Commit 68b6eae4 by Zachary Snow

updated documentation

parent 36db47fa
......@@ -43,14 +43,16 @@ You must have [Stack] installed to build sv2v.
git clone
git clone
cd sv2v
stack setup
This creates the executable at `./bin/sv2v`. You can install the binary by
running `stack install`.
This creates the executable at `./bin/sv2v`. Stack takes care of installing
exact (compatible) versions of the compiler and sv2v's build dependencies.
You can install the binary to your local bin path (typically `~/.local/bin`) by
running `stack install`, or copy over the executable manually.
## Usage
......@@ -75,6 +77,17 @@ Common flags:
## Supported Features
sv2v supports most synthesizable SystemVerilog features. Current notable
exceptions include `package`/`import`/`export`, interfaces _with parameter
bindings_, and complex (non-identifier) `modport` expressions. Assertions are
also supported, but are simply dropped during conversion.
If you find a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue. Preference
will be given to issues which include examples or test cases.
## SystemVerilog Frontend
This project contains a preprocessor and lexer, a parser, and an abstract syntax
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ defaultJob = Job
, define = def &= typ "NAME[=VALUE]" &= help "define a macro for preprocessing"
&= program "sv2v"
&= summary "sv2v v0.0.1, (C) Zachary Snow 2019, Tom Hawkins, 2011-2015"
&= summary "sv2v v0.0.1, (C) 2019 Zachary Snow, 2011-2015 Tom Hawkins"
&= details [ "sv2v converts SystemVerilog to Verilog."
, "More info:" ]
......@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
These tests are borrowed from Reid Long's [HDL Examples
repository]( That repository was
intended to provide examples for how the conversions in this project could be
done. sv2v does not necessarily convert code as demonstrated in the examples.
Notably, sv2v does not create `generate` blocks when converted vectors with
multiple packed dimensions, uses `localparam`s rather than macros for `enum`
conversion, and converts `struct` literals to concatenations, rather than
multiple statements.
Each test case (say, "foo") is comprised of the following files:
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