Commit 79f9d21f by Zachary Snow

leave non-data-declarations at the end of modules

parent c722e931
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ collectDescriptionM _ = return ()
-- nests packages items missing from modules
convertDescription :: PIs -> Description -> Description
convertDescription pis (orig @ Part{}) =
Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports (newItems ++ items)
Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items'
Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items = orig
existingPIs = execWriter $ collectModuleItemsM collectPIsM orig
......@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ convertDescription pis (orig @ Part{}) =
uniq l = l' where (l', _, _) = complex l
newItems = uniq $ map MIPackageItem $ map snd $
filter (\(x, _) -> Set.member x neededPIs) pis
-- place data declarations at the beginning to obey declaration
-- ordering; everything else can go at the end
newItemsBefore = filter isDecl newItems
newItemsAfter = filter (not . isDecl) newItems
items' = newItemsBefore ++ items ++ newItemsAfter
isDecl (MIPackageItem (Decl{})) = True
isDecl _ = False
convertDescription _ other = other
-- writes down the names of package items
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ module top;
localparam BW = 3;
logic [2:0] test;
assign test = BW'(0);
initial $display(test);
initial #1 $display(test);
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ module top;
localparam BW = 3;
wire [2:0] test;
assign test = 0;
initial $display(test);
initial #1 $display(test);
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