Commit 80d75d2a by Zachary Snow

confine genvar local typing to loops

parent f84dd701
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ module Convert.Scoper
, embedScopes
, withinProcedure
, withinProcedureM
, isLoopVar
, isLoopVarM
, lookupLocalIdent
, lookupLocalIdentM
, scopeModuleItemT
......@@ -296,6 +298,13 @@ withinProcedureM = gets sProcedure
withinProcedure :: Scopes a -> Bool
withinProcedure = sProcedure
isLoopVar :: Scopes a -> Identifier -> Bool
isLoopVar scopes x = any matches $ sCurrent scopes
where matches = (== x) . tierIndex
isLoopVarM :: Monad m => Identifier -> ScoperT a m Bool
isLoopVarM = embedScopes isLoopVar
:: MapperM (Scoper a) Decl
-> MapperM (Scoper a) ModuleItem
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ convert = map $ traverseDescriptions $ partScoper
pattern UnitType :: Type
pattern UnitType = IntegerVector TLogic Unspecified []
type ST = Scoper (Type, Bool)
type ST = Scoper Type
-- insert the given declaration into the scope, and convert an TypeOfs within
traverseDeclM :: Decl -> ST Decl
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ traverseDeclM decl = do
insertType :: Identifier -> Type -> ST ()
insertType ident typ = do
typ' <- scopeType typ
insertElem ident (typ', False)
insertElem ident typ'
-- rewrite an expression so that any identifiers it contains unambiguously refer
-- refer to currently visible declarations so it can be substituted elsewhere
......@@ -82,18 +82,15 @@ scopeExpr expr = do
>>= traverseExprTypesM scopeType
details <- lookupElemM expr'
case details of
Just (accesses, _, (_, False)) -> return $ accessesToExpr accesses
Just (accesses, _, _) -> return $ accessesToExpr accesses
_ -> return expr'
scopeType :: Type -> ST Type
scopeType = traverseNestedTypesM $ traverseTypeExprsM scopeExpr
-- convert TypeOf in a ModuleItem
traverseModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> ST ModuleItem
traverseModuleItemM (Genvar x) =
insertElem x (t, True) >> return (Genvar x)
where t = IntegerAtom TInteger Unspecified
traverseModuleItemM item =
traverseNodesM traverseExprM return traverseTypeM traverseLHSM return item
traverseModuleItemM =
traverseNodesM traverseExprM return traverseTypeM traverseLHSM return
where traverseLHSM = traverseLHSExprsM traverseExprM
-- convert TypeOf in a GenItem
......@@ -130,7 +127,8 @@ traverseExprM (Cast (Left t1) expr) = do
traverseExprM (Cast (Right (Ident x)) expr) = do
expr' <- traverseExprM expr
details <- lookupElemM x
if details == Nothing
isGenvar <- isLoopVarM x
if details == Nothing && not isGenvar
then return $ Cast (Left $ Alias x []) expr'
else elaborateSizeCast (Ident x) expr'
traverseExprM (Cast (Right size) expr) = do
......@@ -163,8 +161,14 @@ lookupTypeOf :: Expr -> ST Type
lookupTypeOf expr = do
details <- lookupElemM expr
case details of
Nothing -> return $ TypeOf expr
Just (_, replacements, (typ, _)) -> do
Nothing -> case expr of
Ident x -> do
isGenvar <- isLoopVarM x
return $ if isGenvar
then IntegerAtom TInteger Unspecified
else TypeOf expr
_ -> return $ TypeOf expr
Just (_, replacements, typ) -> do
let typ' = toVarType typ
return $ replaceInType replacements typ'
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