpr a
mapItem (Right (a, b)) = Right (a', b')
(_, a') = convertSubExpr a
(_, b') = convertSubExpr b
convertSubExpr (MinTypMax a b c) =
(t, MinTypMax a' b' c')
convertSubExpr (Mux a b c) =
(t, Mux a' b' c')
(_, a') = convertSubExpr a
(t, b') = convertSubExpr b
(_, c') = convertSubExpr c
convertSubExpr Nil = (Implicit Unspecified [], Nil)
convertTypeOrExpr :: TypeOrExpr -> TypeOrExpr
convertTypeOrExpr (Left t) = Left t
convertTypeOrExpr (Right e) = Right $ snd $ convertSubExpr e
convertSubExpr other =
(Implicit Unspecified [], other)
-- lookup the range of a field in its unstructured type
lookupUnstructRange :: TypeFunc -> Identifier -> Range
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