Commit 5d02b918 by Zachary Snow

fix inside and wildcard equality conversions

- handle cases where wildcard equality short-circuits to 0
- move checking for extraneous X/Z to wildcard conversion
- add exhaustive test coverage
parent 99428b2f
......@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
- Conversion for `inside` expressions and cases
- The expressions are compared to each candidate using the wildcard comparison
- operator. Note that if expression has any Xs or Zs that are not wildcarded in
- the candidate, the results is `1'bx`. As required by the specification, the
- result of each comparison is combined using an OR reduction.
- The expressions are compared to each candidate using `==?`, the wildcard
- comparison. As required by the specification, the result of each comparison
- is combined using an OR reduction.
- `case ... inside` statements are converted to an equivalent if-else cascade.
......@@ -41,15 +40,8 @@ convertExpr (Inside expr valueRanges) =
checks = map toCheck valueRanges
toCheck :: ExprOrRange -> Expr
toCheck (Left e) =
(BinOp TNe rxr lxlxrxr)
(Number "1'bx")
(BinOp WEq expr e)
lxl = BinOp BitXor expr expr
rxr = BinOp BitXor e e
lxlxrxr = BinOp BitXor lxl rxr
toCheck (Left pattern) =
BinOp WEq expr pattern
toCheck (Right (lo, hi)) =
BinOp LogAnd
(BinOp Le lo expr)
......@@ -4,9 +4,15 @@
- Conversion for `==?` and `!=?`
- `a ==? b` is defined as the bitwise comparison of `a` and `b`, where X and Z
- values in `b` (but not those in `a`) are used as wildcards. We convert `a ==?
- b` to `a ^ b === b ^ b`. This works because any value xor'ed with X or Z
- becomes X.
- values in `b` (but not those in `a`) are used as wildcards. This conversion
- relies on the fact that works because any value xor'ed with X or Z becomes X.
- Procedure for `A ==? B`:
- 1. If there is any bit in A that doesn't match a non-wildcarded bit in B,
- then the result is always `1'b0`.
- 2. If there is any X or Z in A that is not wildcarded in B, then the result
- is `1'bx`.
- 3. Otherwise, the result is `1'b1`.
- `!=?` is simply converted as the logical negation of `==?`, which is
- converted as described above.
......@@ -25,9 +31,19 @@ convert =
convertExpr :: Expr -> Expr
convertExpr (BinOp WEq l r) =
BinOp TEq
(BinOp BitXor r r)
(BinOp BitXor r l)
Mux noteq (Number "1'b0") $
Mux badxs (Number "1'bx")
(Number "1'b1")
lxl = BinOp BitXor l l
rxr = BinOp BitXor r r
-- Step #1: definitive mismatch
noteq = BinOp TNe rxlxl lxrxr
rxlxl = BinOp BitXor r lxl
lxrxr = BinOp BitXor l rxr
-- Step #2: extra X or Z
badxs = BinOp TNe lxlxrxr rxr
lxlxrxr = BinOp BitXor lxl rxr
convertExpr (BinOp WNe l r) =
UniOp LogNot $
convertExpr $
module Suite;
parameter WIDTH = 1;
`include "inside_exhaust.vh"
function [0:0] test_weq;
input [WIDTH-1:0] x, y;
return x ==? y;
function [0:0] test_inside;
input [WIDTH-1:0] x, y, z;
return x inside {y, z};
module top;
Suite #(1) a();
Suite #(2) b();
Suite #(3) c();
module Suite;
parameter WIDTH = 1;
`include "inside_exhaust.vh"
function [0:0] test_weq;
input [WIDTH-1:0] x, y;
integer idx;
test_weq = 1'b1;
for (idx = 0; idx < WIDTH; idx = idx + 1) begin
if (y[idx] === 1'bx || y[idx] === 1'bz)
else if (x[idx] === 1'bx || x[idx] === 1'bz)
test_weq = 1'bx;
else if (y[idx] !== x[idx]) begin
test_weq = 1'b0;
idx = WIDTH;
function [0:0] test_inside;
input [WIDTH-1:0] x, y, z;
test_inside = |{test_weq(x, y), test_weq(x, z)};
module top;
Suite #(1) a();
Suite #(2) b();
Suite #(3) c();
function [WIDTH-1:0] incr;
input [WIDTH-1:0] inp;
reg carry;
integer idx;
carry = 1;
idx = 0;
while (carry) begin
carry = 0;
if (inp[idx] === 1'b0)
inp[idx] = 1'b1;
else if (inp[idx] === 1'b1)
inp[idx] = 1'bx;
else if (inp[idx] === 1'bx)
inp[idx] = 1'bz;
else begin
inp[idx] = 1'b0;
idx = idx + 1;
carry = idx < WIDTH;
incr = inp;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, c;
initial begin : x
integer i, j, k;
a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4**WIDTH; ++i) begin
for (j = 0; j < 4**WIDTH; ++j) begin
$display("%b ==? %b = 1'b%b",
a, b, test_weq(a, b));
for (k = 0; k < 4**WIDTH; ++k) begin
$display("%b inside {%b, %b} = 1'b%b",
a, b, c, test_inside(a, b, c));
c = incr(c);
b = incr(b);
a = incr(a);
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