Commit 69b2e86a by Zachary Snow

remove pattern synonyms which introduced excessive overhead

parent ff166df5
......@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ convertExpr (orig @ (DimsFn FnUnpackedDimensions (Left t))) =
convertExpr (orig @ (DimsFn FnDimensions (Left t))) =
case t of
IntegerAtom{} -> Number "1"
Alias{} -> orig
PSAlias{} -> orig
CSAlias{} -> orig
TypeOf{} -> orig
UnpackedType t' rs ->
......@@ -95,8 +97,10 @@ convertExpr (DimFn f (Left t) (Number str)) =
Just d = dm
r = rs !! (fromIntegral $ d - 1)
isUnresolved :: Type -> Bool
isUnresolved (CSAlias{}) = True
isUnresolved (TypeOf{}) = True
isUnresolved Alias{} = True
isUnresolved PSAlias{} = True
isUnresolved CSAlias{} = True
isUnresolved TypeOf{} = True
isUnresolved _ = False
convertExpr (DimFn f (Left t) d) =
DimFn f (Left t) d
......@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ convertDescription' description =
-- replace, but write down, enum types
traverseType :: Type -> Writer Enums Type
traverseType (Enum (t @ Alias{}) v rs) =
return $ Enum t v rs -- not ready
traverseType (Enum (t @ PSAlias{}) v rs) =
return $ Enum t v rs -- not ready
traverseType (Enum (t @ CSAlias{}) v rs) =
return $ Enum t v rs -- not ready
traverseType (Enum (Implicit sg rl) v rs) =
......@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ collectLHSIdentsM _ = return ()
-- writes down aliased typenames
collectTypenamesM :: Type -> Writer Idents ()
collectTypenamesM (Alias x _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectTypenamesM (PSAlias _ x _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectTypenamesM (CSAlias _ _ x _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectTypenamesM _ = return ()
......@@ -201,14 +201,11 @@ traverseModuleItem _ _ item =
traverseExpr :: Expr -> Expr
traverseExpr (Ident x) = Ident x
traverseExpr (PSIdent x y) = Ident $ x ++ "_" ++ y
traverseExpr other = other
traverseType :: Type -> Type
traverseType (Alias xx rs) = Alias xx rs
traverseType (PSAlias ps xx rs) =
Alias (ps ++ "_" ++ xx) rs
traverseType (PSAlias ps xx rs) = Alias (ps ++ "_" ++ xx) rs
traverseType other = other
-- returns the "name" of a package item, if it has one
......@@ -212,7 +212,9 @@ defaultTag = "_sv2v_default"
-- attempt to convert an expression to syntactically equivalent type
exprToType :: Expr -> Maybe Type
exprToType (CSIdent x p y) = Just $ CSAlias x p y []
exprToType (Ident x) = Just $ Alias x []
exprToType (PSIdent y x) = Just $ PSAlias y x []
exprToType (CSIdent y p x) = Just $ CSAlias y p x []
exprToType (Range e NonIndexed r) =
case exprToType e of
Nothing -> Nothing
......@@ -248,7 +250,6 @@ typeHasQueries =
(collectNestedExprsM collectUnresolvedExprM)
collectUnresolvedExprM :: Expr -> Writer [Expr] ()
collectUnresolvedExprM Ident{} = return ()
collectUnresolvedExprM (expr @ PSIdent{}) = tell [expr]
collectUnresolvedExprM (expr @ CSIdent{}) = tell [expr]
collectUnresolvedExprM (expr @ DimsFn{}) = tell [expr]
......@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ traverseDeclM decl = do
isSimpleExpr :: Expr -> Bool
isSimpleExpr Ident{} = True
isSimpleExpr PSIdent{} = True
isSimpleExpr Number{} = True
isSimpleExpr String{} = True
isSimpleExpr (Dot e _ ) = isSimpleExpr e
......@@ -869,6 +869,8 @@ traverseNestedTypesM :: Monad m => MapperM m Type -> MapperM m Type
traverseNestedTypesM mapper = fullMapper
fullMapper = mapper >=> tm
tm (Alias xx rs) = return $ Alias xx rs
tm (PSAlias ps xx rs) = return $ PSAlias ps xx rs
tm (CSAlias ps pm xx rs) = return $ CSAlias ps pm xx rs
tm (Net kw sg rs) = return $ Net kw sg rs
tm (Implicit sg rs) = return $ Implicit sg rs
......@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ traverseTypeM (Alias st rs1) = do
Struct p l rs2 -> Struct p l $ rs1 ++ rs2
Union p l rs2 -> Union p l $ rs1 ++ rs2
InterfaceT x my rs2 -> InterfaceT x my $ rs1 ++ rs2
Alias xx rs2 -> Alias xx $ rs1 ++ rs2
PSAlias ps xx rs2 -> PSAlias ps xx $ rs1 ++ rs2
CSAlias ps pm xx rs2 -> CSAlias ps pm xx $ rs1 ++ rs2
UnpackedType t rs2 -> UnpackedType t $ rs1 ++ rs2
IntegerAtom kw sg -> nullRange (IntegerAtom kw sg) rs1
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Initial Verilog AST Author: Tom Hawkins <>
......@@ -8,8 +7,6 @@
module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr
( Expr (..)
, pattern Ident
, pattern PSIdent
, Range
, TypeOrExpr
, ExprOrRange
......@@ -50,6 +47,8 @@ data Expr
= String String
| Number String
| Time String
| Ident Identifier
| PSIdent Identifier Identifier
| CSIdent Identifier [ParamBinding] Identifier
| Range Expr PartSelectMode Range
| Bit Expr Expr
......@@ -70,12 +69,6 @@ data Expr
| Nil
deriving (Eq, Ord)
pattern Ident :: Identifier -> Expr
pattern Ident x = PSIdent "" x
pattern PSIdent :: Identifier -> Identifier -> Expr
pattern PSIdent x y = CSIdent x [] y
instance Show Expr where
show (Nil ) = ""
show (Number str ) = str
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Initial Verilog AST Author: Tom Hawkins <>
......@@ -11,8 +10,6 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Type
( Identifier
, Field
, Type (..)
, pattern Alias
, pattern PSAlias
, Signing (..)
, Packing (..)
, NetType (..)
......@@ -45,6 +42,8 @@ data Type
| NonInteger NonIntegerType
| Net NetTypeAndStrength Signing [Range]
| Implicit Signing [Range]
| Alias Identifier [Range]
| PSAlias Identifier Identifier [Range]
| CSAlias Identifier [ParamBinding] Identifier [Range]
| Enum Type [Item] [Range]
| Struct Packing [Field] [Range]
......@@ -54,12 +53,6 @@ data Type
| UnpackedType Type [Range] -- used internally
deriving (Eq, Ord)
pattern Alias :: Identifier -> [Range] -> Type
pattern Alias x rs = PSAlias "" x rs
pattern PSAlias :: Identifier -> Identifier -> [Range] -> Type
pattern PSAlias x y rs = CSAlias x [] y rs
instance Show Type where
show (Alias xx rs) = printf "%s%s" xx (showRanges rs)
show (PSAlias ps xx rs) = printf "%s::%s%s" ps xx (showRanges rs)
......@@ -102,6 +95,8 @@ instance Ord (Signing -> [Range] -> Type) where
compare tf1 tf2 = compare (tf1 Unspecified) (tf2 Unspecified)
typeRanges :: Type -> ([Range] -> Type, [Range])
typeRanges (Alias xx rs) = (Alias xx , rs)
typeRanges (PSAlias ps xx rs) = (PSAlias ps xx , rs)
typeRanges (CSAlias ps pm xx rs) = (CSAlias ps pm xx , rs)
typeRanges (Net kw sg rs) = (Net kw sg, rs)
typeRanges (Implicit sg rs) = (Implicit sg, rs)
......@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ DeclToken :: { DeclToken }
| opt("var") "type" "(" Expr ")" {% posInject \p -> DTType p (\Unspecified -> \[] -> TypeOf $4) }
| "<=" opt(DelayOrEvent) Expr {% posInject \p -> DTAsgn p AsgnOpNonBlocking $2 $3 }
| IncOrDecOperator {% posInject \p -> DTAsgn p (AsgnOp $1) Nothing (Number "1") }
| Identifier "::" Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTCSIdent p $1 [] $3 }
| Identifier "::" Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTPSIdent p $1 $3 }
| Identifier ParamBindings "::" Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTCSIdent p $1 $2 $4 }
DeclTokenAsgn :: { DeclToken }
: "=" opt(DelayOrEvent) Expr {% posInject \p -> DTAsgn p AsgnOpEq $2 $3 }
......@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.ParseDecl
( DeclToken (..)
, pattern DTIdent
, parseDTsAsPortDecls
, parseDTsAsModuleItems
, parseDTsAsDecls
......@@ -58,6 +57,8 @@ data DeclToken
| DTAutoDim Position
| DTAsgn Position AsgnOp (Maybe Timing) Expr
| DTRange Position (PartSelectMode, Range)
| DTIdent Position Identifier
| DTPSIdent Position Identifier Identifier
| DTCSIdent Position Identifier [ParamBinding] Identifier
| DTDir Position Direction
| DTType Position (Signing -> [Range] -> Type)
......@@ -71,9 +72,6 @@ data DeclToken
| DTLifetime Position Lifetime
deriving (Show, Eq)
pattern DTIdent :: Position -> Identifier -> DeclToken
pattern DTIdent p x = DTCSIdent p "" [] x
-- entrypoints besides `parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt` use this to disallow `DTAsgn` with
-- a non-blocking operator, binary assignment operator, or a timing control
-- because we don't expect to see those assignment operators in declarations
......@@ -227,6 +225,10 @@ parseDTsAsDecl tokens =
-- [PUBLIC]: parser for single block item declarations or assign or arg-less
-- subroutine call statements
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt :: [DeclToken] -> ([Decl], [Stmt])
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt [DTIdent pos f] =
([], [traceStmt pos, Subroutine (Ident f) (Args [] [])])
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt [DTPSIdent pos ps f] =
([], [traceStmt pos, Subroutine (PSIdent ps f) (Args [] [])])
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt [DTCSIdent pos ps pm f] =
([], [traceStmt pos, Subroutine (CSIdent ps pm f) (Args [] [])])
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt (DTAsgn pos (AsgnOp op) mt e : tok : toks) =
......@@ -406,6 +408,8 @@ takeType (DTIdent _ a : DTDot _ b : rest) = (InterfaceT a (Just b), rest)
takeType (DTType _ tf : DTSigning _ sg : rest) = (tf sg , rest)
takeType (DTType _ tf : rest) = (tf Unspecified , rest)
takeType (DTSigning _ sg : rest) = (Implicit sg , rest)
takeType (DTPSIdent _ ps tn : rest) = (PSAlias ps tn , rest)
takeType (DTCSIdent _ ps pm tn : rest) = (CSAlias ps pm tn , rest)
takeType (DTIdent pos tn : rest) =
if couldBeTypename
then (Alias tn , rest)
......@@ -419,7 +423,6 @@ takeType (DTIdent pos tn : rest) =
(_, Nothing) -> True
-- if comma is first, then this ident is a declaration
(Just a, Just b) -> a < b
takeType (DTCSIdent _ ps pm tn : rest) = (CSAlias ps pm tn , rest)
takeType rest = (Implicit Unspecified, rest)
takeRanges :: [DeclToken] -> ([Range], [DeclToken])
......@@ -479,6 +482,8 @@ tokPos (DTComma p) = p
tokPos (DTAutoDim p) = p
tokPos (DTAsgn p _ _ _) = p
tokPos (DTRange p _) = p
tokPos (DTIdent p _) = p
tokPos (DTPSIdent p _ _) = p
tokPos (DTCSIdent p _ _ _) = p
tokPos (DTDir p _) = p
tokPos (DTType p _) = p
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