Commit 8eac9b01 by Zachary Snow

use reg for empty args placeholder

parent 1fd72d87
......@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ convertDescription other = other
traverseFunctionsM :: ModuleItem -> Writer Idents ModuleItem
traverseFunctionsM (MIPackageItem (Function ml t f decls stmts)) = do
let dummyDecl = Variable Input (Implicit Unspecified []) "_sv2v_unused" [] Nil
decls' <- do
decls' <-
if any isInput decls
then return decls
else do
......@@ -40,6 +39,8 @@ traverseFunctionsM (MIPackageItem (Function ml t f decls stmts)) = do
return $ dummyDecl : decls
return $ MIPackageItem $ Function ml t f decls' stmts
dummyType = IntegerVector TReg Unspecified []
dummyDecl = Variable Input dummyType "_sv2v_unused" [] Nil
isInput :: Decl -> Bool
isInput (Variable Input _ _ _ _) = True
isInput _ = False
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