Commit 52197df3 by Zachary Snow

add bugpoint mode

This mode reduces the size of test cases that encounter conversion
errors or produce incorrect output. The logic developed slowly over the
past three years. It is in a state that I find useful when fielding bug
reports, but has some room for improvement in terms of constraints and
parent 73a9cc67
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* Added parsing support for `not`, `strong`, `weak`, `nexttime`, and
`s_nexttime` in assertion property expressions
* Added `--bugpoint` utility for minimizing test cases for issue submission
### Bug Fixes
......@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ Other:
number literals (e.g., 'h1_ffff_ffff, 4294967296)
--dump-prefix=PATH Create intermediate output files with the given
path prefix; used for internal debugging
--bugpoint=SUBSTR Reduce the input by pruning modules, wires, etc.,
that aren't needed to produce the given output or
error substring when converted
--help Display this help message
--version Print version information
--numeric-version Print just the version number
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Utility for reducing test cases that cause conversion errors or otherwise
- produce unexpected output.
module Bugpoint (runBugpoint) where
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Control.Exception (catches, ErrorCall(..), Handler(..), PatternMatchFail(..))
import Control.Monad (when, (>=>))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import qualified Convert.RemoveComments
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
runBugpoint :: [String] -> ([AST] -> IO [AST]) -> [AST] -> IO [AST]
runBugpoint expected converter =
fmap pure . runBugpoint' expected converter' . concat
converter' :: AST -> IO AST
converter' = fmap concat . converter . pure
runBugpoint' :: [String] -> (AST -> IO AST) -> AST -> IO AST
runBugpoint' expected converter ast = do
ast' <- runBugpointPass expected converter ast
if ast == ast'
then out "done minimizing" >> return ast
else runBugpoint' expected converter ast'
out :: String -> IO ()
out = hPutStrLn stderr . ("bugpoint: " ++)
-- run the given converter and return the conversion failure if any or the
-- converted output otherwise
extractConversionResult :: (AST -> IO AST) -> AST -> IO String
extractConversionResult converter asts =
catches runner
[ Handler handleErrorCall
, Handler handlePatternMatchFail
runner = converter asts <&> show
handleErrorCall (ErrorCall str) = return str
handlePatternMatchFail (PatternMatchFail str) = return str
runBugpointPass :: [String] -> (AST -> IO AST) -> AST -> IO AST
runBugpointPass expected converter ast = do
out $ "beginning pass with " ++ (show $ length $ show ast) ++ " characters"
matches <- oracle ast
when (not matches) $
out ("doesn't match expected strings: " ++ show expected) >> exitFailure
let ast' = concat $ Convert.RemoveComments.convert [ast]
matches' <- oracle ast'
minimizeContainer oracle minimizeDescription "<design>" id $
if matches' then ast' else ast
oracle :: AST -> IO Bool
oracle = fmap check . extractConversionResult converter
check :: String -> Bool
check = flip all expected . flip isInfixOf
type Oracle t = t -> IO Bool
type Minimizer t = Oracle t -> t -> IO t
-- given a subsequence-verifying oracle, a strategy for minimizing within
-- elements of the sequence, a name for debugging, a constructor for the
-- container, and the elements within the container, produce a minimized version
-- of the container
minimizeContainer :: forall a b. (Show a, Show b)
=> Oracle a -> Minimizer b -> String -> ([b] -> a) -> [b] -> IO a
minimizeContainer oracle minimizer name constructor =
stepFilter 0 [] >=>
stepRecurse [] >=>
return . constructor
oracle' :: Oracle [b]
oracle' = oracle . constructor
stepFilter :: Int -> [b] -> [b] -> IO [b]
stepFilter 0 [] pending = stepFilter (length pending) [] pending
stepFilter 1 need [] = return need
stepFilter width need [] =
stepFilter (max 1 $ width `div` 4) [] need
stepFilter width need pending = do
matches <- oracle' $ need ++ rest
if matches
then out msg >> stepFilter width need rest
else stepFilter width (need ++ curr) rest
(curr, rest) = splitAt width pending
msg = "removed " ++ show (length curr) ++ " items from " ++ name
stepRecurse :: [b] -> [b] -> IO [b]
stepRecurse before [] = return before
stepRecurse before (isolated : after) = do
isolated' <- minimizer oracleRecurse isolated
stepRecurse (before ++ [isolated']) after
where oracleRecurse = (oracle' $) . (before ++) . (: after)
minimizeDescription :: Minimizer Description
minimizeDescription oracle (Package lifetime name items) =
minimizeContainer oracle (const return) name constructor items
where constructor = Package lifetime name
minimizeDescription oracle (Part att ext kw lif name ports items) =
minimizeContainer oracle minimizeModuleItem name constructor items
where constructor = Part att ext kw lif name ports
minimizeDescription _ other = return other
minimizeModuleItem :: Minimizer ModuleItem
minimizeModuleItem oracle (Generate items) =
minimizeContainer oracle minimizeGenItem "<generate>" Generate items
minimizeModuleItem _ item = return item
minimizeGenItem :: Minimizer GenItem
minimizeGenItem _ GenNull = return GenNull
minimizeGenItem oracle item = do
matches <- oracle GenNull
if matches
then out "removed generate item" >> return GenNull
else minimizeGenItem' oracle item
minimizeGenItem' :: Minimizer GenItem
minimizeGenItem' oracle (GenModuleItem item) =
minimizeModuleItem (oracle . GenModuleItem) item <&> GenModuleItem
minimizeGenItem' oracle (GenIf c t f) = do
t' <- minimizeGenItem (oracle . flip (GenIf c) f) t
f' <- minimizeGenItem (oracle . GenIf c t') f
return $ GenIf c t' f'
minimizeGenItem' _ (GenBlock _ []) = return GenNull
minimizeGenItem' oracle (GenBlock name items) =
minimizeContainer oracle minimizeGenItem' name constructor items
where constructor = GenBlock name
minimizeGenItem' oracle (GenFor a b c item) =
minimizeGenItem (oracle . constructor) item <&> constructor
where constructor = GenFor a b c
minimizeGenItem' oracle (GenCase expr cases) =
minimizeContainer oracle minimizeGenCase "<case>" constructor cases
where constructor = GenCase expr
minimizeGenItem' _ GenNull = return GenNull
minimizeGenCase :: Minimizer GenCase
minimizeGenCase oracle (exprs, item) =
minimizeGenItem' (oracle . constructor) item <&> constructor
where constructor = (exprs,)
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ data Job = Job
, top :: [String]
, oversizedNumbers :: Bool
, dumpPrefix :: FilePath
, bugpoint :: [String]
} deriving (Typeable, Data)
version :: String
......@@ -101,6 +102,10 @@ defaultJob = Job
, dumpPrefix = def &= name "dump-prefix" &= explicit &= typ "PATH"
&= help ("Create intermediate output files with the given path prefix;"
++ " used for internal debugging")
, bugpoint = nam_ "bugpoint" &= typ "SUBSTR"
&= help ("Reduce the input by pruning modules, wires, etc., that"
++ " aren't needed to produce the given output or error substring"
++ " when converted")
&= program "sv2v"
&= summary ("sv2v " ++ version)
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Control.Monad (when, zipWithM_)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT)
import Data.List (nub)
import Bugpoint (runBugpoint)
import Convert (convert)
import Job (readJob, Job(..), Write(..))
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
......@@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ main = do
asts' <-
if passThrough job then
return asts
else if bugpoint job /= [] then
runBugpoint (bugpoint job) converter asts
converter asts
emptyWarnings (concat asts) (concat asts')
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ executable sv2v
-- sv2v CLI modules
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ The remaining test suites have a custom `` that defines a list of test
procedures that may not correspond directly to the other files in the folder.
Many of these suites test a particular feature of the sv2v CLI.
* `bugpoint` tests `--bugpoint`
* `define` tests `-D`/`--define`
* `dump` tests `--dump-prefix`
* `help` ensures the `--help` output in the README is up to date
package P;
localparam A = 4;
module top;
if (1) generate
logic [P::A - 1:0] w;
case (1)
1: generate
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i += 1) generate
assign y = $bits(genblk1.w);
assign z = y;
`default_nettype none
package P;
localparam A = 4;
localparam B = 5;
`default_nettype wire
module top;
if (1) logic [P::A-1:0] w;
assign x = 0;
case (1)
for (genvar i = 0; i < 1; i++)
assign y = $bits(genblk1.w);
assign z = y;
module extra;
assign a = 0;
test_basic() {
runAndCapture --bugpoint="y = 4" --bugpoint="z = y" \
--top top -w $out
assertTrue "bugpoint conversion should succeed" $result
assertNull "stdout should be empty" "$stdout"
assertNotNull "stderr should not be empty" "$stderr"
sed -i.bak -E 's/\t/ /g' $out
echo >> $out
diff --unified $out
assertTrue "minimized output doesn't match" $?
source ../lib/
. shunit2
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