Commit 6ee558b6 by Zachary Snow

initial pass improving decl parsing error messages

- all decl tokens are given an accurate starting position
- key grammar productions return token positions to facilitate the above
- helpers for standardized parse error generation
- replaced annoying pattern-matching type argument restrictions
- moving away from dumping raw decl tokens in error messages
parent ff0c7b02
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
%lexer { positionKeep } { TokenEOF }
%name parseMain
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }
%error { parseErrorTok }
%expect 0
......@@ -462,58 +462,62 @@ TypeNonIdent :: { Type }
: PartialType OptSigning Dimensions { $1 $2 $3 }
| "type" "(" Expr ")" { TypeOf $3 }
PartialType :: { Signing -> [Range] -> Type }
: IntegerVectorType { IntegerVector $1 }
| IntegerAtomType { \sg -> \[] -> IntegerAtom $1 sg }
| NonIntegerType { \Unspecified -> \[] -> NonInteger $1 }
| "enum" EnumBaseType "{" EnumItems "}" { \Unspecified -> Enum $2 $4 }
| "struct" Packing "{" StructItems "}" { \Unspecified -> Struct $2 $4 }
| "union" Packing "{" StructItems "}" { \Unspecified -> Union $2 $4 }
: PartialTypeP { snd $1 }
PartialTypeP :: { (Position, Signing -> [Range] -> Type) }
: IntegerVectorTypeP { (fst $1, makeIntegerVector $1) }
| IntegerAtomTypeP { (fst $1, makeIntegerAtom $1) }
| NonIntegerTypeP { (fst $1, makeNonInteger $1) }
| "enum" EnumBaseType "{" EnumItems "}" { makeComplex $1 $ Enum $2 $4 }
| "struct" Packing "{" StructItems "}" { makeComplex $1 $ Struct $2 $4 }
| "union" Packing "{" StructItems "}" { makeComplex $1 $ Union $2 $4 }
CastingType :: { Type }
: IntegerVectorType { IntegerVector $1 Unspecified [] }
| IntegerAtomType { IntegerAtom $1 Unspecified }
| NonIntegerType { NonInteger $1 }
| Signing { Implicit $1 [] }
: IntegerVectorTypeP { IntegerVector (snd $1) Unspecified [] }
| IntegerAtomTypeP { IntegerAtom (snd $1) Unspecified }
| NonIntegerTypeP { NonInteger (snd $1) }
| SigningP { Implicit (snd $1) [] }
EnumBaseType :: { Type }
: Type { $1 }
| Dimensions { Implicit Unspecified $1 }
Signing :: { Signing }
: "signed" { Signed }
| "unsigned" { Unsigned }
: SigningP { snd $1 }
SigningP :: { (Position, Signing) }
: "signed" { withPos $1 Signed }
| "unsigned" { withPos $1 Unsigned }
OptSigning :: { Signing }
: Signing { $1 }
| {- empty -} { Unspecified }
NetType :: { NetType }
: "supply0" { TSupply0 }
| "supply1" { TSupply1 }
| "tri" { TTri }
| "triand" { TTriand }
| "trior" { TTrior }
| "trireg" { TTrireg }
| "tri0" { TTri0 }
| "tri1" { TTri1 }
| "uwire" { TUwire }
| "wire" { TWire }
| "wand" { TWand }
| "wor" { TWor }
IntegerVectorType :: { IntegerVectorType }
: "bit" { TBit }
| "logic" { TLogic }
| "reg" { TReg }
IntegerAtomType :: { IntegerAtomType }
: "byte" { TByte }
| "shortint" { TShortint }
| "int" { TInt }
| "longint" { TLongint }
| "integer" { TInteger }
| "time" { TTime }
NonIntegerType :: { NonIntegerType }
: "shortreal" { TShortreal }
| "real" { TReal }
| "realtime" { TRealtime }
| "string" { TString }
| "event" { TEvent }
NetTypeP :: { (Position, NetType) }
: "supply0" { withPos $1 TSupply0 }
| "supply1" { withPos $1 TSupply1 }
| "tri" { withPos $1 TTri }
| "triand" { withPos $1 TTriand }
| "trior" { withPos $1 TTrior }
| "trireg" { withPos $1 TTrireg }
| "tri0" { withPos $1 TTri0 }
| "tri1" { withPos $1 TTri1 }
| "uwire" { withPos $1 TUwire }
| "wire" { withPos $1 TWire }
| "wand" { withPos $1 TWand }
| "wor" { withPos $1 TWor }
IntegerVectorTypeP :: { (Position, IntegerVectorType) }
: "bit" { withPos $1 TBit }
| "logic" { withPos $1 TLogic }
| "reg" { withPos $1 TReg }
IntegerAtomTypeP :: { (Position, IntegerAtomType) }
: "byte" { withPos $1 TByte }
| "shortint" { withPos $1 TShortint }
| "int" { withPos $1 TInt }
| "longint" { withPos $1 TLongint }
| "integer" { withPos $1 TInteger }
| "time" { withPos $1 TTime }
NonIntegerTypeP :: { (Position, NonIntegerType) }
: "shortreal" { withPos $1 TShortreal }
| "real" { withPos $1 TReal }
| "realtime" { withPos $1 TRealtime }
| "string" { withPos $1 TString }
| "event" { withPos $1 TEvent }
EnumItems :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] }
: VariablePortIdentifiers { $1 }
......@@ -607,9 +611,11 @@ ModportSimplePort :: { (Identifier, Expr) }
| Identifier { ($1, Ident $1) }
Identifier :: { Identifier }
: simpleIdentifier { tokenString $1 }
| escapedIdentifier { tokenString $1 }
| systemIdentifier { tokenString $1 }
: IdentifierP { snd $1 }
IdentifierP :: { (Position, Identifier) }
: simpleIdentifier { withPos $1 $ tokenString $1 }
| escapedIdentifier { withPos $1 $ tokenString $1 }
| systemIdentifier { withPos $1 $ tokenString $1 }
Identifiers :: { [Identifier] }
: Identifier { [$1] }
......@@ -626,46 +632,46 @@ DeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] }
DeclTokensBase(repeat, delim) :: { [DeclToken] }
: DeclToken delim { [$1] }
| DeclToken repeat { [$1] ++ $2 }
| Identifier ParamBindings repeat {% posInject \p -> [DTIdent p $1, DTParams p $2] ++ $3 }
| DeclTokenAsgn "," repeat {% posInject \p -> [$1, DTComma p] ++ $3 }
| DeclTokenAsgn delim {% posInject \p -> [$1] }
| IdentifierP ParamBindings repeat { [uncurry DTIdent $1, DTParams (fst $1) $2] ++ $3 }
| DeclTokenAsgn "," repeat { [$1, DTComma (tokenPosition $2)] ++ $3 }
| DeclTokenAsgn delim { [$1] }
DeclToken :: { DeclToken }
: "," {% posInject \p -> DTComma p }
| "[" "]" {% posInject \p -> DTAutoDim p }
| "const" {% posInject \p -> DTConst p }
| "var" {% posInject \p -> DTVar p }
| PartSelect {% posInject \p -> DTRange p $1 }
| Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTIdent p $1 }
| Direction {% posInject \p -> DTDir p $1 }
| "[" Expr "]" {% posInject \p -> DTBit p $2 }
| LHSConcat {% posInject \p -> DTConcat p $1 }
| PartialType {% posInject \p -> DTType p $1 }
| NetType Strength {% posInject \p -> DTNet p $1 $2 }
| "." Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTDot p $2 }
| PortBindings {% posInject \p -> DTInstance p $1 }
| Signing {% posInject \p -> DTSigning p $1 }
| "automatic" {% posInject \p -> DTLifetime p Automatic }
| "{" StreamOp StreamSize Concat "}" {% posInject \p -> DTStream p $2 $3 (map toLHS $4) }
| "{" StreamOp Concat "}" {% posInject \p -> DTStream p $2 (RawNum 1) (map toLHS $3) }
| "type" "(" Expr ")" {% posInject \p -> DTType p (\Unspecified -> \[] -> TypeOf $3) }
| IncOrDecOperator {% posInject \p -> DTAsgn p (AsgnOp $1) Nothing (RawNum 1) }
| "<=" opt(DelayOrEvent) Expr %prec Asgn {% posInject \p -> DTAsgn p AsgnOpNonBlocking $2 $3 }
| Identifier "::" Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTPSIdent p $1 $3 }
| Identifier ParamBindings "::" Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTCSIdent p $1 $2 $4 }
: "," { DTComma $ tokenPosition $1 }
| "[" "]" { DTAutoDim $ tokenPosition $1 }
| "const" { DTConst $ tokenPosition $1 }
| "var" { DTVar $ tokenPosition $1 }
| PartSelectP { uncurry DTRange $1 }
| IdentifierP { uncurry DTIdent $1 }
| DirectionP { uncurry DTDir $1 }
| LHSConcatP { uncurry DTConcat $1 }
| PartialTypeP { uncurry DTType $1 }
| NetTypeP Strength { uncurry DTNet $1 $2 }
| PortBindingsP { uncurry DTPorts $1 }
| SigningP { uncurry DTSigning $1 }
| "[" Expr "]" { DTBit (tokenPosition $1) $2 }
| "." Identifier { DTDot (tokenPosition $1) $2 }
| "automatic" { DTLifetime (tokenPosition $1) Automatic }
| "{" StreamOp StreamSize Concat "}" { DTStream (tokenPosition $1) $2 $3 (map toLHS $4) }
| "{" StreamOp Concat "}" { DTStream (tokenPosition $1) $2 (RawNum 1) (map toLHS $3) }
| "type" "(" Expr ")" { uncurry DTType $ makeTypeOf $1 $3 }
| IncOrDecOperatorP { DTAsgn (fst $1) (AsgnOp $ snd $1) Nothing (RawNum 1) }
| "<=" opt(DelayOrEvent) Expr %prec Asgn { DTAsgn (tokenPosition $1) AsgnOpNonBlocking $2 $3 }
| IdentifierP "::" Identifier { uncurry DTPSIdent $1 $3 }
| IdentifierP ParamBindings "::" Identifier { uncurry DTCSIdent $1 $2 $4 }
DeclTokenAsgn :: { DeclToken }
: "=" opt(DelayOrEvent) Expr {% posInject \p -> DTAsgn p AsgnOpEq $2 $3 }
| AsgnBinOp Expr {% posInject \p -> DTAsgn p $1 Nothing $2 }
: "=" opt(DelayOrEvent) Expr { DTAsgn (tokenPosition $1) AsgnOpEq $2 $3 }
| AsgnBinOpP Expr { uncurry DTAsgn $1 Nothing $2 }
PortDeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] }
: DeclTokensBase(PortDeclTokens(delim), delim) { $1 }
| GenericInterfaceDecl PortDeclTokens(delim) { $1 ++ $2}
| GenericInterfaceDecl delim { $1 }
| AttributeInstance PortDeclTokens(delim) {% posInject \p -> DTAttr p $1 : $2 }
| AttributeInstanceP PortDeclTokens(delim) { uncurry DTAttr $1 : $2 }
ModuleDeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] }
: DeclTokensBase(ModuleDeclTokens(delim), delim) { $1 }
| GenericInterfaceDecl ModuleDeclTokens(delim) { $1 ++ $2}
| GenericInterfaceDecl delim { $1 }
GenericInterfaceDecl :: { [DeclToken] }
: "interface" Identifier {% posInject \p -> [DTType p (\Unspecified -> InterfaceT "" ""), DTIdent p $2] }
: "interface" IdentifierP { [DTType (tokenPosition $1) (\Unspecified -> InterfaceT "" ""), uncurry DTIdent $2] }
VariablePortIdentifiers :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] }
: VariablePortIdentifier { [$1] }
......@@ -674,9 +680,11 @@ VariablePortIdentifier :: { (Identifier, Expr) }
: Identifier OptAsgn { ($1,$2) }
Direction :: { Direction }
: "inout" { Inout }
| "input" { Input }
| "output" { Output }
: DirectionP { snd $1 }
DirectionP :: { (Position, Direction) }
: "inout" { (tokenPosition $1, Inout ) }
| "input" { (tokenPosition $1, Input ) }
| "output" { (tokenPosition $1, Output) }
ModuleItems :: { [ModuleItem] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
......@@ -778,7 +786,9 @@ AttributeInstances :: { [Attr] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
| AttributeInstance AttributeInstances { $1 : $2 }
AttributeInstance :: { Attr }
: "(*" AttrSpecs "*)" { Attr $2 }
: AttributeInstanceP { snd $1 }
AttributeInstanceP :: { (Position, Attr) }
: "(*" AttrSpecs "*)" { withPos $1 $ Attr $2 }
AttrSpecs :: { [AttrSpec] }
: AttrSpec { [$1] }
| AttrSpecs "," AttrSpec { $1 ++ [$3] }
......@@ -910,7 +920,7 @@ Drive :: { String }
: "pull0" { tokenString $1 }
| "pull1" { tokenString $1 }
DefaultNetType :: { String }
: NetType { show $1 }
: NetTypeP { show $ snd $1 }
| Identifier { $1 }
PackageImportItems :: { [(Identifier, Identifier)] }
......@@ -969,28 +979,28 @@ DeclAsgn :: { (Identifier, Expr, [Range]) }
Range :: { Range }
: "[" Expr ":" Expr "]" { ($2, $4) }
PartSelect :: { (PartSelectMode, Range) }
: "[" Expr ":" Expr "]" { (NonIndexed , ($2, $4)) }
| "[" Expr "+:" Expr "]" { (IndexedPlus , ($2, $4)) }
| "[" Expr "-:" Expr "]" { (IndexedMinus, ($2, $4)) }
PartSelectP :: { (Position, (PartSelectMode, Range)) }
: "[" Expr ":" Expr "]" { (tokenPosition $1, (NonIndexed , ($2, $4))) }
| "[" Expr "+:" Expr "]" { (tokenPosition $1, (IndexedPlus , ($2, $4))) }
| "[" Expr "-:" Expr "]" { (tokenPosition $1, (IndexedMinus, ($2, $4))) }
LHS :: { LHS }
: Identifier { LHSIdent $1 }
| LHS PartSelect { LHSRange $1 (fst $2) (snd $2) }
| LHS PartSelectP { uncurry (LHSRange $1) (snd $2) }
| LHS "[" Expr "]" { LHSBit $1 $3 }
| LHS "." Identifier { LHSDot $1 $3 }
| LHSConcat { LHSConcat $1 }
| LHSConcatP { LHSConcat $ snd $1 }
| "{" StreamOp StreamSize Concat "}" { LHSStream $2 $3 (map toLHS $4) }
| "{" StreamOp Concat "}" { LHSStream $2 (RawNum 1) (map toLHS $3) }
LHSConcat :: { [LHS] }
: "{" LHSs "}" { $2 }
LHSConcatP :: { (Position, [LHS]) }
: "{" LHSs "}" { withPos $1 $2 }
LHSs :: { [LHS] }
: LHS { [$1] }
| LHSs "," LHS { $1 ++ [$3] }
PortBindings :: { [PortBinding] }
: "(" PortBindingsInside ")" {% checkPortBindings $2 }
PortBindingsP:: { (Position, [PortBinding]) }
: "(" PortBindingsInside ")" {% checkPortBindings $2 >>= return . withPos $1 }
PortBindingsInside :: { [PortBinding] }
: OptPortBinding { [$1] }
| OptPortBinding "," PortBindingsInside { $1 : $3}
......@@ -1246,7 +1256,7 @@ Expr :: { Expr }
| DimsFn "(" TypeOrExpr ")" { DimsFn $1 $3 }
| DimFn "(" TypeOrExpr ")" { DimFn $1 $3 (RawNum 1) }
| DimFn "(" TypeOrExpr "," Expr ")" { DimFn $1 $3 $5 }
| Expr PartSelect { Range $1 (fst $2) (snd $2) }
| Expr PartSelectP { uncurry (Range $1) (snd $2) }
| Expr "[" Expr "]" { Bit $1 $3 }
| "{" Expr Concat "}" { Repeat $2 $3 }
| Concat { Concat $1 }
......@@ -1386,22 +1396,26 @@ AsgnOp :: { AsgnOp }
: "=" { AsgnOpEq }
| AsgnBinOp { $1 }
AsgnBinOp :: { AsgnOp }
: "+=" { AsgnOp Add }
| "-=" { AsgnOp Sub }
| "*=" { AsgnOp Mul }
| "/=" { AsgnOp Div }
| "%=" { AsgnOp Mod }
| "&=" { AsgnOp BitAnd }
| "|=" { AsgnOp BitOr }
| "^=" { AsgnOp BitXor }
| "<<=" { AsgnOp ShiftL }
| ">>=" { AsgnOp ShiftR }
| "<<<=" { AsgnOp ShiftAL }
| ">>>=" { AsgnOp ShiftAR }
: AsgnBinOpP { snd $1 }
AsgnBinOpP :: { (Position, AsgnOp) }
: "+=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Add }
| "-=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Sub }
| "*=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Mul }
| "/=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Div }
| "%=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Mod }
| "&=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp BitAnd }
| "|=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp BitOr }
| "^=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp BitXor }
| "<<=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp ShiftL }
| ">>=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp ShiftR }
| "<<<=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp ShiftAL }
| ">>>=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp ShiftAR }
IncOrDecOperator :: { BinOp }
: "++" { Add }
| "--" { Sub }
: IncOrDecOperatorP { snd $1 }
IncOrDecOperatorP :: { (Position, BinOp) }
: "++" { withPos $1 Add }
| "--" { withPos $1 Sub }
DimsFn :: { DimsFn }
: "$bits" { FnBits }
......@@ -1455,11 +1469,6 @@ parse tokens =
position = tokenPosition $ head tokens
initialState = ParseData position tokens
posInject :: (Position -> a) -> ParseState a
posInject cont = do
pos <- gets pPosition
return $ cont pos
positionKeep :: (Token -> ParseState a) -> ParseState a
positionKeep cont = do
tokens <- gets pTokens
......@@ -1469,13 +1478,19 @@ positionKeep cont = do
put $ ParseData (tokenPosition tok) toks
cont tok
parseError :: Token -> ParseState a
parseError a = case a of
parseErrorTok :: Token -> ParseState a
parseErrorTok a = case a of
TokenEOF -> do
p <- gets pPosition
throwError $ show p ++ ": Parse error: unexpected end of file."
Token t s p -> throwError $ show p ++ ": Parse error: unexpected token '"
++ s ++ "' (" ++ show t ++ ")."
parseErrorM p "unexpected end of file"
Token t s p ->
parseErrorM p $ "unexpected token '" ++ s ++ "' (" ++ show t ++ ")"
parseErrorM :: Position -> String -> ParseState a
parseErrorM pos msg = throwError $ show pos ++ ": Parse error: " ++ msg
parseError :: Position -> String -> a
parseError pos msg = error $ show pos ++ ": Parse error: " ++ msg
genItemsToGenItem :: [GenItem] -> GenItem
genItemsToGenItem [x] = x
......@@ -1487,8 +1502,8 @@ combineDeclsAndStmts (a1, b1) (a2, b2) =
if not (null b1) && not (null a2)
then do
p <- gets pPosition
throwError $ show p
++ ": Parse error: procedural block contains a declaration after a statement"
parseErrorM p
"procedural block contains a declaration after a statement"
else return (a1 ++ a2, b1 ++ b2)
makeInput :: Decl -> Decl
......@@ -1502,13 +1517,13 @@ checkTag :: String -> String -> a -> ParseState a
checkTag _ "" x = return x
checkTag "" b _ = do
p <- gets pPosition
error $ show p ++ ": Parse error: block has only end label " ++ show b
parseErrorM p $ "block has only end label " ++ show b
checkTag a b x =
if a == b
then return x
else do
p <- gets pPosition
error $ show p ++ ": Parse error: element " ++ show a
parseErrorM p $ "element " ++ show a
++ " has mismatched end label " ++ show b
toLHS :: Expr -> LHS
......@@ -1538,14 +1553,12 @@ validateCases :: Token -> [([Expr], a)] -> [([Expr], a)]
validateCases tok items =
if length (filter (null . fst) items) <= 1
then items
else error $ show (tokenPosition tok)
++ ": Parse error: case has multiple defaults"
else parseError (tokenPosition tok) "case has multiple defaults"
caseInsideKW :: Token -> CaseKW -> CaseKW
caseInsideKW _ CaseN = CaseInside
caseInsideKW tok kw =
error $ show (tokenPosition tok)
++ ": Parse error: cannot use inside with " ++ show kw
parseError (tokenPosition tok) $ "cannot use inside with " ++ show kw
addMIAttr :: Attr -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
addMIAttr _ (item @ (MIPackageItem (Decl CommentDecl{}))) = item
......@@ -1554,7 +1567,7 @@ addMIAttr attr item = MIAttr attr item
missingToken :: String -> ParseState a
missingToken expected = do
p <- gets pPosition
throwError $ show p ++ ": Parse error: missing expected `" ++ expected ++ "`"
parseErrorM p $ "missing expected `" ++ expected ++ "`"
checkPortBindings :: [PortBinding] -> ParseState [PortBinding]
checkPortBindings [] = return []
......@@ -1573,7 +1586,46 @@ checkBindings kind bindings =
return bindings
else do
p <- gets pPosition
error $ show p ++ ": Parse error: illegal mix of ordered and named " ++ kind
parseErrorM p $ "illegal mix of ordered and named " ++ kind
where bindingNames = map fst bindings
withPos :: Token -> a -> (Position, a)
withPos tok = (tokenPosition tok, )
type PartialType = Signing -> [Range] -> Type
unexpectedPackedRanges :: Position -> String -> a
unexpectedPackedRanges pos typ =
parseError pos $ "unexpected packed range(s) applied to " ++ typ
unexpectedSigning :: Position -> Signing -> String -> a
unexpectedSigning pos sg typ =
parseError pos $ "unexpected " ++ show sg ++ " applied to " ++ typ
makeIntegerVector :: (Position, IntegerVectorType) -> PartialType
makeIntegerVector (_, typ) = IntegerVector typ
makeIntegerAtom :: (Position, IntegerAtomType) -> PartialType
makeIntegerAtom (_, typ) sg [] = IntegerAtom typ sg
makeIntegerAtom (pos, typ) _ _ = unexpectedPackedRanges pos (show typ)
makeNonInteger :: (Position, NonIntegerType) -> PartialType
makeNonInteger (_, typ) Unspecified [] = NonInteger typ
makeNonInteger (pos, typ) sg [] = unexpectedSigning pos sg (show typ)
makeNonInteger (pos, typ) Unspecified _ = unexpectedPackedRanges pos (show typ)
makeComplex :: Token -> ([Range] -> Type) -> (Position, PartialType)
makeComplex (Token _ str pos) tf = (pos, check)
check Unspecified = tf
check sg = unexpectedSigning pos sg str
makeTypeOf :: Token -> Expr -> (Position, PartialType)
makeTypeOf (Token _ _ pos) expr = (pos, check)
typ = TypeOf expr
check Unspecified [] = typ
check Unspecified _ = unexpectedPackedRanges pos (show typ)
check sg [] = unexpectedSigning pos sg (show typ)
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.ParseDecl
, parseDTsAsDeclsOrAsgns
) where
import Data.List (findIndex, findIndices, partition)
import Data.List (findIndex, findIndices, partition, uncons)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens (Position(..))
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ data DeclToken
| DTType Position (Signing -> [Range] -> Type)
| DTNet Position NetType Strength
| DTParams Position [ParamBinding]
| DTInstance Position [PortBinding]
| DTPorts Position [PortBinding]
| DTBit Position Expr
| DTConcat Position [LHS]
| DTStream Position StreamOp Expr [LHS]
......@@ -79,15 +79,17 @@ data DeclToken
-- a non-blocking operator, binary assignment operator, or a timing control
-- because we don't expect to see those assignment operators in declarations
forbidNonEqAsgn :: [DeclToken] -> a -> a
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens =
if any isNonEqAsgn tokens
then error $ "decl tokens contain bad assignment operator: " ++ show tokens
else id
isNonEqAsgn :: DeclToken -> Bool
isNonEqAsgn (DTAsgn _ op mt _) =
op /= AsgnOpEq || mt /= Nothing
isNonEqAsgn _ = False
forbidNonEqAsgn [] = id
forbidNonEqAsgn (tok @ (DTAsgn _ op mt _) : toks) =
if op /= AsgnOpEq then
parseError tok $ "unexpected " ++ opKind
++ " assignment operator in declaration"
else if mt /= Nothing then
parseError tok "unexpected timing modifier in declaration"
forbidNonEqAsgn toks
where opKind = if op == AsgnOpNonBlocking then "non-blocking" else "binary"
forbidNonEqAsgn (_ : toks) = forbidNonEqAsgn toks
-- [PUBLIC]: parser for module port declarations, including interface ports
......@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ parseDTsAsPortDecls pieces =
-- internal parseDTsAsPortDecls after the removal of an optional trailing comma
parseDTsAsPortDecls' :: [DeclToken] -> ([Identifier], [ModuleItem])
parseDTsAsPortDecls' pieces =
forbidNonEqAsgn pieces $
forbidNonEqAsgn pieces `seq`
if isSimpleList
then (simpleIdents, [])
else (portNames declarations, applyAttrs [] pieces declarations)
......@@ -173,10 +175,10 @@ parseDTsAsPortDecls' pieces =
-- parameters) and module instantiations
parseDTsAsModuleItems :: [DeclToken] -> [ModuleItem]
parseDTsAsModuleItems tokens =
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens $
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens `seq`
if isElabTask $ head tokens then
asElabTask tokens
else if any isInstance tokens then
else if any isPorts tokens then
parseDTsAsIntantiations tokens
map (MIPackageItem . Decl) $ parseDTsAsDecl tokens
......@@ -185,80 +187,89 @@ parseDTsAsModuleItems tokens =
isElabTask (DTIdent _ x) = elem x elabTasks
where elabTasks = ["$fatal", "$error", "$warning", "$info"]
isElabTask _ = False
isInstance :: DeclToken -> Bool
isInstance (DTInstance{}) = True
isInstance _ = False
-- internal; approximates the behavior of the elaboration system tasks
asElabTask :: [DeclToken] -> [ModuleItem]
asElabTask [DTIdent _ name, DTInstance _ args] =
asElabTask [DTIdent _ name, DTPorts _ args] =
if name == "$info"
then [] -- just drop them for simplicity
else [Instance "ThisModuleDoesNotExist" [] name' [] args]
where name' = "__sv2v_elab_" ++ tail name
asElabTask [DTIdent pos name] =
asElabTask [DTIdent pos name, DTInstance pos []]
asElabTask [DTIdent pos name, DTPorts pos []]
asElabTask tokens =
error $ "could not parse elaboration system task: " ++ show tokens
-- internal; parser for module instantiations
parseDTsAsIntantiations :: [DeclToken] -> [ModuleItem]
parseDTsAsIntantiations (DTIdent _ name : tokens) =
if not (all isInstanceToken rest)
then error $ "instantiations mixed with other items: " ++ (show rest)
else step rest
parseDTsAsIntantiations (DTIdent _ name : DTParams _ params : tokens) =
step tokens
step :: [DeclToken] -> [ModuleItem]
step [] = error $ "unexpected end of instantiation list: " ++ (show tokens)
step toks =
case (init inst, last inst) of
(DTIdent _ x : ranges, DTInstance _ p) ->
Instance name params x rs p : follow
where rs = map asRange ranges
_ -> failure
step [] = parseError endTok "unexpected end of instantiation list"
step toks = inst : rest
(delimTok, rest) =
if null restToks
then (endTok, [])
else (head restToks, step $ tail restToks)
inst = Instance name params x rs p
(x, rs, p) = parseDTsAsIntantiation instToks delimTok
(instToks, restToks) = break isComma toks
-- TODO: all public interfaces should take the ending token
endTok = last tokens
parseDTsAsIntantiations (DTIdent pos name : tokens) =
parseDTsAsIntantiations $ DTIdent pos name : DTParams pos [] : tokens
parseDTsAsIntantiations tokens =
parseError (head tokens)
"expected module or interface name at beginning of instantiation list"
-- internal; parser for an individual instantiations
parseDTsAsIntantiation :: [DeclToken] -> DeclToken
-> (Identifier, [Range], [PortBinding])
parseDTsAsIntantiation l0 delimTok =
if null l0 then
parseError delimTok "expected instantiation before delimiter"
else if not (isIdent nameTok) then
parseError nameTok "expected instantiation name"
else if null l1 then
parseError delimTok "expected port connections before delimiter"
else if seq ranges not (isPorts portsTok) then
parseError portsTok "expected port connections"
(name, ranges, ports)
(inst, toks') = span (not . isComma) toks
follow = if null toks' then [] else step (tail toks')
Just (nameTok, l1) = uncons l0
rangeToks = init l1
portsTok = last l1
DTIdent _ name = nameTok
DTPorts _ ports = portsTok
ranges = map asRange rangeToks
asRange :: DeclToken -> Range
asRange (DTRange _ (NonIndexed, s)) = s
asRange (DTBit _ s) = (RawNum 0, BinOp Sub s (RawNum 1))
asRange _ = failure
failure = error $ "unrecognized instantiation of " ++ name
++ ": " ++ show inst
(params, rest) =
case head tokens of
DTParams _ ps -> (ps, tail tokens)
_ -> ([], tokens)
isInstanceToken :: DeclToken -> Bool
isInstanceToken (DTInstance{}) = True
isInstanceToken (DTRange{}) = True
isInstanceToken (DTBit{}) = True
isInstanceToken (DTIdent{}) = True
isInstanceToken (DTComma{}) = True
isInstanceToken _ = False
parseDTsAsIntantiations tokens =
error $
"DeclTokens contain instantiations, but start with non-ident: "
++ (show tokens)
asRange tok = parseError tok "expected instantiation dimensions"
-- [PUBLIC]: parser for generic, comma-separated declarations
parseDTsAsDecls :: [DeclToken] -> [Decl]
parseDTsAsDecls tokens =
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens $
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens `seq`
concat $ map finalize $ parseDTsAsComponents tokens
-- [PUBLIC]: used for "single" declarations, i.e., declarations appearing
-- internal; used for "single" declarations, i.e., declarations appearing
-- outside of a port list
parseDTsAsDecl :: [DeclToken] -> [Decl]
parseDTsAsDecl tokens =
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens $
if length components /= 1
then error $ "too many declarations: " ++ (show tokens)
then parseError tok $ "unexpected comma-separated declarations"
else finalize $ head components
where components = parseDTsAsComponents tokens
components = parseDTsAsComponents tokens
_ : (pos, _, _) : _ = components
tok = DTComma pos
-- [PUBLIC]: parser for single block item declarations or assign or arg-less
......@@ -274,7 +285,7 @@ parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt tokens =
pos = tokPos $ last tokens
stmt = case last tokens of
DTAsgn _ op mt e -> Asgn op mt lhs e
DTInstance _ args -> asSubroutine lhsToks (instanceToArgs args)
DTPorts _ ports -> asSubroutine lhsToks (portsToArgs ports)
_ -> asSubroutine tokens (Args [] [])
lhsToks = init tokens
lhs = case takeLHS lhsToks of
......@@ -301,8 +312,8 @@ asSubroutine tokens =
Nothing -> error $ "invalid block item decl or stmt: " ++ show tokens
-- converts port bindings to call args
instanceToArgs :: [PortBinding] -> Args
instanceToArgs bindings =
portsToArgs :: [PortBinding] -> Args
portsToArgs bindings =
Args pnArgs kwArgs
(pnBindings, kwBindings) = partition (null . fst) bindings
......@@ -313,7 +324,7 @@ instanceToArgs bindings =
-- is only used for `for` loop initialization lists
parseDTsAsDeclsOrAsgns :: [DeclToken] -> Either [Decl] [(LHS, Expr)]
parseDTsAsDeclsOrAsgns tokens =
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens $
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens `seq`
if hasLeadingAsgn || tripLookahead tokens
then Right $ parseDTsAsAsgns tokens
else Left $ map checkDecl $ parseDTsAsDecls tokens
......@@ -376,24 +387,23 @@ takeLHSStep _ _ = Nothing
-- batches together separate declaration lists
type DeclBase = Direction -> Identifier -> [Range] -> Expr -> Decl
type DeclBase = Identifier -> [Range] -> Expr -> Decl
type Triplet = (Identifier, [Range], Expr)
type Component = (Direction, DeclBase, [Triplet])
finalize :: (Position, Component) -> [Decl]
finalize (pos, (dir, base, trips)) =
type Component = (Position, DeclBase, [Triplet])
finalize :: Component -> [Decl]
finalize (pos, base, trips) =
CommentDecl ("Trace: " ++ show pos) :
map (\(x, a, e) -> base dir x a e) trips
map (\(x, a, e) -> base x a e) trips
-- internal; entrypoint of the critical portion of our parser
parseDTsAsComponents :: [DeclToken] -> [(Position, Component)]
parseDTsAsComponents :: [DeclToken] -> [Component]
parseDTsAsComponents [] = []
parseDTsAsComponents tokens =
(position, component) : parseDTsAsComponents tokens'
(position, component, tokens') = parseDTsAsComponent tokens
component : parseDTsAsComponents tokens'
where (component, tokens') = parseDTsAsComponent tokens
parseDTsAsComponent :: [DeclToken] -> (Position, Component, [DeclToken])
parseDTsAsComponent :: [DeclToken] -> (Component, [DeclToken])
parseDTsAsComponent [] = error "parseDTsAsComponent unexpected end of tokens"
parseDTsAsComponent l0 =
if l /= Nothing && l /= Just Automatic then
......@@ -402,7 +412,7 @@ parseDTsAsComponent l0 =
error $ "declaration(s) missing type information: "
++ show (position, tps)
(position, component, l6)
(component, l6)
(dir, l1) = takeDir l0
(l , l2) = takeLifetime l1
......@@ -410,8 +420,9 @@ parseDTsAsComponent l0 =
(tf , l4) = takeType l3
(rs , l5) = takeRanges l4
(tps, l6) = takeTrips l5 True
component = (dir, von $ tf rs, tps)
position = tokPos $ head l0
base = von dir $ tf rs
component = (position, base, tps)
takeTrips :: [DeclToken] -> Bool -> ([Triplet], [DeclToken])
takeTrips [] True = error "incomplete declaration"
......@@ -461,12 +472,12 @@ takeLifetime :: [DeclToken] -> (Maybe Lifetime, [DeclToken])
takeLifetime (DTLifetime _ l : rest) = (Just l, rest)
takeLifetime rest = (Nothing, rest)
takeVarOrNet :: [DeclToken] -> (Type -> DeclBase, [DeclToken])
takeVarOrNet (DTConst _ : DTConst pos : _) =
error $ "unexpected const after const at " ++ show pos
takeVarOrNet :: [DeclToken] -> (Direction -> Type -> DeclBase, [DeclToken])
takeVarOrNet (DTConst{} : tok @ DTConst{} : _) =
parseError tok "duplicate const modifier"
takeVarOrNet (DTConst _ : tokens) = takeVarOrNet tokens
takeVarOrNet (DTNet _ n s : tokens) = (\t d -> Net d n s t, tokens)
takeVarOrNet tokens = (flip Variable, tokens)
takeVarOrNet (DTNet _ n s : tokens) = (\d -> Net d n s, tokens)
takeVarOrNet tokens = (Variable, tokens)
takeType :: [DeclToken] -> ([Range] -> Type, [DeclToken])
takeType (DTIdent _ a : DTDot _ b : rest) = (InterfaceT a b , rest)
......@@ -488,8 +499,8 @@ takeType (DTIdent pos tn : rest) =
(_, Nothing) -> True
-- if comma is first, then this ident is a declaration
(Just a, Just b) -> a < b
takeType (DTVar _ : DTVar pos : _) =
error $ "unexpected var after var at " ++ show pos
takeType (DTVar{} : tok @ DTVar{} : _) =
parseError tok "duplicate var modifier"
takeType (DTVar _ : rest) =
case tf [] of
Implicit sg [] -> (IntegerVector TLogic sg, rest')
......@@ -549,6 +560,10 @@ isComma :: DeclToken -> Bool
isComma (DTComma{}) = True
isComma _ = False
isPorts :: DeclToken -> Bool
isPorts DTPorts{} = True
isPorts _ = False
tokPos :: DeclToken -> Position
tokPos (DTComma p) = p
tokPos (DTAutoDim p) = p
......@@ -563,7 +578,7 @@ tokPos (DTDir p _) = p
tokPos (DTType p _) = p
tokPos (DTNet p _ _) = p
tokPos (DTParams p _) = p
tokPos (DTInstance p _) = p
tokPos (DTPorts p _) = p
tokPos (DTBit p _) = p
tokPos (DTConcat p _) = p
tokPos (DTStream p _ _ _) = p
......@@ -571,3 +586,7 @@ tokPos (DTDot p _) = p
tokPos (DTSigning p _) = p
tokPos (DTLifetime p _) = p
tokPos (DTAttr p _) = p
parseError :: DeclToken -> String -> a
parseError tok msg = error $ show pos ++ ": Parse error: " ++ msg
where pos = tokPos tok
// pattern: unexpected packed range\(s\) applied to byte
module top;
byte [1:0] x;
// pattern: const_const\.sv:3:11: Parse error: duplicate const modifier
module top;
const const logic x = 1'b1;
// pattern: decl_binop_asgn\.sv:3:13: Parse error: unexpected binary assignment operator in declaration
module top;
logic x += 1;
// pattern: decl_delay_asgn\.sv:3:13: Parse error: unexpected timing modifier in declaration
module top;
logic x = #1 1;
// pattern: decl_delay_asgn_init\.sv:4:24: Parse error: unexpected timing modifier in declaration
module top;
for (integer x = #1 1; 1; x++)
// pattern: decl_delay_asgn_package\.sv:3:13: Parse error: unexpected timing modifier in declaration
package P;
logic x = #1 1;
module top;
import P::*;
// pattern: decl_delay_asgn_port\.sv:3:14: Parse error: unexpected timing modifier in declaration
module top(
output x = #1 1
// pattern: decl_non_blocking_asgn\.sv:3:13: Parse error: unexpected non-blocking assignment operator in declaration
module top;
logic x <= 1;
// pattern: unexpected signed applied to enum
module top;
enum {
A, B
} signed x;
// pattern: instantiation_extra_comma\.sv:3:18: Parse error: expected instantiation before delimiter
module top;
example a(), , b();
// pattern: instantiation_missing_ports\.sv:3:14: Parse error: expected port connections before delimiter
module top;
example a, c();
// pattern: instantiation_no_label\.sv:3:13: Parse error: expected instantiation name
module top;
example ();
// pattern: instantiation_no_module\.sv:3:5: Parse error: expected module or interface name at beginning of instantiation list
module top;
, ();
// pattern: instantiation_not_ports\.sv:3:15: Parse error: expected port connections
module top;
example a b, c();
// pattern: instantiation_not_range\.sv:3:15: Parse error: expected instantiation dimensions
module top;
example a b();
// pattern: instantiation_trailing_comma\.sv:3:16: Parse error: unexpected end of instantiation list
module top;
example a(), ;
// pattern: Parse error: unexpected comma-separated declarations
module top;
integer x, byte y;
// pattern: Parse error: unexpected comma-separated declarations
module top;
initial begin
integer x, byte y;
// pattern: unexpected packed range\(s\) applied to string
module top;
string [1:0] x;
// pattern: unexpected signed applied to string
module top;
string signed x;
// pattern: unexpected packed range\(s\) applied to type\(y\)
module top;
logic y;
var type(y) [1:0] x;
// pattern: unexpected signed applied to type\(y\)
module top;
logic y;
var type(y) signed x;
// pattern: var_var\.sv:3:9: Parse error: duplicate var modifier
module top;
var var x = 1'b1;
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