Commit 527b59ff by Zachary Snow

upgrade iverilog to lastest on v11-branch

Workarounds for resolved iverilog issues have been removed.
parent 44c2e870
......@@ -40,31 +40,33 @@ jobs:
- ubuntu-20.04
- macOS-10.15
needs: build
IVERILOG_REF: 066eb0aca76f5bde06c63d67e605c07ef9f8be23
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Install Dependencies (macOS)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: brew install shunit2 icarus-verilog
run: |
brew install shunit2 bison autoconf
echo "$(brew --prefix bison)/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- name: Install Dependencies (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: sudo apt-get install -y shunit2 flex bison autoconf gperf
- name: Cache iverilog (Linux)
- name: Cache iverilog
uses: actions/cache@v2
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
path: ~/.local
key: ${{ runner.OS }}-iverilog-11_0
restore-keys: ${{ runner.OS }}-iverilog-11_0
- name: Install iverilog (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
key: ${{ runner.OS }}-${{ env.IVERILOG_REF }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.OS }}-${{ env.IVERILOG_REF }}
- name: Install iverilog
run: |
if [ ! -e "$HOME/.local/bin/iverilog" ]; then
curl -L > iverilog.tar.gz
tar -xzf iverilog.tar.gz
cd iverilog-11_0
git clone
cd iverilog
git checkout ${{ env.IVERILOG_REF }}
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local
make -j2
make install
cd ..
wire [3:0][2:0] arr1 [0:1];
wire [0:1][3:0][2:0] arr2;
module top;
wire [3:0][2:0] arr1 [0:1];
wire [0:1][3:0][2:0] arr2;
assign arr1[0][0] = 3'b001;
assign arr1[0][1] = 3'b011;
assign arr1[0][2] = 3'b100;
assign arr1[0][3] = 3'b010;
assign arr1[1][0] = 3'b110;
assign arr1[1][1] = 3'b100;
assign arr1[1][2] = 3'b010;
assign arr1[1][3] = 3'b101;
assign arr1[0][0] = 3'b001;
assign arr1[0][1] = 3'b011;
assign arr1[0][2] = 3'b100;
assign arr1[0][3] = 3'b010;
assign arr1[1][0] = 3'b110;
assign arr1[1][1] = 3'b100;
assign arr1[1][2] = 3'b010;
assign arr1[1][3] = 3'b101;
assign arr2[0][0] = arr1[0][0];
assign arr2[0][1] = arr1[0][1];
assign arr2[0][3:2] = arr1[0][3:2];
assign arr2[1][0+:2] = arr1[1][0+:2];
assign arr2[1][3-:2] = arr1[1][3-:2];
......@@ -2,28 +2,20 @@
module mod;
initial $dumpvars(0, mod);
// needed because of steveicarus/iverilog#528
`ifdef __ICARUS__
`define BEGIN(name) begin : name
`define END end
`define BEGIN(name)
`define END
parameter genblk2 = 0;
genvar i;
// The following generate block is implicitly named genblk1
if (genblk2) `BEGIN(genblk1) logic a; `END // mod.genblk1.a
else `BEGIN(genblk1) logic b; `END // mod.genblk1.b
if (genblk2) logic a; // mod.genblk1.a
else logic b; // mod.genblk1.b
// The following generate block is implicitly named genblk02
// as genblk2 is already a declared identifier
if (genblk2) `BEGIN(genblk02) logic a; `END // mod.genblk02.a
else `BEGIN(genblk02) logic b; `END // mod.genblk02.b
if (genblk2) logic a; // mod.genblk02.a
else logic b; // mod.genblk02.b
// The following generate block would have been named genblk3
// but is explicitly named g1
......@@ -31,7 +23,7 @@ module mod;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) begin : g1 // block name
// The following generate block is implicitly named genblk1
// as the first nested scope inside g1
if (1) `BEGIN(genblk1) logic a; `END // mod.g1[0].genblk1.a
if (1) logic a; // mod.g1[0].genblk1.a
// The following generate block is implicitly named genblk4 since
......@@ -39,14 +31,13 @@ module mod;
// The previous generate block would have been
// named genblk3 if it had not been explicitly named g1
for (i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1) `BEGIN(genblk4)
for (i = 0; i < 1; i = i + 1)
// The following generate block is implicitly named genblk1
// as the first nested generate block in genblk4
if (1) `BEGIN(genblk1) logic a; `END // mod.genblk4[0].genblk1.a
if (1) logic a; // mod.genblk4[0].genblk1.a
// The following generate block is implicitly named genblk5
if (1) `BEGIN(genblk5) logic a; `END // mod.genblk5.a
if (1) logic a; // mod.genblk5.a
module top;
module example;
parameter P = 0;
// needed because of steveicarus/iverilog#528
`ifdef __ICARUS__
`define BEGIN begin : `BLK
`define END end
`define BEGIN
`define END
`define BLK genblk1
if (P == 1) `BEGIN integer w = 1; `END
else if (P == 2) `BEGIN integer x = 2; `END
else if (P == 3) `BEGIN integer y = 3; `END
else `BEGIN integer z = 9; `END
if (P == 1) integer w = 1;
else if (P == 2) integer x = 2;
else if (P == 3) integer y = 3;
else integer z = 9;
`undef BLK
`define BLK genblk2
case (P)
1 : `BEGIN integer w = 1; `END
2 : `BEGIN integer x = 2; `END
3 : `BEGIN integer y = 3; `END
default: `BEGIN integer z = 9; `END
1 : integer w = 1;
2 : integer x = 2;
3 : integer y = 3;
default: integer z = 9;
`undef BLK
`define BLK genblk3
if (1) `BEGIN wire a = 1; `END
if (1) wire a = 1;
module top;
module top;
`include "multipack_prec.vh"
assign arr2[0][0] = arr1[0][0];
assign arr2[0][1] = arr1[0][1];
assign arr2[0][3:2] = arr1[0][3:2];
assign arr2[1][0+:2] = arr1[1][0+:2];
assign arr2[1][3-:2] = arr1[1][3-:2];
module top;
`include "multipack_prec.vh"
assign arr2[0][0] = arr1[0][0];
assign arr2[0][1] = arr1[0][1];
assign arr2[0][3:2] = arr1[0][3:2];
// ideally we'd use the original as the reference, but the slices in the
// original fail due to steveicarus/iverilog#97
assign arr2[1][1:0] = arr1[1][1:0];
assign arr2[1][3:2] = arr1[1][3:2];
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ simulate() {
iv_output=`iverilog \
-Wall \
-Wno-select-range \
-Wno-portbind \
-o $sim_prog \
-g2005 \
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