Commit 64a2610b by Zachary Snow

explicitly default function input types to

parent 4c49bd11
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ ModuleItem :: { [ModuleItem] }
| "genvar" Identifiers ";" { map Genvar $2 }
| "generate" GenItems "endgenerate" { [Generate $2] }
| "modport" ModportItems ";" { map (uncurry Modport) $2 }
| "function" opt(Lifetime) FuncRetAndName FunctionItems DeclsAndStmts "endfunction" opt(Tag) { [Function $2 (fst $3) (snd $3) ($4 ++ fst $5) (snd $5)] }
| "function" opt(Lifetime) FuncRetAndName FunctionItems DeclsAndStmts "endfunction" opt(Tag) { [Function $2 (fst $3) (snd $3) (map defaultFuncInput $ $4 ++ fst $5) (snd $5)] }
FuncRetAndName :: { (Type, Identifier) }
: {- empty -} Identifier { (Implicit [], $1) }
......@@ -616,4 +616,9 @@ makeInput :: Decl -> Decl
makeInput (Variable _ t x a me) = Variable Input t x a me
makeInput other = error $ "unexpected non-var decl: " ++ (show other)
defaultFuncInput :: Decl -> Decl
defaultFuncInput (Variable Input (Implicit rs) x a me) =
Variable Input (Logic rs) x a me
defaultFuncInput other = other
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