Commit 82703834 by Zachary Snow

constant folding for shifts

parent 2d7982f8
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ convertExpr (orig @ (DimsFn FnDimensions (Left t))) =
convertExpr (DimFn f (Left t) (Number str)) =
if dm == Nothing || isUnresolved t then
DimFn f (Left t) (Number str)
else if d <= 0 || d > length rs then
else if d <= 0 || fromIntegral d > length rs then
Number "'x"
else case f of
FnLeft -> fst r
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ convertExpr (DimFn f (Left t) (Number str)) =
_ -> snd $ typeRanges $ elaborateType t
dm = readNumber str
Just d = dm
r = rs !! (d - 1)
r = rs !! (fromIntegral $ d - 1)
isUnresolved :: Type -> Bool
isUnresolved (Alias{}) = True
isUnresolved (TypeOf{}) = True
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ convertAsgn structs types (lhs, expr) =
convertExpr (Struct packing fields (_:rs)) (Bit e _) =
convertExpr (Struct packing fields rs) e
convertExpr (Struct packing fields []) (Pattern [("", Repeat (Number nStr) exprs)]) =
case readNumber nStr of
case fmap fromIntegral (readNumber nStr) of
Just n -> convertExpr (Struct packing fields []) $ Pattern $
zip (repeat "") (concat $ take n $ repeat exprs)
Nothing ->
......@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr
, readNumber
) where
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Numeric (readHex)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
......@@ -163,12 +166,12 @@ showExprOrRange :: ExprOrRange -> String
showExprOrRange (Left x) = show x
showExprOrRange (Right x) = show x
clog2Help :: Int -> Int -> Int
clog2Help :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32
clog2Help p n = if p >= n then 0 else 1 + clog2Help (p*2) n
clog2 :: Int -> Int
clog2 :: Int32 -> Int32
clog2 n = if n < 2 then 0 else clog2Help 1 n
readNumber :: String -> Maybe Int
readNumber :: String -> Maybe Int32
readNumber ('3' : '2' : '\'' : 'd' : rest) = readMaybe rest
readNumber ( '\'' : 'd' : rest) = readMaybe rest
readNumber ('3' : '2' : '\'' : 'h' : rest) =
......@@ -251,7 +254,7 @@ simplify (BinOp op e1 e2) =
(Add, BinOp Sub e (Number "1"), Number "1") -> e
(Add, e, BinOp Sub (Number "0") (Number "1")) -> BinOp Sub e (Number "1")
(_ , Number a, Number b) ->
case (op, readNumber a :: Maybe Int, readNumber b :: Maybe Int) of
case (op, readNumber a, readNumber b) of
(Add, Just x, Just y) -> Number $ show (x + y)
(Sub, Just x, Just y) -> Number $ show (x - y)
(Mul, Just x, Just y) -> Number $ show (x * y)
......@@ -265,7 +268,19 @@ simplify (BinOp op e1 e2) =
(Ge , Just x, Just y) -> bool $ x >= y
(Lt , Just x, Just y) -> bool $ x < y
(Le , Just x, Just y) -> bool $ x <= y
(ShiftAL, Just x, Just y) -> Number $ show $ shiftL x (toInt y)
(ShiftAR, Just x, Just y) -> Number $ show $ shiftR x (toInt y)
(ShiftL , Just x, Just y) -> Number $ show $ shiftL x (toInt y)
(ShiftR , Just x, Just y) -> -- does not sign extend
Number $ show $ toInt32 $ shiftR (toWord32 x) (toInt y)
_ -> BinOp op e1' e2'
toInt :: Int32 -> Int
toInt = fromIntegral
toWord32 :: Int32 -> Word32
toWord32 = fromIntegral
toInt32 :: Word32 -> Int32
toInt32 = fromIntegral
(Add, BinOp Add e (Number a), Number b) ->
case (readNumber a, readNumber b) of
(Just x, Just y) -> BinOp Add e $ Number $ show (x + y)
`define TEST_OP(op, a, b) $display(`"%0d op %0d = %0d`", a, b, a op b)
`define TEST(a, b) \
`TEST_OP(>> , a, b); \
`TEST_OP(<< , a, b); \
`TEST_OP(>>>, a, b); \
`TEST_OP(<<<, a, b)
module top;
initial begin
`TEST(-4, 0);
`TEST(-4, 1);
`TEST(-4, 2);
`TEST(-4, 3);
`TEST(-1, 0);
`TEST(-1, 1);
`TEST(-1, 2);
`TEST(-1, 3);
`TEST(1, 0);
`TEST(1, 1);
`TEST(1, 2);
`TEST(1, 3);
`TEST(2, 0);
`TEST(2, 1);
`TEST(2, 2);
`TEST(2, 3);
`include ""
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